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Just Joshin'

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Everything posted by Just Joshin'

  1. But he was being aggressive and kept doing what got them there so the football gods are happy. Sometimes common sense and the percentages are the better what to go.
  2. If Sammie is worth $16M, how much is he worth? The WR market has exploded in the passing era and seems out of whack relative to other positions. IMO you are better off with 4 really good receivers vs 1 great receiver.
  3. So hire him once the camps begin so he can continue to work with him in the off season. Once hired, he is aunder NFL rules.
  4. The NFL sees all assistants at the same level. Only when going to head coach does it matter. I thought I read he wanted to get more into play calling so passing game coordinator may be the route.
  5. Since this has 0% impact on the real record, not bothered in the least. The real question is why does he want to prove he is a moron by making predictions before FA and the draft?
  6. People like to find reasons to whine and this is a pretty poor reason.
  7. Why do some look for negatives in any situation? This is no harm, no foul.
  8. This is based on reports and not personal observation: would avoid Little. Millions of $ don't make a player love football.
  9. He is locked up for 4 more years thus no rush.
  10. The answer is balance. A team needs to have one u it be exceptional and one good supported by an above average ST. My recipe would be: 1. QB who can win in the clutch. Does not need to be best in league but very good. 2. Multiple skill players with speed. You want many threats, not just one who can be neutralized 3. Defense built around pass D - bend but don't break. 4. A kicker who can make a long FG and ensure points go on the board. You can not sustain a team full of stars so target the difference makers and fill in the rest.
  11. I am curious to find out where you think the money comes from.
  12. Yes - on his first wife
  13. Thanks for the analysis. It seems there is an assumption that cap = quality which is not the case. Seems like there should be some gold here - need to figure out how to get from the data.
  14. Not a huge fan of war movies - like movies a bit lighter but Patton and Hacksaw Ridge standout for me.
  15. If I recall these types of straight moves are not allowed. Cleveland had to keep him and make it look legit, not trade and cut.
  16. This style sounds like triangulation where instead of doing his own analysis talks to many folks. This leads to agendas and bad decision making. IMO one of the worst management styles as you have no vision, just many conflicting opinions.
  17. It will be interesting to see how this plays out: wildcard Mayfield with a dysfunctional organization. It could blow up huge.
  18. The tiers are the key. I think when people hear BPA they believe there is a ranked list and they draft based on the list. The reality is that players are grouped into tiers and within the tiers they will look at need. In the early rounds there are less players in a group, later rounds more players. This is why later rounds look more like need because there are more players to select within a tier.
  19. You are being very mean to him. Watch it or you may trigger his sensitive soul.
  20. I like b i s running but have not seen his receiving skills. Any feedback?
  21. Why? Play hardball for their 1 and 2. They want a QB then pay the price.
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