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Everything posted by whateverdude

  1. The union has wasted 6.6 million in dues to fight the Governor. How many teachers could this have hired? fat cat unions
  2. I think you found your new conner
  3. This is the big table Vegas side of investing that I little understand and don't have the stomach for, but for those willing to take that kind of risk the payoff could be big.
  4. If liberal piss me off more than conservatives do does this make me a partisan? If so unlike Joe, I'll proudly wear that title.
  5. Right now the US consumes about 21 millions barrels of oil a day. 12 millions barrels a day would get us about half way there. World oil demand is projected to increase by about 40% by 2030, 85 mil. barrels to 119 mill barrels a day. Supply will not keep up with demand, we need to get off oil. Also oil is priced on a global market so even if all the oil we get is from the US we will still pay a higher price. Then factor in the dollar losing it's reserve status....we are !@#$'ed if we stay with oil
  6. PEAK OIL!! what if they can not make up for any disruptions and they are just bluffing.
  7. I'm not going to argue with you on how you came to your valuations because I think you have done your homework and I have not. That being said the psychology play here has got to be good for a large multiple on the real valuation.
  8. This really is an easy fix. Most of the rise in oil is all about perception and speculation in the oil market. Make plans to open up the reserve and start making noise about tripling the oil drilling permits with talk of "environmental sound" drilling methods for oil extraction in area that are off limits now. You don't even have to follow through with it.
  9. With all the groups in the world that plot evils things right in the open in front of you, why would any reasonable person waste resources looking for star chambers. I am actually open to the idea that there are powerful groups in high places with secret agendas. For as long as some of these groups that JtsP have mentioned have been around, you would have though by now someone would have infiltrated them and recorded one of their "secret meetings" with a hidden camera. Put in the proper context, I might consider this pretty strong evidence.
  10. Thats because you have no answers to a very reasonable question. The burden of proof is with you not me. All the BS you have thrown at me are groups that are legal, open and not a secret. Until you have something other than innuendo and fear mongering to proof otherwise you are just another person of many with a religious belief in the occult.
  11. First of all this is a discussion board so don't be so self righteous you're not saving the world here. What I simply put forth originally is a call for proof for those who agree with the meat heads in the video. You stepped up to defend the assertion of a all powerful oligarchic(from the video) star chamber rule, so I assumed you agree with it. I stand corrected I'm glad to see you are not one of those conspiracy nut cases.
  12. Look you are the one making assertions that they are doing something shady/illegal behind the scenes, closed doors in oligarchic star chamber fashion. I am simply asking for proof. This is the same bogyman mindset that lead to the fascist uprising in Germany.
  13. Once again, where is the secrecy, this is a crucial component to your star chamber assertion. I mean come on you seem to know everything about him and every move he makes not quit the secretive all powerful puppet master bogyman you make him out to be is he. The man is a open book that wears his ideology on his sleeve and who was fully vetted, shocking! I not saying there is not a secret power behind the power but Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence. Without it this just becomes another discuss about the illuminati conspiracy.
  14. Really, you give me a conservative lobbyist with an open history, not exactly the alpha bogyman Keiser and Roberts describes as holding onto the reigns of power no matter who is in office. He is nowhere near power now under the Obama admin.
  15. Exactly what I'm talking about, a concept that originated from the drug addled mind of the late 60's. Sorry to be an ass, but is there no original thought anymore? Can anyone just name one of the unelected, un-appointed, secret oligarchic bogeymen who is running this military industrial complex? Don't say George Soros because we already know he's a bogeyman.
  16. boogie, boogie, boogie, Lookout for the bogeymen everyone they are evil minds that plot destruction. In the fields the American constitution is burning as the war machine keeps turning. Politicians hide themselves away they only started the wars why should they go out to fight, they leave that role to the poor. Making war just for banking profit and treating people just like pawns in chess. WAR PIGS I say! God I hate hippies
  17. Hmmmmm... I like the way you think!
  18. I elect DrDankenstein as the new offical PPP pompous ass. Sorry Tom
  19. True, so basically you are telling me to stockpile food, water guns and ammo. You're sounding like a right winger more and more, have you joined the dark side?
  20. Sorry, that's just not acceptable. I would rather endure the fleeting burning pain of a bullet passing through my head than to experience a world in which the greatest nation on earth has fallen to a third world status.
  21. If it ever came down to that all I need is one gun and one bullet.
  22. The real danger to America http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=444_1298650583
  23. I figured there was plenty of supply even with Libya offline. Once again looking for any unrest, oil speculators have entered the market in large numbers to drive the prices up. Whats different this time from 2006 is that it's not just oil that is going through the roof but all commodities are on a tare, inflation! This paired with what magox have stated, and fall in household saving, the jump in consumer spending (not form increased employment), the stock-market rise from the Fed effectively dumping dollars into equities has built a nice big equity bubble. Questions: Will the bubble bust with the end of QE2 in June? Where do you put your money to avoid inflation erosion if you get out of the market? Gold? Grain? foreign investment EM and like?
  24. WOW, Dr. D has uncoiled a lot of rope on this thread. Can't wait to watch his hanging
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