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Just Joshin'

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Everything posted by Just Joshin'

  1. Raiders down 31 and kick a FG? Fire the coach.
  2. Tasker ranked #5 in this NFL.com article. Hope he is correct and Tasker enters the HOF based on his ST contribution. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000001080809/article/pro-football-hall-of-fame-class-of-2020-25-semifinalists-ranked
  3. This will help keep the links on the Browns under control when they see this leadership from the coach.
  4. I am in the minority, I presume, that I do not care if they get Prime time games or not. Especially if means they need to travel for a Thursday night game.
  5. Thank you for your rational, fact filled post. Actually it is neither. You either are lying, don't have a personal understanding or just repeat talking points. Either way this reads as an elitist wannabe who carries their water but is never invited to the party.
  6. I think 2-2 is the floor, 3-1 is the ceiling. It is difficult to see the Bills beating both the Ravens and the Pats - a 10% chance maybe.
  7. So it is fine for Zeke to do his "feed me" in a game but not for Bills players to do after a game? Interesting.
  8. He was a lock. Thurman did not make the cut - thought he might be close but to no avail.
  9. I do not think games are fixed by the league or there is a general conspiracy for/against a specific team. I think three things could occur: 1. Subconcious bias against a team. 2. Refs protecting themselves or other refs to provide cover/make points to certain players/teams. 3. As with a NBA ref several years ago, fixing by a single ref to make money. It was shown calls do not need to be obvious, just reasonably close. I.suspect every fan things their team is the result of bad officiating. It would be an interesting study to see if they do average out.
  10. I never buy the "backing in" logic. If you get in/win based on the established rules, you did not back in, you won. This is a back handed way to diminish an accomplishment.
  11. In a perfect world I would answer no. However it was after the game with no impact - no harm, no foul, no worries.
  12. I wish this was kept under wraps for future use.
  13. Not true today, not true yesterday. Whether it is for a coach or a player, I find these type of comparisions mentally lazy. Critique each on on their unique merits.
  14. Baker is a me QB while Josh is a team QB. I suspect Baker will get every $ from the Browns with contract 2 while Josh Will be paid well but leave some $ to build the team.
  15. What do you want? A video? Nice job Virgil. I always look for your and Shaw's post game comments.
  16. These guys like each other and will play hard not to let their team down. Culture does matter.
  17. It is "The will to win run".
  18. Zeke was also the leading rusher - how did they lose?
  19. But the Cowgirls don't have a winning record so it does not count.
  20. What is the over/under on number of hrs before Garrett is fired?
  21. I feel dirty after all the cowboy announcer love. Maybe it will stop with being up by 3 scores.
  22. I think they have offset the bad calls from last week.
  23. I think he kicked the PA to give him some confidence vs going for 2.
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