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Just Joshin'

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Everything posted by Just Joshin'

  1. They get their day in court then this.......
  2. I am not sure what amazes me more - that the remark was made or some on here think it was OK.
  3. Really - wow, seems common. I have flown International quite a bit for work. When we had consultants on same flight who had to fly to fly coach while the company flew business. When I went left to business class they went right to coach and commented on "back of the bus".
  4. Yes I will sound like old guy but this is another symptom of the "me first" attitude society has been evolving towards. It only matters what is the impact on me, ignoring the impact on others or the society as a whole.
  5. After Morse, he will be the most important FA signing.
  6. We already have an injury prone TE with Kroft, so no thanks. He is talented when on the field but can't stay on to deliver.
  7. Correct - how do we know the algorithm is correct? There are always potential bias built into the logic. People assume the algorithm is right which is not true.
  8. Does not hold well for the future. What happens when a real struggle is presented like when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor?
  9. I think you mean the Montreal Des Rayons.
  10. With the new tax laws this may not be true. I suspect his deductions phase out at his income level.
  11. First he will make the 53 - that he would not makes zero sense. Just to understand, a player can not get better year to year or return to form. Not true but interesting.
  12. He just donated 25k in Maine. Yes it is nice and should be appreciated. No it is not massive IMO.
  13. Surprised a trade is not in works unless Pats think he will stay post BB.
  14. Some articles have concluded that the clause is unenforceable and has been ruled such previously. The wild card here is that the Pats used the tampering as the way to get the Texans to back off. If he was their guy they needed to grow a pair or continued to be beat by the Pats.
  15. Of course he is not a starter, the season has not started yet.
  16. Use this to help decide what kind of sausage: I hope you went all in and also got rolls.
  17. For food go to Martin's for BBQ, Arnold's for a meat and three and Biscuit Love for breakfast.
  18. So the last day was not cancelled. Instead of meetings/practice they did meetings/team building. Seems like a lot of noise over little impact to the season.
  19. I would like to try but think getting 12 schedules aligned will be a challenge.
  20. To the original question: Yes, some would as human nature will cover all outcomes. Most would be adults and not do so. The media would cover the vocal few and paint all Bills fans with the same brush.
  21. I like that the Bills are out in front on how to announce player signings via social media vs an old fashioned news release. Cutting edge.
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