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Just Joshin'

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Everything posted by Just Joshin'

  1. Getting back to the topic....... The question can not be answered until he gets a min 1/2 season on tape where game plans are built around his weaknesses. QBs look good in pre-season when vanilla defenses rule.
  2. Once again the headlines and the reality do not match. Headlines make it appear they are being taken advantage of while reality is the contract. The devil is in the details.
  3. You have the sides mixed up. If cut, he still gets paid due to the guarantees. If he retires, he does not get paid. Key question: would you walk away from that money even if you have made a good living already?
  4. It all starts with the bread: a nice Italian sub roll/bread. Build the sub with salami, capicola, prosciutto and provolone cheese. Top the sub with lettuce, roasted red peppers, onions, spicy mustard and oil dressing. Maybe not the healthiest but very tasty.
  5. Bad luck for Smith and the team but life is not fair. Imagine the potential for "injured" players to game the system. This is a not common but does happen. The Bills took a hit when Eric Wood was injured if I recall.
  6. Was not expecting Are You Being Served?. That is the wives favorite. I would go: MASH Married with Children FuturamaChildren Cheers WKRP Night Court
  7. I am missing the Taco love, well the Taco Charlton love.
  8. So a person calls into a show on sexual abuse, asking about an issue with a Senator from the same town where the mother lived after this alleged incident occurred........Obviously a setup by a time traveling enemy of Biden.
  9. Yeah I get that but seems like more going on behind the scenes. Not sure he fits Buffalo's scheme better but only seen him play a few times.
  10. I can understand different views I do not agree with. What I really hate is the purely political, hypocrites who see it bad for one side, not bad for the other in similar circumstances. The Biden story is a great example. When a R, believe the accuser and get no due process. With a D, not credible and deserves due process. Be consistent and while I may not agree, I can respect that person.
  11. Maybe they will ask some hard questions of Biden? Just kidding. They will double down.
  12. Cap numbers can be managed but when the number gets large, more muscle must be cut. Went will need to carry the team for a few years in the future while the cap gets reset. If they were really concerned they would not have drafted Hurts but a player who will replace an expensive body next year.
  13. IMO opinion there is no magic bullet - people will talk up their winners and ignore their losers. Football and investing have many parallels - find them and you can enjoy both. Assuming your runway is more than a few years the time tested strategies are: 1. Maintain a low personal debt. if making payments, not saving/investing. 2. Have a raining day fund to hand emergencies so you do not need to cash in investments and potentially take a loss. 3. Understand why you are investing and the time frame your $ would be required. Is it college for kids, retirement, etc? 4. Set aside a % to invest on a continual basis. This is dollar cost averaging. This may be with a work 401k or outside work but set a plan and execute. In short, spend less than you make. 5. Max out your 401k to the amount matched - free money. 6. Max out your 401k to the yearly max if able. This is 26k if over 50, 19.5k(I think - verify) if under 50. This reduces your taxable income and the hit feels less. 7. If you get a bonus, tax refund, etc invest it (spread it out to dollar cost average unless small) vs spending it. This will boost your savings engine. 8. Don't time the market. You rarely win. A person I work with took it all out when it was low recently and missed the increase. A losers bet. Yes a few will win, most will lose. 9. Invest in individual stocks only if you are familiar with the company. But always look at the financials - the internet has made it easy to see the key metrics of a company. 10. Do not buy because family, friends, co-workers suggest. They are most likely wrong and it will create hard feelings. 11. Invest in low cost index funds that track the market or a specific index. Most funds will not consistently beat the market so why try. Low fees will let you keep more of your money. Always understand the cost structure and commissions. 12. Be diverse to manage risk. Depending on your age you will have a mix of equities (stocks) and securities (bonds). Within these areas also be diverse. Within stocks have large, mid and small caps. Have growth and value stock. Have international and domestic. Within bonds have short, medium and long term. Have high quality and even a few junk bonds. Have international and domestic 13. Buy and hold. If you churn you will pays commissions and have a taxable event potentially. Time sales to take advantage of capital gains rules. 12. You don't go broke making a profit. Don't try to ring every penny put of an investment - take your wins. 14. Check your balances once/twice a year. More you check, the more you will want to make changes. 15. You do not need expensive people to help you. With a bit of reading, you will know most of what they know. In essence, pay yourself. A few books on investing will get you the basics. I suggest starting with John Bogle then expanding. Websites may be a resource but what are their agendas. So the above is one person's opinion and these strategies have worked for me. They may or may not work for you based on your time frames, risk tolerance and investment goals. This is a multiyear journey so start as soon and as young as possible to enjoy the benefits of compounding. Good luck @Buffalo716.
  14. This draft was about the future. Moss and AJ will contribute in 2020 but the depth being built shows forward thinking on filling future, not current gaps. The team has not been in this position since the Super Bowl years. What a difference from 3 years ago.
  15. So would that not be reflected in the rankings?
  16. How many punters should they bring to camp?
  17. I am sure Trump would not being up such a personal and sensitive subject during the debate. He may have Ms. Reade in the front row.
  18. Draft weekends seem to bring out the less astute members.
  19. Good accuracy, strong leg. There is more than 1 stat on a sheet.
  20. Nope. There will be an UDFA WR who will enter the pre-season HOF.
  21. Beane likes production and P-J does not have it.
  22. What is the Packers dead cap hit? Does NE have cap space? Not happenning. This is the case of a media person thinking "What can I say to get attention"? I guess it worked.
  23. Both candidates can not be from the same state.
  24. Moss will not start over Singletary.
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