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Everything posted by whateverdude

  1. Yes, but in the 1940's they called them victory gardens. To the day my grandmother died she would not touch anything but real butter. Margarine turned her stomach. During the war, butter was not available and she remembers mix this butter substitute out of lard and yellow colorant. Yuck.
  2. If it is hype I fell for it. Still, something is wrong with a movie a glorifies one ethnic group butchering another especially when the tension is high between the groups in real life. What would be the outrage if Americas went around disemboweling Muslins in a movie?
  3. WTF Can you believe that Robert De Niro proudly acts in this film.
  4. You win, thats some funny ****
  5. Yeah but those alter boys had it coming to them with all their flirty ways and tight robes!
  6. Anyone using 200 day EMA investing? If so how's it working out?
  7. When the government mandates socialistic policy it's fascism
  8. I’d expect no less; the Mohammedans have had a lot of practice at removing the cultural and religious icons and replacing them with mosques in the nations they conquer. I admire them, they are a very strong people as we were once.
  9. Yes spend more money on the re-education system. The following are a few examples of what I learn from K through grad school: 1) The Communist Manifesto has very “empowering” language in it. 2) A true Marxist economy has yet to be started. 3) Marxism was never intended to be implemented in an agrarian society like Russia but was in a rich industrial capitalist society like the UK then and the US now. 4) Marxism is the natural evolution of capitalism through social revolution and collective ownership. 5) The alienated proletarian class will throw off oppressive chains of the exploitative bourgeoisie seizing the machinery of the capitalist.
  10. It's still safe to blame middle aged white men, they are the only group left thats not a protected class. Oh, fat people too.
  11. Granted this story is from the National Enquirer NBC's equal. Obama cheating
  12. This topic is wasted finger skin! Even if Obama made drilling oil illegal, there would still be tons of drilling in the gulf and many spills by foreign drillers. Lets face it the birds are screwed!
  13. WOW I can not believe he said that. That must have been ad lib. It's one thing for me and you to say that kind of stuff as private citizens but a US president saying that, bumps it up to the governmental policy level. Very dangerous talk even if he did back track on it a bit. If he's not socialist or communist, then he sure has those tendencies doesn't he?
  14. I got to tell you, the Anti-AZ law crowd is coming off as very shrill on this issue. This law does not mandate "paper checks" it just strengths existing one. The left propaganda machine is amazing!
  15. Granted i got this stuff off Wiki and there could be some BS in it. I would say that the supremes would see the AZ law as not un-constitutional. the sticky part is whether you would have to give the officer anything other than your name. In most states you do under their Terry stop laws.
  16. I believe in AZ, as an enforcement policy, state and local police officers are told not to check or ask for the legal status of people. This was left to the feds. This law was passed because the feds failed to control the problem. The way I read it this law does not give the local law enforcement any new powers, just re-enforces current ones and most importantly gives protection to the local individual law officer from civil law suits. “some guy is reading the newspaper on a park bench” does not arouse reasonable suspicion now does it so it would not be lawful to check his legal status, unless of course he was doing coke off the paper.
  17. It will be used just like all the other times reasonable suspicion is used. In the course of the officers official duties he stops a person for illegal operation of the truck like the lawnmower not being tied down in a safe and legal manner or speeding ect..and the driver cannot produce a valid license or produces a Mexican license or cannot tell the officer his or hers place of residence than that would be reasonable suspicion to check their status
  18. what a strange world we live in
  19. hands down it's new zealand and Australia
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