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Everything posted by whateverdude

  1. The following shall be banned: 1) Hollywood and their movies because the movie "Taxi Driver" influenced John Hinckley, Jr.'s attempted assassination of President Ronald Reagan. 2) The book "Catcher in the Rye" because it has been read and carried by many assorted nuts like Hinckley, Timothy McVeigh and Chapman. 3) All dogs because a neighbors dog told the Son of Sam David Berkowitz to kill. 4) Bishops hedd because he murders all reason
  2. Mealions and mealions of light years away
  3. I think he is guilty of being liberal by association. For Christ sake did you see the interview with his friends, what a band of freaks. I think they should arrest Harelip Pedro and Hippie Ken for future murders or at the very least send them into the Army if they will take them.
  4. So, is there any information as to why the man entered the home? What was his intent.
  5. Have you visited PITTSburgh lately. I think they filmed the TV series "The Walking Dead" there and no one noticed.
  6. Simple, I hate the pats more
  7. LOL, gee thanks nice to have my worshipers out there. Seriously come on now, I was pretty proud of myself for coming up with that. My mom was right, I is smart and my wife now thinks she married a catch. Life is good!
  8. Rex Ryan shoots his mouth off and purposely makes news in order to take the media pressure off his young QB and players. He manipulates the media to make the story about him and not Sanchez vs. Manning or Sanchez v. Brady. I think this is a smart move.
  9. Have you ever considered that there may not be any great differences between the two and the two national parties?
  10. Now I have no excuse for making up **** when I post here
  11. The front office has not changed much but I'll make you a bet that the consensus mock draft picks for the Bills last year and this year will turn out better than the picks the Bills make.
  12. Maybe he should start listening to mock drafts because they have done a hell of a lot better job at picking talent than the bills staff has.
  13. http://www.theonion.com/video/sony-releases-new-stupid-piece-of-****-that-doesnt,14309/ its the 1st amendment filter they got on here
  14. I don't know how you concluded that oil reserves were at the top of the estimated range but one things for sure the article could be a hell of a lot more credible if the author listed reference's.
  15. So um.....was that an Obama pep rally yesterday? Seems like everyone was pretty happy there. Wounder what they were celebrating, everyone was giddy and ready to party.
  16. http://www.theonion.com/video/sony-releases-new-stupid-piece-of-****-that-doesnt,14309/
  17. Ted Kennedy "hero of the stupid" could drink a fish under the table but never got this kind of website on drinking.
  18. Exactly, thats the most disappointing thing about this. I'm sure you know that the whole editor to associate editor to reviewer process is very political and is based more on who you know and what asses you kiss than competence. The pool of available qualified reviewers is small. The people that should be reviewing papers like this are busy with their own research and University requirements and duties. Most reviewers don't even read through the statistical and data analysis sections of the manuscript.
  19. very scary to think the line between a BS blog and legitimate news is that thin!
  20. This happens way too often. Really makes you wonder about the quality of information we are all getting.
  21. I looked at all the clips here on DE and Bowers looks like the best by far.
  22. yeah clicking like a tricycle with cards pinned to the spokes.
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ghSJsEVf0pU&feature=player_embedded#! One word to save the world...HAPPY NEW YEAR!
  24. .....and what am I going to buy locally this time of the year to eat, snow and Icicles? Please don't tell me to can.
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