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Posts posted by whateverdude

  1. I can find a lot to blame Bush for but not this


    Buffett, a supporter of President Barack Obama, said the roots of the spill lie with the administration of former President George Bush, which was often criticized for being too cozy with the petroleum industry.


    "To me it was more about eight years of bad policy before (Obama) got there that let this happen. It was Dracula running the blood bank in terms of oil and leases," he said. "I think that has more to do with it than how the president reacted to it."


    Proof that alcohol and drugs can shrink the brain

  2. If the FBI has been watching them since 2004 but waited until now to break the spy ring up they must have had evidence of espionage. If no sensitive info was taken why bust the ring now?


    It just does not add up unless the spy's did pass sensitive info back to Russia was caught "red" handed by the feds and to get out of hot water laid down a get out of jail card. I believe the Russian spy have some real juicy embarrassing stuff on some high up Dems. Reset switch my butt


    And no, I don't watch too many spy movies.

  3. So what if I, a MD resident (6% sales tax rate) am at a free WiFi spot in Pittsburgh (7%) buying something online and having it shipped to my dad in Niagara Falls (8%)? Does that incur a 7% sales tax for the point of sale, 6% for my being a MD resident, or 8% for the point of shipping? Or - most likely - all three? :devil:

    I would think the billing address of the card


    I wounder if he cried this hard the moment he realized he was wrong about black civil rights or over all the lynching deaths he had a hand in directly or indirectly during his time as a KKK leader?


    I sorry, these things are unforgivable! RIHSB

  5. I think it was more disrespectful than silly. But I expected nothing less from the likes of you Rkfast. You haven't a drop of decency or honour in your whole being.


    In any case, like him or not, Byrd's career was nothing less than remarkable.

    Respect can only be earned, not given. Strom Thurmond also had a career that was nothing less than remarkable but he never got my respect.

  6. How you could not like something that is different from you is beyond me. Variety is the spice of life.

    Sorry thats BS on your part. Republicans are different from you yet in a another thread you stated that you hate them which is far from being your spice of life.


    You sound like someone who has not quite found their identity yet. You are very conflicted.

  7. Token black guys? I don't understand that. Also, racism is very logical and is a human flaw. People don't like that which is different than they are- which is one of the main reasons why some of the people on this board are unnecessarily abusive to you, even when you aren't involved in a discussion.

    Conner gets it because he is unnecessarily abusive to the truth at times.

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