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Everything posted by whateverdude

  1. If you are asking whether I believe the Constitution is a "living breathing document" open to the popular interpretive change of the day and implemented by the whims of activist Justices. I don't
  2. As long as the rule of law is upheld and the constitutions is respected who cares
  3. On a serious note, I actually think this is a good question. I am not a racist but I do hold at times stereotypical prejudice on race or groups of people but never act on it. Anyone who does not admit this, black or white is either lying or is the son of God
  4. you beat me to it you spick
  5. Hell yeah!! I hate jews, whites, blacks, cans ,browns,yellows,polls,russkies,ingines,kraut,mc's,limies ect...
  6. Ok, I saw "Paradigm thinking" and "Paradigm shift" now can I get a "Paradigm Paralysis"?
  7. Watch it now, there is a delete button point at you!
  8. well, you know I'm making a comparison right? The congress is not responsible enough to get more of our money through lapse tax cuts.
  9. So, let me get this right, you want to put more crack in the hands of a junkie, more booze in the hand of a drunk, more food in the hands of a fatty and more money in the hands of congress?
  10. I can find a lot to blame Bush for but not this Proof that alcohol and drugs can shrink the brain
  11. Well...I might touch them with your....
  12. Said the lamb to slaughter. I know there is power in positive thinking but i'm damaged in that department.
  13. Yes, I agree they would get more value out of disinformation than in a swap.
  14. Sorry I'm not taking this one on face value, it's BS
  15. If the FBI has been watching them since 2004 but waited until now to break the spy ring up they must have had evidence of espionage. If no sensitive info was taken why bust the ring now? It just does not add up unless the spy's did pass sensitive info back to Russia was caught "red" handed by the feds and to get out of hot water laid down a get out of jail card. I believe the Russian spy have some real juicy embarrassing stuff on some high up Dems. Reset switch my butt And no, I don't watch too many spy movies.
  16. They should send Joe Biden to the moon for a cheese finding mission
  17. I think that story is BS. It's just too stupid to be true....right?
  18. I would think the billing address of the card
  19. They have been taking bail out money since Nixon took us off the Gold standard.
  20. I wounder if he cried this hard the moment he realized he was wrong about black civil rights or over all the lynching deaths he had a hand in directly or indirectly during his time as a KKK leader? I sorry, these things are unforgivable! RIHSB
  21. It's like a drug addict looking for their next fix. Eventually these tax snorting politicians are going to have to go the rehab.
  22. Funny...but why is this on PPP? I guess you could connect it to politics if the water bum was reaching for his Obama money in the fountain.
  23. I gotta get me some Obama Money!! Nancy is hot
  24. Respect can only be earned, not given. Strom Thurmond also had a career that was nothing less than remarkable but he never got my respect.
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