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Everything posted by whateverdude

  1. I am sooooo tired of PC politicians who look the right way and say all the right things and then do nothing. To me its a bit of fresh air to see this. I love it when Paladino says to the reporter "I will take you out" Reminds me of the Godfather
  2. yeah the rag weeds around here is killer this year. So, what about the religion itself? You are avoiding saying that Islam is not the religion of peace. I already know you feel this way about Christianity. Are you frighten to say this about Islam? You stand on a very weak foundation when you bash other organised religions and defend only one. Either bash them all respect them all or don't defend any of them.
  3. I've been to both and there is not much of a difference they say the same things and read from the same book and accept Jesus as their savior, die for theirs sins ect.. The pope, the priests and the Eucharist play very little role in the day to day life of a Catholic they are largely ceremonial props. Catholics pretty much do the same things protestants do. people are people and Christians are Christians. I have also live with 2 Sunni Muslim roommates, studied with an ex-Israeli officer and took classes with Lebanese Muslims. The Lebanese were actually pretty cool and embraced American culture. He tried for american citizenship but they turned him down so he put the moves a few girls in class so he could marry in but they just laughed at him. For some reason he loved to wear army camo pants every day. The Sunni roommates were respectful on the surface but definitely had an aura of superiority about them and would really rip on Americans especially American women. They would not let you get to close to them.
  4. WOW Adam, your silence speaks volumes. I guess you don't agree or maybe you have not checked the board yet?
  5. So now I get it you and gene are anti-catholic. Catholicism and Protestantism are really the same thing, ones the country cousin of the other, one kneels the other stands and sits big difference there I guess. LOL, this whole thing reminds me of when I was a kid and would argue over whose father was stronger or which bike was faster or whose super hero was better or who could pee the furthest. Let face it if any of us here were true believers in Christianity or religious we would not be here trading barbs with other jamokes but would be serving at a soap kitchen or tending to the infirmed or volunteering to be a big brother, or visiting with family. If you already do than why aren't you doing more?
  6. I have not gone on record as to defending any one religion, but I have bashed Islam and have said that in different words that it seems to be ok to bash Christians but not Muslims. Why? So Hitler was Catholic now? or for that matter all of Germany who turned a blind eye. Also, Those people who refused to accept the Church of England and its teachings were executed. "On 30 July, 1540, of six victims who were dragged to Smithfield, three were reformers burnt for heretical doctrine, and the other three Catholics,hanged and quartered for denying the king’s supremacy. DUDE ITS THE SAME THING!
  7. Dude seriously their is no difference between the two in the human rights violator department. choose your poison: slaughter of millions, burning witches in Salem, support of slavery, converting "savages" at the point of a gun ect ect..
  8. OK, than can we agree that no religion should be duded "The Religion of Peace". But, people or individuals can be for peace. Some reason the religion of peace phase that gets tossed around in the media and the PC crowd just enrages me! I lose it every time i hear it!
  9. I'd like to meet him cause there are a lot of things that needs to be straightened out.
  10. You mean the Luther thing? You say that you defend faith but you pick and choose which ones to defend...you can't do that. Trash them all or defend them all. what comes around goes around ect ect..
  11. I not defending what those people did to you, I think it is wrong, But I do think that Christians hear about it when they do wrong it's front page news every day, which is good the cleansing light of truth should be shined on hypocrites. I believe that Islam is coddled and off limits to ridiculed for some reason when they do wrong.
  12. actually, I am getting you confused with Adam. The 2 of you are of like mind. see the pope thread the 2 should be merged, its the same as this thread
  13. because you defend Islam and it is one of the worst offenders of the abuse of women.
  14. Islam sure the hell is not but they'll kill you to prove it is. BTW you just proved the point I made in the survey thread LOL! Way too funny
  15. This is the most hypocritical thread I have read yet. The same people here that are bashing Christians and their beliefs are the same people who come running to the defence of Islam when I bash it. Something tells me this has nothing to do with religion and everything to do with tearing down America. What better way than to mock and marginalize 80 percent of the population. You communist types are very slick.
  16. Oh no...I feel for ya man. Did the Christians issue a fatwa on you, blow you up and then declare themselves The Religion of Peace
  17. Sounds like you got it all figured out Abdul Ok....so what does this have to do the Islamic human rights record?
  18. Its not just a few...Practicing Islam in any way, shape ,form, structure, radical, non-radical, peaceful, non-peaceful presents some serious human rights issues that can not be denied. The state is the religion and the religion is the state and the rule book on how to rule is the Koran. They need to clean up their act and be held to it like the rest of us.
  19. I know you don't believe half the crap you write.....you're getting paid by TBD to stir the pot and create interest in this site right?
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