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Everything posted by whateverdude

  1. I guess I'm not blessed with the intelligence to walk and chew gun at the same time because I can not shoutbox and PPP at the same time although, I never actually tried to walk and chew gun at the same time.
  2. The Japanese as a culture are very polite any will hide bad news from the public to a fault. We may never know until it's too late how bad things are in japan. Doctors in Japan will not even tell the patient that they have cancer. Link
  3. I'm trying to respond to your post but every time I look down to read it my aluminium foil hat falls off. What do you do to keep your foil hat from falling off?
  4. Ok then, liquid mixture of graphite as coolant. The graphite dust in air is combustible and blew the Uranium out over the land. The Japanese situation is different. From what I understand and I could be wrong, the explosions were caused by a build up of combustible gases under the containment structures, the uranium is still in place. Once the containment structures is breached the radioactive gases are vented, no more explosions. Far better to have radio active gases released then to have an explosion where Uranium is blown out over the land like Chernobyl.
  5. I don't think it's possible for this to become like Chernobyl. Chernobyl reactors used graphite to cool the rods and mixtures of graphite dust and air are explosive when ignited. Also the Russian reactors did not have any containment structures over it. The Japanese reactors have 2
  6. Do you own a copy of Catcher in the Rye by chance?
  7. WOW, this thread has got a KKK/Aryan race vibe to it, COOL! !@#$ !@#$ !@#$ kike kike kike jap jap jap spic spic spic coon spade hook nose jew Slant-eye raghead gook MASTER RACE
  8. Dexter is like getting a new puppy after the passing away of our old faithful dog conner.
  9. Comrade, maybe you should pay closer attention to Marx's theory of human nature.......he left out GREED!
  10. Because they use the people for financial gain, which has nothing to do with the practice of the religion of Islam. Greed and corruption is their religion. Causation vs. correlation
  11. follow the money, the Emom$ are quite effective at whipping up the people. Also, Yasser Arafat was the sixth wealthiest among the world's "kings, queens & despots," with more than $300 million stashed in Swiss bank accounts, According to Forbes magazine.
  12. Sure do, the pal leadership has incentives $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ to keep the tensions high. All they need to do is work the people up into a frenzy over the evil Jews a couple of times a year to provoke action and the money keeps pouring in.
  13. Tom's not an evil pied piper he's a lovable benign piper with a heart of gold who is just misunderstood.
  14. You would think Anonymous could afford a better computer than the Commodore Amiga to produce their ad. Maybe the bogeyman took their money.
  15. well actually, Mecca is for one of them but you're on a roll so spin away. Have you ever thought it may be more about economic incentives then religious ones within the leadership structure of the Palestinians. You are confusing a religious correlation with causation. Your conclusion that religion kills people is about as equally valid as this one
  16. religion does not kill people....people kill people. I just like bashing on Muslims because they are just so damn sensitive. Back to my finger painting portrait of Mohammed.
  17. This is dead !@#$'ing on and anyone who says different is trying to re-write history.
  18. Pretty disgusting...Big Islamic warriors killing 3 children in their sleep.
  19. The Mob is alive and well and it's spelled UNION.
  20. New York state law requires some online retailers to collect sales tax on purchases shipped to New York's residents, even if they have no offices or employees there and if a retailer derives at least $10,000 of annual revenue from affiliates in New York, it is responsible for collecting the sales taxes.
  21. Thats true but it's not so much about the funding and more about NPR believing that getting government funding gives them the moral high ground over their competition. Face it, NPR is better than you and me.
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