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Just Joshin'

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Everything posted by Just Joshin'

  1. So what has he shown to be picked up? Who would you cut? What is the team benefit? It is bad when a 1st round pick is cut and not even traded for a 7th round pick. I do no see him as an upgrade over the 8 DL the Bills now carry. I say no based on his NFL production to date, don't care about an average college career.
  2. What do you know the last 4 teams did not? Released for a washed up Paul Perkins who has not played since 2017.
  3. I don't know why NFL teams don't want a QB who has not played in years, has a limited skill set and is a PR disaster. It must be the teams fault.
  4. I thought I was in the minority based on the amount of video posted. Maybe I am old school but I can read faster than I can watch a video. Plus I do not get the over the top delivery.
  5. Yes and would prefer Freeman. I think he will get more reps in Denver by end of the year.
  6. Not upset if #24 or excited if #10. Both mean nothing. I am excited about 2 - 0.
  7. Why are you insulting Miami Central Catholic HS? They may be better than the Phins.
  8. 12th man seems to rep all, mafia a subset of fans. Votes no.
  9. Like Derek Carr reached out to AB? He did and it did not work. You can't fix crazy.
  10. What dumpster fire will he play for next year? Early guess is Tampa Bay.
  11. Allen out scored Mayfield 21 to 14 in my league scoring system. Allen was the right choice. Lost overall as my backs, Johnson/Jacobs, did not carry their weight.
  12. I almost think you want to blow up the 2019 Bills team with this move. Great talent is not worth the negative impact. When I was working, these were called "high maintenance" people. Good at their jobs, created problems that offset the good work. Never wanted them on my team.
  13. You are correct. At what point is the integrity of the game count? With the Fins and Jets, the survivor pools are easy this year.
  14. I always wonder why people don't look these up themselves? So I don't do the same - the answer is lazy.
  15. Horrible would be a step up.
  16. Do you think McClappity is witty? A good post with a bad title.
  17. I expect the haters to move the bar to 65% shortly.
  18. One of the bucket list bands I will never see. RIP.
  19. It is part of building a tough, nasty OL. When protecting your QB, it is the right thing to do. No problem with it. I imagine coach saying you should not do that while winking.
  20. If there are names with evidence, then name them. Without the details speculation leads to potentially innocent people being named. Is that fair?
  21. I am very competitive and want to win at everything. I say push it to the limit without cheating or being unethical. At the end of the day this is a game and each person must decide where that line is for them. I am not surprised that there are some that see no line. This is how politics has become and the country is worse for the new paradigm.
  22. They have learned to push the boundaries and accept the occasional punishment when caught.
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