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Everything posted by whateverdude

  1. LOL...I'd definitely do it in a video game version of reality.
  2. Or maybe they are just trying to blow off steam. Coming onto the board and wishing they would move the Bills is a healthier way of releasing negative energy then say heading over to one Bills drives with an Uzi and an ice pick.
  3. No I'm actually the 12 person left in Buffalo...I know number 13 well though
  4. Simple..he is a system player not a game changer like B. Smith was
  5. To tell you the truth, there really is no one left in Buffalo to notice if the Bills moved out.
  6. http://abcnews.go.co...=1#.UGOgSFEkaOI http://agmconnect.or...ginstitute.aspx http://www.heraldsun...€˜new-normal’ http://www.huffingto...e_b_870992.html The New Normal is a term you will hear about more and more. It basically means that there is nothing that can be done to fix our current poor economic situation and that we should just get use to it.
  7. BTW, to help your understanding, "ground up" is a metaphor for redistribution. Success is our American legacy which can only be built on by successful people not ground up relabeled and fed to us as the "New Normal"
  8. Wow that's what you got out of that? I'll make it simple for you: Success is our American legacy which can only be built on by successful people not ground up relabeled and fed to us as the "New Normal"
  9. The New Normal is the latest talking points that have been handed down to the media. It’s an attack on the successes and successful in America which has made this country an exceptional one. Our legacy is being ground up for our consumption by Obama Inc. and force fed to us with an redistributionist label on it.
  10. Repubs= sophic Dems= sophism
  11. If you have the Obama trifecta of Money, pop culture and media no negative messages will stick. Expect Obama to run for a third term.
  12. Well, that pretty much sums it up. Obama is the hero of the stupid
  13. Tom has finally found his new retarded foil
  14. I must have woken up in bizarro world today because I never thought I'd see the day that Howard Stern is turned into a touchy feely Puss and an 86 year old Don Rickles joke shocks a jaded in-shockable Hollywood crowd. http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/don-rickles-president-obama-shirley-maclaine-335308My link
  15. Horse face is lying with a straight face 4 milllllllion jobs
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ypdF5Q73Nbo 4 million new jobs.... hahaha
  17. Iran attack Israeli is finishing up plans. Third week in August looks about right.
  18. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/17/us/whites-account-for-under-half-of-births-in-us.html?_r=1&hp
  19. Her father name is Zane! nuff said
  20. I use to smoke and eat faggots and then beat myself with a faggot for being such a faggot.
  21. That the same logic as you stealing my car and driving it 100 MPH and then rationalizing the theft by saying I drive it 150 MPH. It's my God damn car and debt your running up not yours
  22. Can you say mass exodus of the wealthy from France. http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/0/278412e6-9538-11e1-8faf-00144feab49a.html#axzz1u8XmaXgw
  23. No, I think the market is going to tank tomorrow...this certainly will bring the euro debt crises front and center again. Hollande has pledged to refocus EU fiscal efforts from austerity to growth. How does he expect to do this with increased benefits, shorter working hours and earlier retirement.
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