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Everything posted by whateverdude

  1. Yes, and how does gov't do this?? By confiscating wealth from the private sector to mostly give to state gov't who pay state, union and local gov't employees to fix the roads. Private small business sees very little of this on a percentage bases with very little trickle down effect.
  2. Taking money out of the private sector and giving it to gov't to spends on "infrastructure" will not have the desired effect. This is just more failed Keynesian economics
  3. Wow, thats cool Diehard remember me, I was a cheerleader during that time but the girls kicked me out because I kept pitching a tent and farting.
  4. This guy Lindsey has nothing new to add he's of the older open borders libertarians. His views on conservatives are phobic and border on paranoia, in my view of course .
  5. Reading this board would be intolerable if it wasn't for people like LA challenging the stuff people like you throw up here.
  6. Gates should do something about his never ready for prime time operating systems. Talk about a waste of co2. Gates has got his and now wants to shut the door on others.
  7. So much for the Democrat call for civility. It must only work one way or maybe the magic word that brings the Dems out against this type of talk is "re-load"
  8. Oh you mean like saying the health care bill will lower the national debt and health care costs?
  9. Thank God Obama changed is mind on this one. I can't thing of anything worse than walking down a dark alley at night and not knowing whether the guy coming at me is packing an M1 Garand in his pants.
  10. Funny thing is Joe Biden the vice pres. of the US makes those people look like rocket scientics.
  11. Why do you try to limit my conversation to French communists? The Global Justice Movement of which the French Communists are part of is the soft sell arm of the communist party. Think of it as "Communist lite" or "Communism with training wheels". For the same reasons Liberals now call themselves progressives the Global Justice Movement can reach a wider audience who would normally be scared away by the communist label and or message. The Communists through the Global Justice Movement soft sell the idea of the redistribution of wealth from people and counties using global warming as a tool through cap and trade and other global warming schemes. Oh and don't forget the use of guilt as a motivator.
  12. Dave, I learned a life lesson many years ago that people define themselves through their actions not words
  13. I didn't say anything about France. I thought you were going to get around to saying what I said you would say about the Russian connection to the memo leaks. My bad for guessing your next move. I far as French communists go, yes they do support the global warming BS or "climate protection" through the global justice movement or altermondialisme.
  14. Peace in the middle east is a waste of time Maybe if they require every Israeli and every Palestinian to enter into a no holds barred steel cage grudge match and televise it we might see an end to the violence.
  15. They should call this The "Bad Loans to Bad Businesses Bill". Is this not a repeat of fannie mae? High risk small businesses should not be lent gov't backed money, they should build their credit worthiness on their own or go out of business!
  16. How did you get 800 billion? its 709 billion including tax
  17. lets stop pretending this is about our climate and "mother earth" and call it what it really is all about, power and control over free people. Even if we went back to the stone age tomorrow warming of the earth for a yet undetermined reason or reasons would continue. I personally believe it is cyclical and a naturally occurring event. If the communists really cared about us than they would find ways for us to adapt to the changes they predict will happen. news flash to Oliver, I know what you are getting at since it was speculated that Russian hackers released the memos. The Russians are no longer Communists I'm not sure what they are but Putin did away with the top marginal income tax and enacted a flat tax rate of 13%. Do you think Obama is going to do this?
  18. I'm not going to sit here and pretend to know the ins and outs of each economic theory but on a surface level can we agree that Obama's Keynesian stimulus has failed big time and it's time to give supply-side a go. Keynesian didn't work in the 70's and is not working now.
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