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Everything posted by whateverdude

  1. Ralph is cheap!
  2. All this growth around here has got me giddy.
  3. A family from a radical Islamic region with two very young boys moves to America seeking asylum. The two young boys are taken into American as one of our own, sheltered, feed, protected, cared for and given the very best that America has to offer. The same two boys as adults repay us by planting bombs and killing 5 and horrible maiming for life hundreds of the same Americans who took them in.
  4. Geeesh, It's just people poaching. Especially at night with spotlights.
  5. Was that tweet even written in english, Brah?
  6. Stop running, stop stretching for 3 months. Start wearing New Balance walkers from the min you wake up to the min you go to bed.....this is the only thing that will fix you up. Oh and lose weight
  7. Whats an analytics group?
  8. Unless you work for the Rochester D&C who has fired most of the reporting staff and now mostly parrots the AP.
  9. More excuses. after the fitz excuses for bad play last year I'm slow to buy this one for his poor play.
  10. WHY WHY! did you bring Trarvaris Jackson to Buffalo and did not even suit him up??
  11. How the hell could google get it so wrong
  12. https://www.google.com/search?q=ralph+wilson+to+speak&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a#hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=Wg5&tbo=d&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&q=jim+kelly+football+player&stick=H4sIAAAAAAAAAGOovnz8BQMDgwYHsxCnfq6-gWFlcnG5EoRZaJltqcUXkFpUnJ8XnJmSWp5YWWxgf6zrvEZX0333g-dd_15JUJMz_wkA5Ja34kUAAAA&sa=X&ei=59LhUNP1JLSP0QHyvIC4DA&ved=0CNUBEMQNMBY&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&bvm=bv.1355534169,d.dmQ&fp=31229be95c8561f6&bpcl=40096503&biw=1138&bih=514
  13. nine winning seasons and playoff appearances, five NFC championship games and a Super Bowl in the last 12 years. Sounds like a coach the Bills can only dream of.
  14. I think you're taking too much Vitamin D3
  15. Here is another link to back up my prediction http://msn.foxsports.com/nfl/story/Cam-Newton-fined-for-abusive-conduct-to-official-122712
  16. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/09/25/cam-newton-denies-report-hes-seeing-a-mind-coach/ He'll crack
  17. The guy will be out of football within 5-6 years
  18. Faulty gas regulator/control valve.
  19. There is something wrong with those 50 yard kicks.....look in the background, the trees are blowing in the wind every time right before the kick and then stop every time as he is kicking it......some kind of trick video loop thing going on.
  20. The mans penis can be used in the commission of a crime and infected ones have killed millions in Africa, should we ban them?
  21. This is definitely the biggest surprise of the year. Why did they trade for him in the first place if they do not plan on using him and will probably draft a young QB in the draft to play next year??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
  22. Mental health professionals are on the front lines just like some of our soldiers are. Funding cuts are just the wrong thing to do if we want to solve these societal problems.
  23. Mass shootings are not a problem of guns it is a problem of people, namely the mentally ill. A generation or 2 ago the mentally ill who were deemed a danger to themselves and others were institutionalized, medicated and rehabilitated if possible and releases into society with heavy supervision. The more dangerous individuals were kept in the institutions. That changed with a liberal progressive movement that favored “mainstreaming” with outpatient services. That works for individuals with non-violent tendencies but not the potentially violent ones. What we need is a national conversation about the mentally ill and how to help them and to identify the potentially violent ones better. Unfortunately, both parties have cut funding to mental health providers over the last 25 years.
  24. You are right but Japans resurgence actually started in the 50's under the tutelage of an American William Edwards Deming.
  25. You make a good point
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