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Everything posted by whateverdude

  1. States don't have rights, they have powers granted to them by the people of the state. Rights reside with the people not the state.
  2. Oh hell, more info about USSR to feed my psychosis
  3. Oh..it reminds me of how the US constitution was ratified by the states, "no one will know until this is actually in place how it works...NOT . We should go back to a simpler form of governing
  4. It's just a game!
  5. You know both sides blame the ones before them the difference is the media usually calls them out on it but Obama gets a pass?
  6. Thats the old American can do spirit I think we should all just quit like Joe
  7. Dude you had the power of the mic and did not get her phone number......lame
  8. He should be fired for doing an interview in Rolling Stone Mag.
  9. Sorry thats BS on your part. Republicans are different from you yet in a another thread you stated that you hate them which is far from being your spice of life. You sound like someone who has not quite found their identity yet. You are very conflicted.
  10. Conner gets it because he is unnecessarily abusive to the truth at times.
  11. Unfortunately, It seems that Europe, and Asia believe we are in a decline that we will not pull out of. This leaves a perceived power or influence void in Eurasia in which Russia and China are positioning themselves to fill. Thats not to say these countries don't already have a lot of influence but without the US balancing them out they will be free to get more heavy handed in the future. Will need the US to be strong
  12. They use it because they know it bothers you
  13. This guy may not be a nut after all
  14. sorry that was the best quote:
  15. If this does not send chills down your spine than nothing will. New world order Soviet style
  16. The Nation Guard and Coast Guard are tied up blocking the oil skimmers.
  17. The one important thing to take away from the congressional lynching of BP's CEO Tony Hayward is that BP has no other options to to stop the leak right now and the relief well will not be dug until August,.....WTF!!!! Come on someone needs to step up now that BP has tapped out of the solution game. Funny thing, many people think gov't can solve all are problems, I say prove it now start with this leak.
  18. How dare I be questioned here. I am pretty knowledgeable about NASA and space; I've watched all the movies on NASA "The Right Stuff" , "In the Shadow of the Moon" and of course Hollywood's most technical movie on NASA "Apollo 13". In Apollo 13 they solved the problems with gum and duct tape in just a couple of days! So don't tell me it can't be done.
  19. whats the diff between working with robotics 2 miles under water and working with robotics in space.........not much
  20. I was really frustrated and let down with Obama’s speech last night; it was short on answers and long on rhetoric. Yes, BP will “pay for their actions” but there is plenty of time for that later after the leak is stopped. Dollars are not going to plug the leak. Why is it that Obama administration believes all of the country’s problems including the oil leak can be solved by the confiscation and redistribution of wealth? I would have rather the president get up and say we are going to put the very best creative minds together to solve this problem. He should have said “I am directing the full resources and cooperation of NASA to come up with solutions”. This would also be a great PR move for NASA.
  21. it gets better with age recent
  22. Very old school nice!
  23. Man, you guys should bone up on your reading comprehension and read the article in it's entirety before commenting on it! Now, I didn't read the article but the way I understand it is that the outrage was not over the removal of the Churchill bust but with Obama's plan to replace it with the bust of the Prophet Mohammad.
  24. WOW! I did not realize you were so homophobic.
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