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Everything posted by whateverdude

  1. Why do they lie to us? The US has known for 4 years, thats 2 administrations, that Osama lived at the compound. They had surveillance on him the whole time gathering intelligents on the network. Obama just pulled the trigger and I don't know why.
  2. Well, what do you know I guess the media is going to report this: My link
  3. Another thing you will not read in the media is that the seal team along with the documents captured an Osama body guard/confidant who was injured in the firefight.
  4. Along with killing Osama, the Seals captured documents at the compound. Don't know what they are but you can bet Osama was still involved with planning attacks.
  5. In much worse then that, the USA is 8th in GDP per Capita.
  6. Oh....I guess I should stop waiting by the phone for your call than....heartless bastard.
  7. The USA couldn't even maintain first place for 250 years, what a joke this country turned out to be.
  8. No thats what our gov't is doing with QE2 Oil is priced in dollars! Stop QE and the oil speculation will go away, the dollar will rise and oil will be slightly cheaper for us. There is plenty of supply. Indian and china demand will keep it high but not this high.
  9. Dirty hypocrite smokes 2 packs a day Haliburton,Haliburton, Bush bad, Bush bad, Cheney.
  10. No bottom line is WE MUST STOP THE SPENDING. Would a crack head payoff his rent or just go buy more crack if you gave him more money?
  11. The kid wants to be a fag.....so what
  12. The first paragraph said it all about this writer. He's a twenty something maybe just 30 liberal kool-aid drinker whos mind, particularly the prefrontal cortex, has not yet fully matured.
  13. Rick Juszkiewicz is not catholic he's just a Family Radio guy that thinks the world will end ...I don't know why people are shocked over him, it's not like he's the first nut out of the bag.
  14. A much bigger problem and one in which the laws and regulations of our nation can't reach them or have great difficulty reaching them. My link
  15. I love it when I hear the babies bones crack and snap from an abortion. It just reminds me of all the good deeds we are doing to decrease the surplus population and reduce crime by disposing of the future unwanted. I'm warm all over.
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qnh1m3jgjRY
  17. Tell me again what the Dems said about Bush and Iraq.....oh wait thats right "no blood for oil". HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, yes folks we are swimming in Iraqi oil right now that why it's at $110 bucks! Oh, Oh how about this one "Obama care will lower the deficit" now thats a knee slapper!
  18. Interesting theory, but thats a awful big gamble to take for something thats not a sure thing. Brazil is not obligated to buy from GE and you know we will buy their oil no matter what, so that rules out blackmailing Brazil to buy GE stuff.
  19. No ****....I don't understand Obama stance on this.
  20. Don't worry as long as he is breathing they'll work him like a sock puppet.
  21. You have it so ass backwards. "American power" exists because of the Consent of the governed. Successful corporations are legally formed by the American people "the governed" through ingenuity and hard work. The power flows from the people to the government not the reverse. If it was not for powerful American corporations our government would be just another banana republic in a big turd world.
  22. "purposely" is the operative word here.
  23. Saudis ‘So Unhappy' With Obama They Sent Emissaries to China, Russia Seeking Enhanced Ties
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