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Posts posted by whateverdude

  1. Actually Ralph has only stated that the team will NOT be sold before his death. The rest has been theorized by people in the media and financial pundits. The big headache has ALWAYS been the incredible amount of Capital Gains Ralph would have to pay upon selling the team. He cannot afford to sell without liquidating other assets to pay for the Capital gains Taxes.... something he has said he will not do. He has also stated that his children have no interest in taking over the team and thus inferring the team will be sold. (No auction mentioned - but pundits expect this) Ralph has tried to run the Bills as a zero sum gain organization for the most part with profitability barely being acceptable compared to league averages. 'Ralph is CHEAP' is the old mantra, but I think 'Ralph is frugal' is more accurate in description. The sad part is, that he may be leveraging the price of the team not to increase his estates value, but to reduce its tax liability.

    Owner Ralph Wilson's position has never changed — the team will go to the highest bidder after he dies. While he has expressed his desire for the Bills to stay in Buffalo, it will be "out of his hands."

  2. Be careful what you wish for...

    I don't think wishing has anything to do with it...even if the front office and people on this board are successful in shaming fans into selling out games the fact is the Bills will be sold on the open market with no consideration to fan loyalty as per Mr. wilson

  3. Unless Wilson passes away it must come to the point where fans are willing and UNITED in boycotting the team if onwership doesn't own up to its responsibilities. I was so perterbed when Russ Brandon reacted the way he did to the notion of Ralph buying out the remaining tickets to the Titans game - there was a lot of judgement in his tone; as if the Fans were behaving badly in WNY, as if the FANS didn't deserve the team because they weren't buying out the stadium, as if they expected Ralph to pony up and He, Ross Brandon, had to be the Wise Parent and give the Fans some tough love. What a load of crap! Man! The Fans have been paying for this poor excuse for a team for over 50 years, and what has ownership done in return? Brandon acted as if it was common knowledge that an NFL team is meant to generate profit - that it DOESN'T OWE ANYTHING TO THE FANS - and that is the real source of the problem here in WNY.


    The Buffal Bills do owe the Fans! This organization has been using the excuse of a small market choke hold for as long as I can remember - but, the truth is (although our owner will never give reality a chance to confirm this) that the fans will be there to give all the support that is necessary for profits if the team is a good one! A winning organization - think of this, now - A SUPER BOWL win from the Buffalo Bills? There would be fans all across the globe celebrating. The Bills have become the Redsoxs of Football, only they don't deserve to win - and that is the ugly truth. Why should we win with half the investment? All that would do is give Wilson a reason to have a smug I-told-you-so smile on his face when he passes on, while all the good owners are doing all they can, and spending a boatload more, to try and get a winner.


    No, if the Bills organization is run this way, it is up to the Fans to stop supporting it. If Wilson's argument is that he will sell the team - then so be it. Every intelligent sports fan across the country knows what is happening here. As long as the tickets sell, as long as it isn't a weekly news that the Bills stadium once more didn't sell out - as long as the facade of All-Is-Well is continuing, no one talks openly about how Ralph has run this team into the ground. But, if people stopped going, if every one gave up on the team - who really thinks people would say, Look at those Bills Fans - look what they did to poor ol' Ralph Wilson. No. They'd be forced to admit that the game is over with his frugal, penny pinching ways. That depression era, backyard football mentality to running a team doesn't work. And we, the Fans, deserve more. As far as I'm concerned - I'd rather see the Bills run properly elsewhere than see them run to the ground here - where it's gotten so bad that we are not even taken seriously anymore by anyone in the N.F.L -not players, coaches, analysts - no one. That sucks.

    You hit the nail on the head...Wilson has a depression era mentality which may work for personal finance but not the sports entertainment business.

  4. So you believe Attorney General Eric Holder's testimony in this case to be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?

    No, but Tom will probably come back with some bull **** line like "I don't form judgment based of belief but do based on the evidence at hand". Tom could really give a **** about Fast and Furious he's just interested in playing old tape from his childhood.

  5. So your basis for that is that a Deputy AG who made a PowerPoint for some other reason met with Obama four times in May of 2010, and we don't know what the discussed...therefore Obama's guilty of committing a crime.


    And the fact we can't prove it proves it's a government cover-up at the highest levels! :w00t:



    (Just in case you're too dense to notice...I'm mocking you, you shitmudgeon.)

    You can delegate authority but you cannot delegate your responsibility.

  6. "We are the largest nuclear power," Putin said, addressing supporters during a televised meeting. "And our partners have certain concerns and shake us so that we don't forget who is the master of this planet, so that we remain obedient and feel that they have leverage to influence us within our own country."


    Just another power hungry wacko looking for a scapegoat to blame for his own failures. History repeats itself.

  7. I feel a little cheated by this season. The season premier was the only episode that advanced the main plot line. To save hours of your busy life, my recommendation to anyone who has not yet watched season 2 is to watch the season premier and wait until Feburary.

  8. REALLY!!! this is the "gay slur" Brett Ratner said. People under 35 suck because they were indoctrinated into PC movement from a young age. I use to tease and call my friends fags. It didn't mean I was calling them gay it was like calling them a dork, nerd or a goof. Fag does not necessarily mean gay. SO !@#$ off and let people say what they want without getting so offended.

  9. Huh...?


    According to this, they lose $50 for each Fire:



    And this one says $10:



    And all of that is before manufacturing, sales, marketing, etc.


    They're making it up with content, just like the gaming consoles.

    It's all Speculation. My speculation is just as valid as theirs maybe more because, at least I thought about it. they are not making it up with content. Publishing has a very low profit margin for the retailer. The retailer makes less than 2% traditionally. Also, it's a very LOW BAR to entry with electronic medium so every ma and pa can get into the business and further drive profits away from Amazon.

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