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Posts posted by whateverdude

  1. Umm, just so you know how the game is played, you have to sorta base your attacks on what I say. I mean some don't, but they generally do not last long. Now, you can use a subtle straw man, but a blatant one will generally draw ridicule. Even a subtle one will draw ridicule if someone is feeling snarky and just generally disagrees with you.


    As to the Christian aspect of your personality, I guessed. You strike me as a Fundamentalist. Perhaps I was incorrect? If you are of a religion that approves of hypocrisy in how they pray, I would like to know what religion that was. I have a generally positive view of Christians that are not whackjobs or people who contradict their faith with their actions or words. You are starting to strike me as both.

    would you say you have trouble controlling your temper at times then feel a bit guilty after you cool down?

  2. Family is off limits. Implying a poster has committed stuff like pedophilia with no proof is out of bounds. I was an only child you moron. You couldn't be more off base. Grow a thicker skin as to the other and don't whine when you get called out for a condescending attitude and for rampant hypocrisy.

    I'm sorry did you not get enough attention...I will pray for you too. BTW you are showing your true biased against Christians. Christians are not the only group that prays yet you make that assumption that I am because of your own negative views of Christians. keep on talking I'll work up a profile on you too.

  3. What a fervent Christian you are. If you want to insult Tom, point out when he is proven wrong (rare admittedly), he rarely acknowledges it. Family is off limits and you are skirting the edge.

    Didn't think anything was off limits except foul language and racist speech. Insults, ad hominem attacks, bulling etc.. there is plenty of it, ironic isn't it.


    Not only that, he attempted to put down a poster for acting superior, while simultaneously showing Christian hypocrisy at its worst. Note that I usually defend Christianity.

    I'm sorry did you not get enough attention...I will pray for you too. BTW you are showing your true biased against Christians. Christians are not the only group that prays yet you make that assumption that I am because of your own negative views of Christians

  4. Actually, my first thought was to post, "On behalf of those in the twin towers on 2/26/93" but I thought the other response was better.

    6 deaths was not enough impact to wake the US up.... we continued to slumber.


    But, some really are not earnestly interested in understanding the meaning of the statement made here but seem more interested in finding purpose in failed attempts to bring meaning to their life by putting others down so they can feels so superior. I feel sorry for you and will pray for you.

  5. On behalf of people at Columbine and in Oklahoma City: you're a !@#$ing moron.

    Turn in your mensa card. that was lone wolf acts not international organized terror reacting out from the desert caves to touch us here in the homeland...but you already know that and are only trying to start **** with me cause you're bored.


    some of you concrete thinkers could benefit from reading this http://www.projectlearnet.org/tutorials/concrete_vs_abstract_thinking.html

  6. The problem is the media says the Tea Party is bad, so therefor the parrots need to regurgitate that back until it's believed to be gospel.


    Heaven forbid anyone actually look at how the government "works" and realizes that it's time to DEMAND significant reform BEFORE we give them even more money to waste.

    when did you get so smart?

  7. You're an idiot. Aren't you paying attention?

    I know you are but what am I.


    You do not plan an attack on the Americans with help from the PI only to chance the outcome on an RPG! It's a highly inaccurate anti-tank unguided explosive projectile. A spit ball is more accurate. Any kind of crosswinds sends this projectile waaaay off course. That's why you can't hit anything about 80-100 feet in the air, stronger air currents higher up. Also, as these things age they become very unstable in flight and will actually tumble in the air.

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