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Just Joshin'

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Everything posted by Just Joshin'

  1. Yet Romney often sides with the party the slandered and lied about him. Hard to understand. Just off the top: Reid lying about paying taxes, binders of woman, killed dog, caused someone's cancer.........
  2. If this was true, then of course. But he has not done so for his previous teams. How many additional wins does he deliver?
  3. Elections were held in the actual civil war..........
  4. Unfortunately money does not equal results. If it did, less people would complain about school taxes since there would be a benefit, an expensive benefit, but a positive contribution to society. I went to a poor rural school and ended up with a high paying corporate job. Learned the basics and then got into a good college. The money did not matter.
  5. A bus ride for all he can loot. 401k is weak however.
  6. Was Copperfield on the ship? For his next trick will make stage 1 appear from nowhere.
  7. I used to think that all groups wanted a great and successful America for all Americans. The last 20 years have shown that many on both sides are only interested in power. The powergrabs, hypocrisy and lack of caring is amazing with this crisis. Politics has run amok. That said, the liberal side has lowered itself more into the mud. Power at any cost seems to be the liberals operating policy. Your rights mean nothing while they do what they tell us not to do. They pretend to care while Sending sick people to be with the most at risk.
  8. Riveron was not good at his job but I am a bit surprised they gave him the axe. It means they made a mistake in selecting him.
  9. The Clowney saga shows the difference between how GMs and fans view him. If he was low risk, high quality he would be signed to an expensive contract. GMS do not see the risk of injury/production vs. cost.
  10. Have you ever calculated the net cost? The incremental car costs + electric costs vs gas savings? I have not done so in the last few years but it never made sense cost wise.
  11. What are you using as the mean since he only has one data point? So he will do what he did last year?
  12. No QB should make more than Mahomes once he gets his new deal.
  13. The strategy is lie until caught. When caught, deny and double down.
  14. Agree with Free Fallin' - I am a Petty fan and this is not his best work. I might go with "The Waiting". Led Zepplin in # 1 is not a surprise - seems like this is required for all these lists. Can't argue too much but predictable. Surprised Skynyrd has 3 songs in top 10. My favorite band but not expected.
  15. My wife has many houses and feeders in the backyard. But today had the treat of a bald eagle in the back field munching a woodchuck. Very nice.
  16. Edmunds. Improved front 4 will allow him to use his athletic ability to the max. He has pro bowl (alternate) potential this year.
  17. A sky judge is an idea whose time has come. They can look for the obvious misses. If it can't be determined by the next play then it is to close to overturn. Add some constraints so the minor issues are not turned into penalties and only critical misses are fixed. They should also not be part of a crew but rotate to different crews. 16 games (week off) with 16 different crews. They should also rate and deliver the reviews to the crew they worked. This can be done without complicating and once the bugs worked out, eliminate the challenge system.
  18. Since you seem more open minded and sincere than many on the left here, may I suggest the Clarence Thomas bio that just ran on PBS. It shows many of the things we still see today but today's coverage is daily/constant with the change in news delivery. The show is interesting in that it shows his journey from being a radical to a libertarian. The politics are also shown as the same playbook including a line about he can't be black if not a democrat. Joe is not the first to utter this line of thinking, it appears to be a democratic staple. Lastly, watch Biden in the SC hearing and see the hypocrisy as they apply the rules differently to Thomas.
  19. Please don't hold her against the rest of Texas.
  20. Murphy is not great but he is a good announcer. He is not the devil some here paint him to be. I agree with other markets - some are homers to the extreme, some just have bad football knowledge where they try to make up for it with yelling. I suspect Murphy will look better when he is gone.
  21. Trucking business is down, so you may get a good deal.
  22. Well this is one way to cap QB salaries. When someone wants more than $40 million per year the GM will say "Are you better than Mahomes?"
  23. Please stay with the media narrative - players do not improve out of college and Josh will never be good.
  24. Not a fan. An on side kick under the old rules had a 25% success rate. A 15 yard pass play must have better odds. If this is done, the yardage needs to be increased to 20 or more. The penalty issue is also legit - a poor PI call can flip the game. Yes it could happen regardless but when losing possession it is a double hit.
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