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Everything posted by whateverdude

  1. The way I see it would not be normal inflation but hyperinflation kicking in that would make the Post-WWII hyperinflation of Hungary look like a burp. Hyperinflation bankrupts local governments and sends commodities through the roof. As prices of essential goods like food, gas, and heating oil increase and supply of those commodities decreases, people will be willing to literally sell anything that is not critical to survival in order to obtain those goods. Thus, stocks, real estate, cars - whatever is perceived to be ‘unnecessary’ - will be sacrificed in order for people to obtain the most basic of hard commodities.
  2. It's all starting to fall apart right now. Goodby 401K
  3. Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life.
  4. Yeah right I gotcha, who care about anyone but ME and my enjoyment, because the world revolves around me. people will pick up after me and its your problem if you get in the way of what I want It's all about me me me and my urges and my needs the hell with everyone else I could care less.
  5. I guess its ok with you to call the Jills "whores" and they heard it, and its ok for no exaggeration half the stadium near section 108 to egg on a girl fight and its ok for the people in front of me to be covered in nacho cheese and beer spill by fans who can not control themselves? All I'm asking is to respect my person, my space, my team, my family my town and other people wanting to enjoy the game by acting like adults when attending.
  6. Funny I didn't see that printed on any of my tickets or in the NFLs mission statement?? Guess the NFL did not get the memo to stop marketing to kids
  7. While I’m at it I may as well get a few more things off my chest. I don’t mind the drinking and getting loud as long as it’s done responsibly and respectably but the Spring Break atmosphere I could do without, unlike most of you tailgaters who act like they just walked off a Girls Gone Wild video. Also, as if the all the drunken fools falling over their seats spilling their beer and nacho cheese on everyone was not enough, I could never imagine taking my 8 and 10 year old nieces to the game for fear that they might get an ear full of foul nasty language. My nieces would have loved to see the cheerleaders but I would never expose them to the fans yelling down to the Jills “dance for me whores”. Also, half the stadium cheering for the girl fight that started up in the stands
  8. They must be a lot of rich Bills fans out there to just leave thousands of dollars in the parking lot each season. I should not hear any complaints when they raise tickets prices. You’re lucky Ralph Wilson does not walk the parking lots after a game. You tailgaters got more than enough disposable income to absorb it and if I were Ralph I’d be jacking the price of tickets and parking right up your butts. I would mind it so much if the tailgaters would throw out the garbage and neatly stack up their cans for other to take, but most do not. It’s like the tailgater was brought up in a barn just like pigs wallowing around in their own slop waiting for someone else to clean up after them. Have a little more respect for yourself and others! Now I truly know the phrase “the ugly American”.
  9. Oh big of you, are you for real or just joking? Helping out the homeless is the last thing on tailgaters mind most of the cans are crushed and bottles smashed making them nonreturnable. If you want to help out the homeless work in a soup kitchen and if you want to pay Cadillac entitlement to the "underprivileged" well you're living in the right state.
  10. No thanks most of the cans and bottles have piss in them!
  11. For Christ sake clean up after yourself! You must have left thousands of dollars of beer cans in the parking lots and enough paper trash to fill the stadium.
  12. Linebackers and linemen in pass coverage that's the problem
  13. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20101009/ap_on_bi_ge/us_global_finance
  14. I thought he was a smart man???? He said nothing about cutting spending. The more you give the gov't the more they spend, they are like children.
  15. I call BS on that. It's about our culture (western culture) and the negative influences it has on Islams Youth. Our way of life is attractive to the young Muslims and stands in the way of implementing sharia law and the power structure in Islamic lands. See the recent youth rebellion in Iran. I am not pulling this out of my ass. I have lived with Muslims and attended school with them. After many long discussions with them it all comes to our culture and it's negative influences on theirs (at least thats how it was in the 1980's). Sure in the beginning of these kind of discussions they with throw out just the very stuff you are saying but after going at it for 1-2 hours the real reason rise to the surface.
  16. There is only one thing that rings hollow in this statement when you lump Christians in with Muslims. I not defending Christianity but can you name one Christian group that has plotted and carried out attacks in Europe, North America and Asia in the last 10 years? I know its not PC to say but it's not the same thing, there may be Christian fanatics but they are not going around blowing people up wholesale style purely in the name of their religion or perceived defense of their religion.
  17. You are a very interesting person to me. You seem to be the PPP pinata with everyone taking their turn at hitting you, but this only seems to encourage you. Why? Do you like negative attention or where you abused when you were young? There are millions of other chat groups and boards where you would fit right in yet you stay to endure the abuse. Is this a pride thing that you're going to prove to everyone that the insults don't bother you? On some level it must, right? I have never seen DC Tom hit a person harder and with such persistence as he has repeatedly hit you. I think you have worn him out. I didn't think that was possible. Is your strategy to wear everyone down as they beat on you?
  18. Too late the message has already been sent to the youth who mainly get their news from and form their opinions from places like YouTube and teachers in school. Lets break down the message from the video: It's one born of conformity with a heavy dosage of peer pressure. They also teach the youth a tactic of Wolf in Sheep's Clothing to silence critics and people who are unmotivated by their movement. On the surface you say the right things and soft sell the message to provide cover and make it easier to identify the dissenters of the movement by saying things like " thats fine thats absolutely fine, it's your chose you don't have to go along with it". Once you target the dissenters you act with extreme violence against them. These tactics have been used in fascists and communists counties for years.
  19. I have a like/hate relationship with Glenn Beck, I'm not sure what to make of him. Beck seems to be the only one in the media covering the rise and growing strength of the left wing extremist ideology in Europe and US and its attempt to silence critics and co-opt the youth to further their Brownshirted like eco and social movement. This is where the movement is at right now, how long before they start lining people up to shoot them and holding people hostage threating to blow them up at national museums? look at the video
  20. Yeah ok, you keep looking for that perfect person to run and when you find him say hello to Jesus for me.
  21. I don't day trade but I have made a fair amount of $ the last 2 to 3 months with MO, KMB, Singapore, gold and a few short bonds to name a few. You day traders add too much volatility to the market at times. I may move into more commodities and more Asia as we head into winter.
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