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Everything posted by whateverdude

  1. Man, you need to take yoga classes and try to relax. BTW it's ok for you to be wrong, you're human like the rest of us.
  2. In a fast collapse of a government the power void will be filled by the group with the best organized leadership infrastructure which will be the Muslim Brotherhood. My bet is that the secular protesters do not want this type of reform or radicalization. Looks like they are going to get it.
  3. That was an exact quote from the article and it was not out of context. Point is you can't have it both ways. First to say that your modeling predicts a positive phase NAO from global warming gases and than to say that projected loss of Arctic sea ice due to climate change predicts a negative phase NOA. WTF! Why does the NOA need always to be views through the prism of global warming, why can't it be natural fluctuations. Also 1+(-1)=0
  4. No one is interested in the facts, so whats the point. F it
  5. My lihttp://www2.ucar.edu/staffnotes/news/3742/cycles-dipoles-and-oscillationsnk My lihttp://www.startribune.com/blogs/113847264.html?elr=KArks7PYDiaK7DUdcOy_nc:DKUiD3aPc:_Yyc:aUoD3aPc:_27EQUnk
  6. I wonder is Chris Matthews will call Schumer an "BALLOON HEAD" like he did Michelle Bachmann for saying this sort of thing? Seriously, was the left always this unhinged?
  7. China fakes everything else why not this. It's cheaper then the real thing, LOL.
  8. This guy must carry around an IV bag of liquid Viagra. I mean come on he's 74!
  9. Yeah well some of us need to use 2 hands.
  10. You forgot about the pumpkin rind thickness too
  11. TMI, no one here wants to know about your sex life!
  12. What a bunch of media pussies in Washington DC, New York City and Boston. They get above average snow fall and cold the last 2 months and the whole world comes crashing down on them. In a feeble attempt to explain the snow Apocalypse at hand they drag their pseudoscientists out to proclaim it is Global Warming and this will be the new norm or that this is not an El Nino year so it must be Global Warming. Has anyone heard of the North Atlantic Oscillation it would explain or predict the current severe weather patterns in the northeast. We have been in a very negative phase since the beginning of 2010. NAO Someone said "weather change is not climate change"
  13. The stock markets are reflecting the conventional wisdom in the media, they do not provide an independent assessment of the economy. The moral of this story of late is that financial markets should not be viewed as the embodiments of wisdom about the economy. The big actors in the financial markets are subjects to bouts of fear,panic and euphoria just like the rest of us. In fact, they might even be more subject to irrational mood swings because they sit around talking to each other all day just like you guys.
  14. The politicization of science what a novel idea! It's worked well for global warming and the following:
  15. The Raiders Defense looked slow.
  16. No frenzy here just looking for the truth. I read all that those same links and BVD and IBR just does not kill overnight "mass" killing of 200 cows all at once as was suggested in the news accounts. A virus just does not work that way if would be life cycle suicide for the virus.
  17. Ok...how does a virus kill 200 cows all at once as the reports lead us to believe. Second i read up on the disease and it mostly kills calves at birth and if not stays with the animal life long decreaseing milk production and general health passing it on to new births. Birds and fish do not get this disease and there is no answers just speculation. My BS is as good as any others
  18. The redneck side of me believes that the mass killings of fish, birds and now 200 cows in Wisconsin is the work of Islamic terrorists testing the dosage and concentration of their water delivered poison. The rational side of me thinks that the poison would have shown up in a toxicology report for the birds and fish and that there is some other reason or reasons not yet found. Also, no evidence for a relationship among the events.
  19. I guess i'm not one of the cools kids....so WTF is EGYLN and SPFTZK?
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