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Posts posted by whateverdude

  1. I do it all the time. I sit in my back yard in a lawn chair getting some sun and read my Kindle. It's fantastic. Even if I had an Ipad I'd want a Kindle. They're two different things. If you read books you really owe it to yourself to have a Kindle. Guaranteed you'll never regret the purchase.

    skin cancer

  2. He's siding with international law and a treaty that US signed, to which the federal government is obligated to. Compared to a state law that convicted the murderer.


    He's also trying to set a precedent to protect Americans abroad (especially military) from abusive local governments.


    Putting emotions aside, it's not a black & white legal issue.

    You should rethink what you just said because it's silly. Abusive governments by definition do not follow any international rule of law.

  3. Well at first I thought it might be general moral degeneration from every man women and child being on welfare (Alaska Permanent Fund dividend check) but being a progressive I gave that notion up- so then I thought maybe it's from having a high consumption of alcohol, or meth or Oxycontin but a lot of places have that problem and don't have 2.5x the national average of rape. It was perplexing but I think it might have something to due with it being dark for whole months and the fact that people can run around in ski masks 24/7 and not be considered strange- but I'm sure you have the reasons Alaska leads in rape, suicide, domestic violence.




    ah blame it on environmental conditions as a progressive I'm ashamed I didn't think of that myself.

    No, it's the large population of sexual deviant, kayak thieving, seal robbing, homicidal Malemiut males in Alaska that's skewing the stats. Not the mention the negative Canadian influences.

  4. Shh I have used the Internet at work. And I take paper home for my printer.


    Surfing porn, phone sex and stealing office supplies will get you fired at any job I know of.


    We are talking about a Democrat here so he gets a special pass because he's doing the lords work and the ends justify the means. Democrats are so vital to our republic that each Dem should get a couple of free passes when they take office. It's not like he murdered anyone although, I think he should get a pass on that too because he does so much good for this country. :worthy:

  5. Hey, that guy wanted anal or a BJ in a public restroom and got arrested for it. Weiner sent his weiner pic to some woman who didn't mind looking.




    Sorry, you're right. He was having an affair on his wife who was having a breast cancer treatment and discussed the divorce terms while she was recovering from breast cancer related surgery. But then when he was having an affair on the second wife with his Congressional aide, he got divorced again. Of course, there was also his child support and alimony issue.


    I can see why you're quick to defend him. Stud.

    But in another startling claim, she claimed she once had a 30 minute phone sex session with Weiner on his government provided telephone.


    The woman said: "After a while I said to Anthony, 'Why are writing these messages when we can just speak?'


    "I gave him my number and he called me from his office and we proceeded to talk dirty for at least 30 minutes.


    "A few days later, I tried to call him back on that number.


    "But the number wouldn't connect to his office; instead there was a recorded message that it was an outgoing U.S. Congress line only."


    Bhahahahah Man of the the people. There is no way in hell he did NOT hook up with one of theses bimbos!

  6. Debt was 10 trillion when your guy and his people took control. 15 trillion now. Explain please. Tell me how its a good thing. Tell me how many more people are employed because of his stimulus plan. Then tell me how great it is to have gas at almost $5 a gallon. Doubled since he took office. Tell what a great job he's doing with the dollar in regards to impending inflation. On second thought, don't tell me anything. Just be quiet and hope someone with a clue takes office in 2012 to bale all you (*^*&%^$^#liberal asses out.

    You forgot about the housing market collapsing, Again!

  7. seriously, the guy can't feed himself, wipe his own ass or even hold his own pecker to pee yet he is still arrogant enough to tell us he knows what's in the afterlife. Don't care how smart you think you are there is no one living who can tell you what happens in the afterlife or if there even is an afterlife.

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