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Everything posted by whateverdude

  1. Druggy, unless you wants an army of Whitney Houstons running around that would not be a good idea.
  2. Hey hippie, you would also have to legalize cocaine, Heroin, MDMA and Methamphetamine.
  3. !@#$ing free-loaders Ayn Rand was a clairvoyant.
  4. I think a couple of high altitude EMPs over Iran would fix things over there
  5. I'm thinking the high altitude type would be best. Middle of the country this side of the Canadian border would be the best placement.
  6. A couple of EMPs would fix everything
  7. I think The Walking Dead series may have morphed into the Jericho TV series with zombies.
  8. I reject the statement that blacks voted for Obama because he is black. If that was the case Herman Cain should have had much higher support among blacks especially middle class blacks and Jessie Jackson should have been elected twice already. It's mostly Ideology and the brain washing of blacks by the left.
  9. real class
  10. The point is on top of your head.
  11. More like 56% for the 8 years...moron
  12. I'm voting for Mitt Dole
  13. LOL, BS you can hardly breath with cracked ribs. Fitz was probably on a lot of pain medicine which I'm sure effected his decision making process on the field.
  14. Because the "Hannity" guy would never challenge a black guy for being liberal.
  15. First, I have to say you are not as left wing as you may think. You are more of what one might call a traditional Democrat or a Reagan Democrat. White, working-class and more conservative than liberal on certain issues like national security and immigration.
  16. Also, do you own more than one gun? Handgun or long gun? how much ammo do you have on hand? If it is functional how many times have you used it in the last year. Do your friends own guns?
  17. It depends on the type of gun. Is it an assault style gun? was it given to you? Is it a family heirloom? Do you own it for self defense or hunting, target shooting or is it for decoration or a collectable? Is the gun functional?
  18. He must really freak out when it snows
  19. Solution is...............................MOVE!
  20. When did I post this Last week or something? What were we talking about..I have a short attention span. I'm onto night vision now
  21. Like posting on debt reduction is any less pathetic or more worthy of discussion, as if both parties are interested in anything other than half measures that protect their special interest voting blocs. Or posting about who will win the presidency as if you have any real choice in the matter. I hate to spoil things for you but Obama wins this walking away. He has the money, propaganda machine, news media, and popular culture on his side. Mitt has as much as a chance of winning the presidency as did Bob Dole against Clinton. So, I say why not talk about honey, apples and wife pimping.
  22. This is an example as to why political board suck. 5 pages now and 4.9999 of them have nothing to do this the original statement!
  23. Call me a cynical !@#$ I just don't believe any of this is done out of altruism. It is simply pimping out the first lady for political gain, so all us dumb asses can say "oh look how wonderful, wholesome and caring she is, I think I'll vote for her husband". Yeah sure, past presidents have pimped out their wives but with the Obama's the media actually want us to believe its more than just pimping for votes!
  24. makes me want to puke oops wrong board
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