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Posts posted by whateverdude

  1. I think you guys a pretty spot on. As far as the "New Normal" and the market goes, yes I believe the days of the 10% a year buy and hold investor are over and we can expect to see 6% returns at best for the future.


    I can live with stable low return market but not the ripsaw markets we are experiencing now. Ripsaw markets erode consumer confidence which makes doing business very hard for me.


    As far as Obama's economy team goes he had everything going for him, well regarded bright people with experience and the blessing from the oracle of Omaha. I though we would have gotten a better bang for our buck by now. Things must be in a lot worse shape than they are letting on.

  2. ...when TARP passes...

    ...when Stimulus passes...

    ...when Health Care passes...


    Coming soon:

    ...when Cap & Tax passes...because...of course it will create more shovel ready jobs...Remember those? Anybody been using a shovel lately? Anyone?....Bueller?

    ...when Card Check passes....because....more unionized government employees is a great idea...since...they have nothing to do with the current economic crisis...both here and in Greece...nothing at all :P


    And, the star of the show:

    ...when the VAT passes...

    I'll be the first to say I was wrong about Obama's economic team. They really have no clue or are in the pockets of big business, because they have done nothing to solve the "too big to fail" problems.


    This economy has really got me spooked. I work in the service sector and felt a turn around last July. This year is a different story, people are pulling back and a bunker mentality has set in. The demand for services is there but they believe they can get it at a discount. In fact it's an expectation now. I don't see things getting better until we see around 6% Unemployment again.

  3. Good stuff fellas! LOL! I didn't post it because of the gold/silver advocacy, but mainly because of the facts the video contains and it paints a bleak future that is hard to counter. I posted it in the hope that some of the financial gurus who post here would be able to counter some of the main arguments and explain to me how, contrary to the video makers assertion, we're not fukked.


    But the responses were entertaining...I've got to give you that.


    I don't think it's a stretch to say that our debt is and has been Americas biggest crises. Bigger than health care, immigration, nuke war, terrorism, human rights, jobs, world markets, cap and trade, peak oil, global warming all put together. If you do not have a stable US you do not have the ability to solve these problems, third world country comes to mind.

  4. So you're done with the human race because of a film you've never even seen, yet somehow can still describe perfectly enough to be offended by. And the site you got your "information" from is currently carrying articles such as:


    IEM - Let's Build an Enslaved Planet


    Kagan Involved In 9/11 Cover Up


    Trilateral Commission Wants War With Iran

    Ireland: Action To Arrest Wanted War Criminal Kissinger


    Kagan: ‘Disappear’ Free Speech



    Niiiiiiice....... :unsure:

    Oh look a cherry picker LOL! I could not find one of those stories among the many others.


  5. Have you not seen every terrorist-based movie bad guy in the last 20 years?

    Yeah, you just said it "terrorist-based", not ethnic cleansing based like this film. In fact those terrorist-based movies always have a Muslim American fighting the terrorists in some capacity side by side with whites, blacks, browns ect.. Hollywood has you covered dude.


    This film demonizes all "white skin" (no ideology here just skin color) and then goes about slaughtering them.

  6. Did you know that there's a "New Survival Seed Bank" which lets you plant a "Full Acre Crisis Garden"?!


    Thanks for the link!


    Yes, but in the 1940's they called them victory gardens. To the day my grandmother died she would not touch anything but real butter. Margarine turned her stomach. During the war, butter was not available and she remembers mix this butter substitute out of lard and yellow colorant. Yuck.

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