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Just Joshin'

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Everything posted by Just Joshin'

  1. But, but, but the salary cap..............But, but, but you need more lottery tickets, not great players......... You are 100% correct - build the D around him and Edmunds.
  2. It feels great to have a professional, smart and talented leadership after years of failure.
  3. Agree - being the Jets is not a good strategy. The Bills are on a path with a proven strategy - why deviate?
  4. People who are qualified do not want to deal with that cesspool of politics. Those who do start with honest intentions get corrupted along the way. I am sure there are some with pure motives but they need to give up those morals to advance. So they stay at the low levels of gov't spitting into the wind. If you are talented you will make more $ in the private sector. Unless you get to a high position and then you make big $ off the books. How do people making a very good, not great salary retire from gov't work as multi-millionaires?
  5. Of the 14%, is there an agenda why they want less police?
  6. I would pass. It is simple math as ~ 50% of draft picks turn into good starters. So you may get 1 good starter with 2 first round picks. To get an all pro at an important position even less probable. This would be a bad move and also impact the team with a major departure from the develop and sign philosophy.
  7. On the SI website, a proposal was made for an 8 game schedule. In short, the NFL would alternate conference playing every other week. At the end, 8 teams in each conference make the playoffs. Not sure 2 weeks between games solves the COVID issues but better than no football. Zero chance of this happening IMO. https://www.si.com/nfl/2020/08/06/proposing-a-radical-new-2020-nfl-schedule-that-works
  8. First his choice but I hope he plays. Many people in the service are separated from their families for an extended period time. Not pleasant but it happens.
  9. Part of the reason I said marginal. They may start slower on the DL but by the end of the year will be better.
  10. Maybe a sign they do not intend to IR Feliciano with the new 55 roster limit rule.
  11. Do you have an opinion? The article could be written for any team/unit as there is always a weak link. The bigger question is will Wallace or the CB2 cost us any games because he is weak or the scheme can not cover for him. I expect the D to perform at a min better than last year or some marginal improvement.
  12. Hopefully he will flip a few that will be cut into draft picks.
  13. So do you think he is a scheme fit? Do you have interest?
  14. It is not the $15 million to buy but the cost to startup and run. I am sure he is a smart guy can he run a league?
  15. You are spot on and this discussion has no value. A topic by a talking head with no basis in fact.
  16. So what happens on game day if a head coach tested positive but has mild symptoms? There is a rule against front office personnel communicating with coaches during the game. Is this different as the coach would be there if not positive?
  17. Gaines would have been good depth if he made the team. Certainly not a lock.
  18. That is a reasonable cost assuming he would go for it. How many additional wins would he bring is the question.
  19. I think you summed this up well. We need stats, not one off stories. If a player wants to opt out because of personal risk factors, family risk or just being uninformed then that is their right. Not going to critique their decision even if I would make a different one. They need to live with their decision, not me.
  20. With the salary cap most likely going down next year I am not sure this is a good idea. What $ do you think is viable for contribution vs cost?
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