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Everything posted by whateverdude

  1. The unwashed masses don't pay taxes, in fact they are given unearned income tax credits, thats basically automatic welfare.
  2. Dude, I got news for you...true class warfare is a least 3000 years old indian caste system The middle class in America is indirectly proportional to the entitlement mindset.
  3. I don't know how old you are but I heard this type of statement for over 30 years now and it's just a misunderstanding about what America is all about IMO. I not an economist so I'll talk more philosophically on this subject. The concentration of wealth or resources is a natural human condition that been happening for thousands of years. This is something you have to accept. America is not immune to this natural law. Being an American does not mean we are all equal and middle class, thats more of a Communist thought process. The ideal of America is to be born equal with equal rights and liberty. You are not born with the right to be rich, poor, or middle class. You are born with the rights and liberty unencumbered by a government, cast or nobility system to create opportunities to enrich yourself if you choose to whatever degree you choose.
  4. Have I missed something? When did Warren Buffet call out corps, the rich, wall street, banks and himself for being bad for America? Buffet may be able to make money but he sucks at picking good leaders and at politics in general the man is clueless. Another useful idiot.
  5. For that matter all politics are recycled. There is nothing new under the sun. Corps bad, rich people bad, wall street bad, bankers bad. If you believe this than you are being played. Interesting link on recycled politics carter vs. mondale vs. obama
  6. Not a chance the class warfare works IMO. It didn't work for Mondale and it will not work for Obama
  7. I also add that silver is still above it's historic silver to gold ratio, so there is room for growth.
  8. Oh yeah, yeah was that the same black farmers that Bill Clinton spoke of to Joe Bidin about getting their Coffee from?
  9. If banks are running the US then how do you explain this
  10. Also, some of the deadhead chicks were pretty hot as long as you scrubbed the dirt soaked Patchouli Oil off them first.
  11. Oh! don't get me started, you hit the nail on the deadhead. I was shocked at the thousands of dollars these so called hippie deadheads had in recording equipment at the show. It was a real professional operation they had in bootlegging. Most of the equipment was recording studio quality!
  12. It's party time for catholic homosexuals. Talk about behind the times
  13. Living through the carter presidency as a kid and a nation sliding into gloomy hopelessness and weakness during that time. We were very excited about Jimmy Carter at first, he was from the people, A simple peanut farmer who was going to change Washington. It was like waking up from a nightmare when Reagan took office.
  14. Not to mention if you believe these guys are the "worst of the worse" acquitting them and turning them out into the streets is a scary thought. Our court systems are not setup for this type of situation. The "America tortures" crowd is so obsessed with slapping the hand of the Bush administration they would release onto the American public all the murdering cut throats in GITMO.
  15. Looking for blood to spill I hope its the door to this judges house and not mine. POS Hollow words from a pampered American. Judge Lewis Kaplan barred a key witness from testifying because the man's name came to light while Ghailani was held at a CIA camp where suspects were allegedly tortured
  16. I can not believe this to be true! Is it normal for presidents to spend so much and do it in such a big way when talking a trip? WTF-34 warships?
  17. The hosts are not even trying to pretend to be fair and balanced at MSNBC anymore. Matthews calls Bachmann a moron as olbermann yucks it up but Bachmann gets a last minute burn in on Matthews who then handles his defense like a 3 year old. funny stuff
  18. France the only country in the world those 18 and 19 year olds are so lazy, coddled and entitled to the point where they are worried about having to work 2 extra years 40 years from now! The sad thing is the US is not far behind them.
  19. Perfect example of liberal news media bias put before the facts. Yes it does happen on the right but its small because right leaning media are few.
  20. WHAT spin??? Why did you link a yahoo news article that does not contain your "quote" anywhere in it? How else am I to take it but other than a mis representation of the facts in the article that YOU linked.
  21. You're mis characterization the exchange and what was stated in the article. She asked where in the constitution was written "separation of church and state" not "establishment". You are misleading the PPP.
  22. At the very least an embargo of Venezuela. Seriously this should be front page news JFK stuff!!
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