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Everything posted by whateverdude

  1. Name one Repub that got a free pass from you first and then media?
  2. Surfing porn, phone sex and stealing office supplies will get you fired at any job I know of. We are talking about a Democrat here so he gets a special pass because he's doing the lords work and the ends justify the means. Democrats are so vital to our republic that each Dem should get a couple of free passes when they take office. It's not like he murdered anyone although, I think he should get a pass on that too because he does so much good for this country.
  3. But in another startling claim, she claimed she once had a 30 minute phone sex session with Weiner on his government provided telephone. The woman said: "After a while I said to Anthony, 'Why are writing these messages when we can just speak?' "I gave him my number and he called me from his office and we proceeded to talk dirty for at least 30 minutes. "A few days later, I tried to call him back on that number. "But the number wouldn't connect to his office; instead there was a recorded message that it was an outgoing U.S. Congress line only." Bhahahahah Man of the the people. There is no way in hell he did NOT hook up with one of theses bimbos!
  4. Yes that and "crap throwing monkey" also
  5. Chris Lee took one in nuts so should this guy.
  6. You forgot about the housing market collapsing, Again!
  7. No logic involved, he's expressing his belief which is no more valid than the man who said the world would end May 21 1011 at the time he said it.
  8. The Saudis will say anything to mask that they have reached peak oil.
  9. News stories like this will become common place...lets face it China is the new kid on the block that everyone wants to cozy up to.
  10. I can admire the fact that you want to defend your significant other....how sweet.
  11. Cause Arnie was banging a jew, MEL!
  12. I'm going to "go out on a limb here" and say I bet you believe concrete thinking involves construction work.
  13. seriously, the guy can't feed himself, wipe his own ass or even hold his own pecker to pee yet he is still arrogant enough to tell us he knows what's in the afterlife. Don't care how smart you think you are there is no one living who can tell you what happens in the afterlife or if there even is an afterlife.
  14. For a guy who can't even wipe his own ass it's amazing how big his ego is.
  15. Anyone want to know how the process of water-boarding is done? He sure as hell is not at church
  16. Most if not all of the hand written documents capture by the Seals were written in Osamas hand. The subject matter was religious in nature, delusional and disorganized. So, basically Osama lost it. I bet this gets released
  17. This is kind of a surprise, the Pakistanis were aiding the US surveillance of the Osama compound over the last 4 years or so. What they are pissed about is that from the beginning they insisted that if there was to be a raid to go in and get Osama that it be done by the Paki military.
  18. You are free to believe whatever you want even if it is pre-packaged and served with a bow on top.
  19. They don't like Penetta over at the CIA. The take on him is that he's a very loyal lapdog of Obama's who will not so much as fart without first consulting with Obama. Petraeus is a different story, he's his own man and Obama does not trust him as much.
  20. I'm also now hearing that there is no coincidence that Obama pulled the plug on this operations days after the announcement that Panetta is leaving the CIA for the Pentagon. Geesh, our media is so slow to put things together.
  21. I have no idea, all I can tell you is that I have heard second hand that they have been surveilling UBL at this location for about 4 years.
  22. yes, and he's deader than dead. Some people in intelligence are just miffed and a bit disillusioned that Obama pulled the plug on the operation that was providing such an active intelligence stream.
  23. There is no link and will not tell you how I know this. You can call this BS, in fact I would if I were in your shoes. All I can say in my defense is that I stated here before it hit the media that the Seals captured documents and an injured Osama confidant. Check the timestamps. As far as the US knowing about UBL for 4 years....that may never come out.
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