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Everything posted by whateverdude

  1. I did not equate Jesus with god, I simply ask a question. Whether the question is meaningless (without use, value, worth) depends on your perspective. I found the question to be very useful. Seventy percent of the worlds populations belief systems are comprised of Islam, Hinduism, primal-indigenous, Chinese traditional, Buddhism, Sikhism, Judaism, and nonreligious whom do not believe that Jesus is synonymous with god. Based on the answer I received from you I can reasonably rule these out of your religious identity of origin. You could have simply said "I do not believe in the divinity of Christ". You have either assumed I am Christian. You are a Christian, were a Christian or Christianity has influence in your thinking.
  2. Neither did I, but now you have equated Jesus with God by assuming that when I said Jesus I meant God and Jesus as one. Odds are you where brought up Christian, which is really no stretch because most Americans are. See I do care, so Tom the point must be on your head than.
  3. Well, now that you said that I am a bit concerned about your soul. Have you made things right with Jesus Tom?
  4. The small carnie hands are a dead give away.
  5. You must be wearing x-ray glasses cause you saw right through me.
  6. Oh is that right, is that due their inbreeding or something
  7. Does hating religion make you a bigot or does hating religion make you a hero among the long haired, hemp wearing, hacky sack playing, Cafe au Lait drinking, Subaru driving, seed eating sandal walkers.
  8. Actually, I think Homo habilis is no longer in our direct line. I guess "handyman" didn't actually use tools. Do the Palestinians use tools?
  9. Thats the problem with you ugly Americans, you hate everything.
  10. Ah ha! do they or do they not use coconut shell battery chargers, bamboo telescopes, bamboo xylophones, bamboo sewing machines, "electric" razor made from a clam shell, vibrating from a honey-bee inside, "automatic" windows and doors powered by monkeys on the outside, and cars made out of stone, wood, and animal skins powered by the passengers' feet. answer the question CHICOT! I thought so.
  11. LOL, Ok you're right Palestinians are more closely related to Homo habilis than Jews.
  12. Ok, Chicot you would be wrong in calling me a racist. I called Palestinians a hominid species outside of our genus. Fact is we are all related to the Australopithecus , we share a common ancestor. All I said was that Palestinians were MORE closely related to the Australopithecus then Jews, which is not inherently racist. I'm the one who should be offended here.
  13. OK, then define the scientific meaning of race.
  14. Damn! it's so hard getting an accurate title. Tom has told me dumb ass fits.
  15. Ok how's this, If Tom raped the US Constitution and the Constitution was punished for being raped then by default Tom defines the US constitution.
  16. ROTFL, Ok before I accept the tittle of racist can someone explain to me what racism is because it does not seem to be based on race. Science makes no distinction, we are all Homo sapiens sapiens. Would calling me an anti-sapiens be more accurate or maybe anti-homo?
  17. Dude, The day witch burning becomes a socio political institution like Sharia Law is the day I worry about it.
  18. If the bill raped the US Constitution and the Constitution was punished for being raped then by default to bill defines the US constitution.
  19. The Palestinians are a closer genetic brother to australopithecus afarensis then to Jews.
  20. The ownership of land is a natural right and that right is established historically or through agreement or even assimilation.
  21. LOL, let em try to take it back than cause they sure as hell are not going to get it back through the legal system.
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