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Everything posted by whateverdude

  1. You sure about those number? I sure the hell am not!
  2. I will forever think of Joe Biden when I hear the phrase "Summer of Recovery". What an A-hole
  3. Mike Mayo I don't know if this is something that just Citibank is doing or it goes much wider than them but the Obama admin. better get ahead of this before we need a TARP 3. I can't believe this type of BS is going on at this time it could sink us.
  4. Bla Bla Bla Goes Paul as the mosque goes forward. In what millions of Americans believe is an act of religious conquest and taunting, Muslim leaders are ignoring public sentiment and plan – on September 11 – to break ground for a building sponsored by a group which has taken its name from the city that represents Muslim domination of Christian Spain.
  5. I'm not given this option
  6. Ok so it didn't happen. So now let turn the table. How long before Iran nukes Israel? I say within 3 years
  7. No not yet, sorry for being a dick but how long before this statement is true now that Iran is going nuke? I say within 24 hours.
  8. Once again salon got it all wrong!!! It's a little know fact according to moveon.org that prior to taking office in 1951 Churchill went to the prison where Obama grandfather was kept and extinguished his cigar on his grandfathers forehead.
  9. It's a hard to get excited about a turd in the toilet even if it was shined up with a little southern fried chicken grease.
  10. So am I to believe that they are re-building on top of an existing mosque built 152 years ago in NYC? So which is it, new mosque on top of old mosque or just a new mosque being built in a new location?
  11. I see that this argument parallels the global warming argument: You first must accept the premise of both which is, in the “global warming” argument that our planet is warming and in the “al Qaeda bleeding US” argument that we are going bankrupt. Ok fair enough, there is plenty of scientific evidence to support both of these premises but not their arguments. This is where science ends and pseudo- science begins. Al Gore will have you believe that we are the cause of global warming. Osama bin Laben will have you believe that al Qaeda is the cause of our bankruptcy. Now it is possible that people are contributing to global warming just as it is possible that al Qaeda is contributing to our bankruptcy, but this requires proof of cause and effect not the speculation of two figureheads with an axe to grind. The two just do not support their arguments so it’s all BS.
  12. You know I've come to the conclusion that as individuals most congresspeople act like adults but as a group they act as children do. Thats why they F things up so much!
  13. Most businesses are waiting for the safety of gridlock again. It seems went ever the gov't does anything it's bad for businesses in the end.
  14. Obanmanomics is nothing more than Unionist ideology.
  15. Are we not still at war did I miss something? It is an issue, turnabout is fair play in politics, they clobbered Bush over taking trips to Sweathole Texas. The Obamas should be held to the same standards their party has sets for the Republicans. Democrats are not more equal than Republicans, they both suck @ss.
  16. Please, this is not over, they will be looking for another bail out in 5 to 10 years, it’s happened before with Chrysler in 1979 and it will happen again.
  17. I'll put $100 on Obama he's got a longer reach but than again Snooki could tie razer blade to the ends of her hair extensions and whip them around at O
  18. Among humans, mongrel and mongrelize are derogatory terms for the mixing of "races", known as miscegenation
  19. God-damnit, stop! Stop breaking down my ****ty wrall, you stupid Mongorians! Pres. Obama calls African-Americans Mongrels That's just plain insulting.
  20. When you view things through the prism of time there is no such thing as a environmental disaster; whether it be people or oil it's all just plant food in the end.
  21. Simply put, the microbes take the carbon out or break down the long chain hydrocarbons (oil) and combine the simple carbon with available nitrogen to make amino acids for growth. After the microbes die they go through a process of nitrification where nitrates are formed. Nitrates are a readily available form of nitrogen that plant life can take up and use. Yes, the microbes use oxygen during respiration but it's oxygen depletion impact on a large body of water like the ocean is minimal at best.
  22. I take it you're unemployed and decided to watch all the Star War movies in a row
  23. Um... cause it's in the constitution....I think every obvious question deserves a dumb answer.
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