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Just Joshin'

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Everything posted by Just Joshin'

  1. What they need are new ideas and strong leadership, a revolution in Chicago public policy. They need to have liberal democrats run this to their plan for the entire country. Wait, what? Dems have been in charge for decades? Now what?
  2. This thread sums up the current state well.
  3. Does it hurt? Does the scar show?
  4. You missed the racist, slave owning elk in Portland.
  5. Interesting......unite the country by dividing the country.
  6. Involved is not listening and learning. Involved is making game day decisions. IMO the more an owner knows the better. I agree they should not be making game day decisions but knowing more is always good.
  7. He will claim not to whether he does or does not.
  8. This is a strong and deep line-up to put before the voters. Much better than what the Dems rolled out in 2020.
  9. For this combination of reasons, he belongs in the HOF.
  10. You are hilarious - evidence? If there was evidence it would have been produced and a real impeachment held. All the talking heads with paid gigs said they had evidence until under oath - then they could not produce.
  11. I can see them trying to "home alone" the area to protect themselves when they get moved out.
  12. Once again the real intentions are covered up by a false narrative. This is not about removing statues from an era that does not exist today in the name of correcting the evils of the past. It is about breaking down the history and culture of the country to be replaced by the far left's new normal. They are pushing now to see how far they can go before they receive push back. That will then be the starting point for the next wave as they break down the country.
  13. Nice try but I doubt you will change the mind of someone who decided on a narrative without looking at the actual facts.
  14. So we can establish for the Bills: 1. No worry on oil prices as they cashed out. 2. No worry on Bills financials as they paid cash. 3. As the cost of the stadium is low, they have a protection many teams that financed stadiums do not have. Teams that leveraged to build will be hurt the worst. 4. The cap is in good shape so if it drops in future years, the Bills will be positioned to take advantage of the market inefficiencies. In terms of the Sabres, I suspect that as business people they want them tp stand on their own. They may not need them to be profitable but to al least break even. With the Bills and other local assets, a break even hockey team still contributes to their overall portfolio.
  15. Imagine the body count with no police.
  16. If Atlanta was more conservative they would be NFL champs. It is easy in retrospect to say yes/no but both approaches can work. Even if a low probability it will sometimes hit. it would be interesting to see a large sample size on the strategies to see the historical results. The problem with football is the amount of variables. What works against one defense may not work against another in same down/distance/field position.
  17. So there is only one way to measure his performance? Interesting. if he has more sacks but terrible against the run is that good?
  18. Education is the key. Why do liberals fight charter schools which have shown to increase educational performance. Yes a few are bad but the majority get better results. But wait.....they cherry pick the applicants. A liberal lie - most base based on a lottery system. But why would the liberals not support charter schools? Because the unions oppose them thus they are evil regardless of the demonstrated results.
  19. NY was one of the original 13 colonies so it must go. We now will have impossible steak - a double win as farting cows are eliminated.....Green New Deal baby. I am surprised this lasted this long: white-out.
  20. Well done. I like it and if I did a tattoo it would be a Bills tattoo. Alas, my fear of needles trumps my love of the Bills.
  21. Getting back to the original question, the answer is "when required". If you are out of town on business/vacation, in the hospital, deployed, etc then yes an absentee ballot should be provided. If you are too lazy to go to the polls, then no they should not be allowed. There is too much potential fraud. In a local school board election there was a person who would go get ballots for all the shut-ins in the name of civic duty. They all came back with the votes for the candidate that she preferred. A small but real example. I am intrigued by electronic voting if is can be made fail safed. When I clean my PC I often have to get re-validated with a text/email linked to the account. A system like that would solve the front end fraud issue potentially but not the back end where the counts are changed by hacking the system. So until this can be fixed and 100% protected, no on electronic voting.
  22. Here is the list of marginal QBs who took 3 years off and came back to be a successful starter: 1. 2. 3.
  23. A short reply to a long post: Why is the national anthem political. It is what it is - a song about the country we live in. It becomes political when people assign it values and people disagree on those values. There are things we all, every person, can agree upon it seems to me. Pride in the country we live would seem to be one of them. I have had the opportunity to travel the world for my job and that pride is warranted. I have seen poor areas that do not exist in the US. Yes there are areas of opportunity and always will be but if you want to live free and have the opportunity to make a better life, there is no country better in the world. I really don't care if the anthem is played or not. Would prefer it so but not lose any sleep if stopped. If that is removed then something else political will take its place. The problems will not be solved but the people who want to divide and demote the country will be happy for 2 minutes then onto the next symbol.
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