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Everything posted by whateverdude

  1. What LOL! The first link is from a French speaker translating to English about the situation in their country, I would expect typos! All the rest are mostly news outlets like Fox,USA today ect.., local town papers. DUDE did you see both videos in the first French link. Ok, now you can put your blinders back on and move along nothing to see here but the rest of the cattle with blinders on. BTW I got all this stuff off a Google search in 5 min. just think what I would pull up if a really researched the issue.
  2. This is what kissing Muslim ass will lead to. What preferential treatment leads to example 1 example 2 example 3 example 4 example 5 example 6 example 7 example 8 example 9 example 10 example 11
  3. You just made my point, so why is everyone kissing Muslim ass if they are no better than everyone else. It's Fear or the boogie man as you put it. People buy into the "Religion of Peace" (trade Marked) because they fear not only what the extremists will do but what the so called moderates will do too. Our gov't and media pushes this BS because they fear the backlash in the Muslim world if they were to confront the real issues of human right violations. The pope is not getting a free ride on the human rights issues of the church. The media and gov't challenges the catholics over their misdeeds with children and Jews. The pope is on an apology tour right now in the UK over this crap. Its easy to go after the catholics, they won't blow you up over it. When will the Muslims be challenged to clean up thier act?
  4. Let me ask you this Darin, were you against and outraged over the black south African apartheid (system of legal racial segregation enforced by the National Party government in South Africa between 1948 and 1994, under which the rights of the majority 'non-white' inhabitants of South Africa were curtailed and minority rule by white people was maintained)? I think your answer would be yes like most people were. Did you realize that apartheid is alive and well and practiced in the Muslim community even amongst the so called moderate or traditional Muslims? Can you guess who the victims are?
  5. Jesus Christ and holy Muhammad Tom it's not even close to the same thing.
  6. Oh yeah well I heard Jesus and Muhammad were lovers.
  7. Pope plot yes, I do have a problem with Muslims and I will point out their wrong doings every time. I don't buy their "Religion of Peace" BS and a hate that the media kisses their asses. Most news accounts will not publish that they are Islamic terrorists that plotted against the pope.
  8. You didn't get the memo did you? Islam has trade marked the phrase "Religion of Peace" so we all must kiss the Muslim ass now.
  9. The Republican bosses seem to have a hard on for Lazio. Some reason they keep trying to plug him into some open seat but he never seems to fit like a square peg in a round hole. This time the voters knew he was just warmed over spit. I gotta laugh the tea party has got both the Republican and Democrat bosses pooping their collective pants today struggling to make sense of it all. The Tea Party movement has done what the liberationists have wanted to do for a long time.
  10. I bet Paladino wins this with over 60% of the votes.
  11. Um....I think you mean Tea Party conservative. Maybe you're making a joke or setting something up?
  12. Depends on your definition of poor. Our poor is Ethiopia rich. Standard of living is a different story, we are losing that battle!
  13. Charade? I'm not even smart enough to know what it means let alone selling and buying one. I have heard the word used by Sean Connery in a movie once but you're right I am quiet pathetic that I don't know what it means. I have never been accused of being the smartest person in the room and yes I am the village idiot.
  14. This is the real issue here without getting into a mini holy war: Most Muslims find it inappropriate to burn Korans. Most Americans find it inappropriate to build the Ground Zero mosque. An argument for courtesy in one matter should lead naturally to an argument for courtesy in the other. Every argument in favor of building the mosque is, logically, also an argument for burning the Koran. Both actions are protected by the First Amendment.
  15. Please! and who defines who is in innocent and who is not, a secular court of law that respects human right or some nut job Iman reading the Koran hell bend on converting the world to ISlam. I not buying peaceful Islam Its a scam to get their foot in the door Once in Muslims will demand more and more "rights" over any other group at the threat of violence.
  16. Whose books also say that people define themselves through their actions and Islam whether it be radical or not does not have a very good track record this century even. Islam Kills gays, cuts the hands off people, beats and honor kills wives sisters and daughters , rapes enemies, slaves, Darfur, ect.. and all allowed sanctioned in the Koran under certain conditions. No Harami we know Islam very well.
  17. See this is the double standard or some religion are more equal attitudes that T me off! WTF?
  18. Thanks! now I can go back to sucking my thumb
  19. This is too intellectual for me. I need the cliff notes version to understand it.
  20. Well it’s obvious it’s not stupid and meaningless when we know people will take another’s life over it. Unless, the life taken is stupid and meaningless in which case we would have to place a value on life in order to determine if it is stupid and meaningless which in itself is stupid and meaningless and at some point meaningless becomes meaningless and this is just plan stupid!
  21. I know it's wrong for me to be thinking like this but the curious evil side of me would like to see the backwater church in FL burn the Quran. It would answer a few questions I often thought about which are: 1) Just how free are we to engage in lawful actions if said actions may threaten the security of the country. Will the gov't stop this, what comes out on top, individual liberties or state security? 2) How big will the Islamic reaction be. Will the reaction be localized to the 3rd world counties with little more than Muslims burning down their own villages or will Muslims in westernized counties take to streets with violence? 3) Will more Americans die because Muslims decide to become killers or will the Muslims who are killers just continue to kill more Americans? 4) Will outraged terrorist groups move up their time tables for attack and in doing so make more mistakes or take their time and double their efforts?
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