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Everything posted by whateverdude

  1. LOL...Oh I'm in, I'm a sucker for Hippler directed film!
  2. Thats all, I got nothing else to say.
  3. Because the stinkin hook nose evil Jews have mystical Svengali powers over the genial. It's a Jewish conspiracy. His is no master people; he is an exploiter: the Jews are a people of robbers. He has never founded any civilisation, though he has destroyed civilisations by the hundred...everything he has stolen. Foreign people, foreign workmen build him his temples, it is foreigners who create and work for him, it is foreigners who shed their blood for him. The Jewish youth lies in wait for hours on end spying on our unsuspicious Aryan girls he plans to seduce, he wants to contaminate her blood and remove her from the bosom of her own people. The Jew hates the white race and wants to lower its cultural level so that the Jews might dominate. Was there any form of filth or crime...without at least one Jew involved in it. If you cut even cautiously into such a sore, you find like a maggot in a rotting body, often dazzled by the sudden light - a Jew. Dextor you are so cool, we should form a club and all wear BROWN SHIRTS.
  4. Thanks Dexter the world all makes sense now, I have a few questions: Since secret societies of Jews have existed since the dawn of civilization and possess secret knowledge that provides fame, power, and prosperity, why does Almost half of the people in the word live in abject poverty while the Jews are fabulously wealthy and most people struggle to make a living? Where does the secret Jewish knowledge come from? Can you access this secret Jewish knowledge?
  5. He's parroting Dr. Stanley Monteith (nut case). Dexter should try FM radio for a while to clear his head.
  6. Have you ever heard of an intelligence failure.....it happens we are only human and as fair as the lie thing, the burden of proof is with you.
  7. No they just shot them in the head in the streets in their beds and wherever they found them for the mere thought of rebellion.
  8. LOL what was the 2009–2010 Iranian election protests? So let me get this right we will do what ever the Jewish puppet masters tell us to do and take out all their enemies for them but wait until they have the nuclear bomb first
  9. Proof? was Libya going to attack Israel?
  10. Bull **** If this was true we would be bombing Iran and stop posting as Dexter
  11. Better, you're back on script now
  12. The most important question would be: what strategic interests does the US have in Libya? I can not figure this one out. In Iraq the US, French , British, and Saddam own generals thought their was WMD. It was largely an intelligence failure.
  13. Bahhahahahahahahah ok now I know you're here to F-with us and stir the PPP pot a bit. That was an obvious off script comment. If not, you need better writers.
  14. I know where you are going with this and I just don't buy it...in general a believe people and especially groups of people are just too incompetent to be that sophisticated.
  15. Brothers! We are foregathered here to preserve our hallowed culture'n heritage! From intrusions, inclusions and dilutions! Of culluh! Of creed! Of our ol'-time religion! We aim to pull evil up by the root! Before it chokes out the flower of our culture'n heritage! And our women! let's not forget those ladies, y'all, lookin' to us for p'tection! From darkies! From Jews! From Papists! And from all those smart-ass folk say we come descended from the monkeys! That's not my culture'n heritage! And so... we gonna hang us a neegra!
  16. Just take your free lunch and shut up
  17. Obama has used up his favors with the Russians (Scrapping the defense shield in eastern Europe) and China (blind eye the rights abuses and the royal treatment for HU) for this meaningless action in Libya just to build on his resume for the election and oil for Europe. Cold feet Haven't we learn our lessons about removing dictators in Muslim nations. The rebels are al-Qaeda backed and hate the US more than even Gaddafi. They are using the US. We are stupid stupid stupid
  18. Actually, I'm warming up to that idea.
  19. You are either staved for attention or the hoppes cleaning solvent is making you dizzy. Let me clarify a few things for you, 1) most people here are more concerned about your mental health after reading your posts than your subject matter. 2) This board is not and never was a democracy. Your message board persona on this private space has no constitutional protections.
  20. Hey moderators how does his constant obnoxious anti-semitic, anti-Israel posts not break the Personal "crusades" rule(posting the same information/opinion in an excessively repetitive manner. We want posters to share opinions not bludgeon others to death with them.)
  21. A simple question...why are we protecting al Qaeda backed rebels (Al-Jama’a al-Islamiyyah al-Muqatilah bi-Libya) in Libya?
  22. Obama only picked this fight because he knows he can't lose and he needs to pad the international diplomacy/coalition building part of his resume going into the election. He could give a **** about human rights, Africa and Asia is full of human rights injustices and he does nothing. This action took no guts on Obamas part, it was a PR move to draw stark differences between his foreign policy of UN centric coalition building and Bushes. EVERYONE HATES Gadhafi even the Arabs think he's nuts and can't be trusted so building a coalition with UN consent was a once in a life time opportunity in which Obama was politically savvy enough to seize upon. It will never happen again!
  23. Yeah, he can call the film "ground of war"
  24. Bahahahah
  25. Don't know...can I ever slim down?
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