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Posts posted by whateverdude

  1. Yeah, it was specifically targeted by some gomer with a rocket, because Pakistan wanted payback for bin Laden.


    And I'm being naive. :lol:

    Yes you are. Believe it or not there just may be some people who know I little more about the situ than you do. The following story only got it partially right, this was a pakistani intelligence hatched trap not a Taliban one:




    Yes you are. Believe it or not there just may be some people who know I little more about the situ than you do. The following story only got it partially right, this was a pakistani intelligence hatched trap not a Taliban one:



    And Yes this was PAYBACK for going around Pakistani Intelligence to get UBL. Also, it was not just an RPG that shot it down it was a FIM-92 Stinger.

  2. The government is simply not responsible with our tax money. The Bush tax cuts have very little to do with our situation. The problem is spending. the Social Security Trust Fund took in more revenue through payroll taxes leveraged on Baby Boomers than it needed. Ideally, this money should have been invested to be available when the Boomers retire. In reality, the Fund was "loaned" to the government to finance increased deficit spending. This interest-free loan helped keep Treasury Bond interest rates low, allowing more debt financing. However, it's not really a loan, since it can only be repaid by increased taxes when the Boomers do retire. Cut first tax later

  3. Corporate tax cuts, loosen regulations, close tax loop holes, open up more drilling, kill the health care bill, cut defense waste and entitlements reform. This is the only way to cut debt and keep the economy afloat without taxing the crap out of us which will not work anyways. S&P David Beers on fox news Sunday when ask if we need revenue or entitlements cuts or both to stop the downgrading only addressed the need for entitlement cuts and would not answer the revenue increases part of the question. Check it out as soon as the video comes out.

  4. It's simple, rich people are the only people who can afford to hire you for a job. How many of you work or have worked directly for people who are on welfare? Let's not raise taxes for the producers, cut their taxes so that they can invest more money in their ideas. Let them assume the risk of job creation not the government. The rich will do a lot better job of picking winners than the government can.


    Taxing the rich will not work. In 1987, the richest 1 percent paid roughly one quarter of all income taxes, while the bottom 50 percent paid 6 percent. But just 20 years later, the richest 1 percent were paying 40 percent of all income taxes and the bottom 50 percent were paying just under 3 percent. This have got us nowhere.

  5. Is this post a joke?


    * Emergency room visits for marijuana are on the rise? Who cares. That's like being concerned about more people going to the emergency room because of stubbed toes. There is no legitimate medical reason to go to the emergency room for marijuana. In fact, the CDC records exactly 0 deaths directly attributable to marijuana


    * Cancer.gov says marijuana will not only not give you cancer, but it has anti-tumor properties as well. In fact, it was shown that cannabinoids reduced lung cancer cell growth by 50%.





    * The largest study ever done on marijuana concluded that it does not increase the risk of lung cancer, but those who smoked had a slightly LESS risk of developing the disease



    * And your last point? There isn't even a citation for it. The DEA simply cites Dr. James Dobson, a well known Evangelist who has never had anything to do with Columbia University.


    Just for good measure:


    Think marijuana makes you stupid? Nope




    You cannot find one credible scientist that will list marijuana as more dangerous than tobacco... not one. You idiotically claim that pot is more dangerous that tobacco, but guess what? One substance has 400,000+ deaths per year attributed to it, and another has 0.

    WOW, a study on mice you know it's got to be true because anatomically and biochemically we are just like mice. Also, how did they get the mice to smoke the joints...because we are talking about pot SMOKE not THC and CBD there is a big difference. You not only get THC when you smoke pot but you also get all the bad chemicals and 5 times the lung killing tar in pot SMOKE

  6. The anti-smoking campaign in New York boarders on assault with the graphic TV spots and ads depicting cigarette smoke as a major cause of cancer, heart and other health related problems. At the same time that these ads are running all over the state, Cuomo is coming out in favor of "medical" Marijuana. Marijuana smoke is much worse for your health than tobacco smoke:


    * In recent years there has been a dramatic increase in the number of emergency room mentions of marijuana use. From 1993-2000, the number of emergency room marijuana mentions more than tripled.


    * There are also many long-term health consequences of marijuana use. According to the National Institutes of Health, studies show that someone who smokes five joints per week may be taking in as many cancer-causing chemicals as someone who smokes a full pack of cigarettes every day.


    * Marijuana contains more than 400 chemicals, including most of the harmful substances found in tobacco smoke. Smoking one marijuana cigarette deposits about four times more tar into the lungs than a filtered tobacco cigarette.


    * Harvard University researchers report that the risk of a heart attack is five times higher than usual in the hour after smoking marijuana.


    * Smoking marijuana also weakens the immune system and raises the risk of lung infections. A Columbia University study found that a control group smoking a single marijuana cigarette every other day for a year had a white-blood-cell count that was 39 percent lower than normal, thus damaging the immune system and making the user far more susceptible to infection and sickness.

  7. It's the Democrats code word for Fascism, but they couldn't get away with calling those who follow Republicanism fascists for fear they would come off as being extremists the very thing they fault Republicans who believe in Republicanism of being. Republicans should come up with a different word for communists.

  8. Yeah, that was over the top.


    Although if you can feed yourself and don't, you probably will die. Of starvation. And again, I'm not going to show much compassion towards that person (and note: anorexia falls under "can't" in my book), but I'm not going to be self-righteously cheerful about it either.

    Over the top...maybe but just think those who are capable but do not provide for themselves have an opportunity to make the ultimate sacrifice in these trying times and off themselves for the children.


    Also, based on their overreactions it was very interesting to see who the true bleeding hearts are on this board who cloak themselves as center or center right.



    which part? oh wait you made a funny...zinnng

  9. Stop being so damn hard headed, it's not about bringing in sustainable revenues, its about avoiding a debt crisis. If we didn't have such a large debt then I'd agree with you, but we aren't living normal times now and YES right now we do have a major REVENUE problem, not just spending. For those that keep repeating this talking point of "we dont have a revenue problem, we have a spending problem" is just plain full of ****.


    Normally, we do have just a spending problems, but the fact of the matter is, ever since the economy crashed in 2008, the major deficit driver along with the stimulus bill is lack of revenues. That's a fact! That's not theory or a guess or calculation, it's a fact. You can look it up for yourself.


    So what we are trying to communicate to you hard heads is that right now, unfortunately we need to raise revenues along with slashing spending. Why? To avoid a future debt crisis. So it's all hands on deck time, simply because of all the debts we've racked up over the years, which we had always taken for granted, and now with the tremendous loss of revenues, the debt alarms are sounding, and they are getting louder and louder.



    I'm thinking 3 to 4 dollars in REAL cuts to 1 dollar in raised revenues sounds about right to me.

    Raising taxes will not bring in more money because it's a drag on the economy. We need more people working in private industry to increase the revenue. The way things are now I could really give a crap if we default on Aug 2. because we are already in default..the brain is dead the body has just not received the message yet. One other thing the Dems with raise taxes but mark my words they will never get around to the spending cuts of a deal

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