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Everything posted by whateverdude

  1. I don't really care what you guys say because It's scientifically proven that when I drain my blood I feel better.
  2. But what about the polar bears and the ice cubes and, and the children's future
  3. Personal politics and ideology influencing scientific research is not a novel topic on this board. This thread will eventually degenerate to a discussion on "Global Warming" AGAIN!
  4. Don't forget the eastern Congo too!
  5. I'll warm up the ovens
  6. Bottom line: THROW MONEY AT IT! tax more. It's like throwing gas on a fire. Lets first put the fire out (spending) then we can talk about the rest.
  7. If it makes any difference to the cynics here, this was a joint article with Reuters
  8. Iran(not Arab but shia) and it's puppets, Lebanon and possibly Syria if Hezbollah is successful in suppressing the protests there. Israel can not let the Iranians have nukes. Israeli defence minister Shaul Mofaz stated "under no circumstances would Israel be able to tolerate nuclear weapons in Iranian possession". In December 2005. On 8 May 2006, Israeli Vice Premier Shimon Peres said in an interview with Reuters that "the president of Iran should remember that Iran can also be wiped off the map". Israel reportedly asked for bunker-busting bombs for an attack on Iran's main nuclear complex and for permission to fly over Iraq to reach Iran's major nuclear complex at Natanz. The Bush administration rejected the requests
  9. Absolutely! Nukes are a game changer
  10. Just the reverse. Israel can field 19 divisions of ground troops and fly nearly 3,000 combat missions, per day. Granted much of this might was built on American dollars, but as things stand right now the US is the only country holding Israeli back from going ape **** on hezbollah backed Arab countries.
  11. Yeah but the Zionists made the subhumans pay that.
  12. The US was not a world power or leader prior to the mid forties and was an isolationist country. The US was not a member of League of Nations and no UN prior to 1945. Britain, France and Germany colonized the middle east and most of Africa after 1918. The Problems the US have with the middle east after 1945 is one born from oil not Israel or an Israel lobby. As a emerging world power and a burgeoning post WWII economy fueled on oil, the US scraped its isolationist stance and started to flex it's muscles with Anglo-American Petroleum Agreement. The agreement divided middle eastern oil between the US and Britain. The Arab nations who once saw the America as good and just now saw us as just another colonial power protecting their own self interest. The Arab Nationalism movement against the colonist and end of Western influence in the Arab World was in full swing during the mid to late 40's. This was a threat to American oil interests in the middle east. The creation of the state of Israel provided a block or barrier to Arab countries unify to form a continuous single state.
  13. You really are clueless and have over estimate Israels depends on the US. Israel is a powerhouse in the middle east. In conventional warfare Israel would own the land and air. Their fighting force is highly trained and educated and will not throw down their guns and run like the Iraqis, Iranians, Syrians, Turks and Egyptians. It's in the vital interest of the US to stay friendly and close with Israel in order to keep them in check and keep the oil flowing uninterrupted from the Arab nations. If the IDF was to abandon their main doctrine of defense on the strategic level, no territorial ambitions, Desire to avoid war by political means, a credible deterrent posture, preventing escalation and low casualty ratio, there would be nothing stopping them (bar the US) from wiping out the military command structure of every single one of them. The IDF would even give the US military a real challenge. Israel does not need the US as much as you thing they do. In fact the US may need Israel more. I can tell you that the US ground intelligent is piss poor in the middle east and we would be deaf and blind if not for the Mossad.
  14. Yes, whats wrong with you...he sitting in his rocker in Plains, GA
  15. Does Hitler count...he was a jew
  16. Don't take this the wrong way but someday when you experienced a little more life you will realize that there is not a conspiracy around every comer controlled by invisible intentional agents. The world is not as well thought out as you think it is. The problem with government conspiracies is that bureaucrats are incompetent and people can’t keep their mouths shut. Complex conspiracies are difficult to pull off, and so many people want their quarter hour of fame that even the Men in Black couldn’t squelch the squealers from spilling the beans. So there’s a good chance that the more elaborate a conspiracy theory is, and the more people that would need to be involved, the less likely it is true. Unless you got real hard proof like a wire tap or videos with high level officials plotting a conspiracy, I don't want to hear it cause all it is, is noise in an already noisy world.
  17. The cabal is in Obama's pants, he has a hardon for the 2012 election. Its getting away from him now.
  18. We don't have to help them cut our throats It just keeps getting better
  19. samething, He studied under Robert Rowthorn, a leading British Marxist economist
  20. How nice for us
  21. Can anyone else see how ironic it is to have a Chinese man lecture us on capitalism. It's like a fish lecturing us on bipedal locomotion!! IMO, capitalism is not something you learn and but is something that develops natuarlly from a state of nature if allowed to..
  22. Self righteous and pompous. http://www.camera.org/index.asp?x_context=8&x_nameinnews=189&x_article=1106
  23. Anyone want to see my painting of Muhammad burning the Qur'an?
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