Was there a few years ago to visit the harbor area - very nice.
I was seriously considering running red lights on the way as I was in a brand new, expensive car.
Bandit - nice work overall. The above were my thoughts also on where you may be wrong.
I think Beane likes his draft picks to make the team year 1 before cutting if possible.
Yeldon is a better back than Murphy. If they want ST from back, then Perry is the man.
The Bills have a free spot - why would they not use it? The real question is to use the free spot or put him on the normal practice squad. The free spot means he will not play this year, normal leaves the potential to be called to the 53. I am betting the free spot.
I get that it is a great story but it is not in the best interest of the Bills to make him the 4th RB this year.
After a year on the practice squad learning the game and its fine points, I think he may be a great backup for Devin. Just not this year.
I used to think the same until I got into one. It is fun and adds some excitement to games other than the Bills. It is innocent fun with no downside.
I do have a hard time picking players form other AFCE teams. Would rather lose in FF than in real life.
There is always a good, not great player who becomes the target. The opposite of the fringe WR who is the next star. Not sure why this happens but is a constant.
Per Wall Street Journal, Johnson and Johnson had < 1% of the market in Oklahoma. There drugs are also not the ones commonly abused.
Expect to see this reversed on appeal - a political verdict, not a lawful verdict.