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Everything posted by whateverdude

  1. UA make my sexy man boobs stick out and their shorts smuggle my grapes.
  2. Ironic isn't it the Communist sounds like a capitalist and capitalists are sounding more like communists. So whats next, Human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together... mass hysteria! (ghost-buster reference) I know this dates me but what the !@#$.
  3. Thats not exactly fair. let me edit together all the times you say "and um" or "and ah" in a week.
  4. Don't blink they are closing fast. The rich city folks are the ones buying homes in the US.
  5. Thanks for posting that, It truly is amazing how far the Chinese have come in such a short time. I remember in the early ninety we had an older client that would insist on showing us his slide shows of places around the world he visited. On one occasion, I managed to stay awake long enough to see his slides from a recent visit to China. The pictures were from a boat tour on the Yangtze river I believe. I was stunned to see many barges of coal being off lifted by hand by hundreds of Chinese with straw made baskets, no motorized equipment. Now, the Chinese buy million dollar homes in the US so their children can have a place to stay while they attend American universities, graduate and take this knowledge back to China to continue kicking our collective asses economically. An't America great!
  6. Also last November, French President Nicolas Sarkozy proposed having the yuan enter the pool of currencies in the International Monetary Fund`s Special Drawing Rights, as a step to wean the international monetary system off its reliance on the dollar. 18 months If QE continues past June "rapidly open the door to less dependence on the dollar" The Yuan is king if this happens.
  7. Already happening slowly, China has, So far talked about SDR, arranged a slew of bilateral currency swaps, and piled up on gold. None of the approaches is the end solution. But it'd be foolish not to take their effort seriously.
  8. That is true, but can you ever remember a time when there was so much talk about replacing the dollar? Patience is running thin with our current monetary policy. The US is living on its reputation and very little else at the moment. Forecast China, Russia, japan and France drops us within a year and half if we continue QE
  9. LOL, the worlds economies will not stand for QE 3,4,5 after June when QE 2 sunsets. It's very predictable that people such as yourself will suffer from a normalcy bias as the situation worsens. Not saying its a great plan, in fact it's terrible, but it is happening right now. What other tools do we have, we seem to be locked into this.
  10. Bill Gross: We need to remain the reserve currency in order to print our way out of this.
  11. http://money.cnn.com/2011/02/10/markets/dollar/index.htm It's all over for the US economy if this happens. Inches away from a turd world economy.
  12. watch Bills will pick him up
  13. Pretty stupid but is that all he did? He quits because he sent a photo with his shirt off to a woman, BS there has got to be more to this story.
  14. Just shut up! You don't know how good you have it.
  15. For real, I wish half the state of Florida WOULD DIE ALREADY, Geesh! It's like Day of the Dead down there.
  16. I know one thing the solution is not to legislate personal choice and business operations. The answer may lie in finding creative ways to align the interests of health care insurers with that of the insuree. Maybe instead of playing a passive roll in our health decisions we are given incentives($) from insurers to take a more active roll. Question Doctors costs, the procedures and their costs, medication and their costs, statements. Ask for discounts, free samples, pharm coupons etc.. Maybe Hospitals and care groups should be require to advertise the price of procedures, so we could shop around for not only the best care but best prices. Price-grabber for health.
  17. Oh yes I agree, throwing gas on a fire is always the best solution. I feel so smart!
  18. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110207/ap_on_re_us/us_lower_tax_bills
  19. In an attempt to gain insight.
  20. Yeah I'd agree with that. Keep the politics out of the superbowl.
  21. That really is apropos because with the real unemployment numbers above 15% and all the spending of the Obama administration, about the only thing we're going to be able to afford is to live under rocks.
  22. The missiles or the warheads?
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