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Pecos Bills

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Everything posted by Pecos Bills

  1. That's messed up!
  2. Psych 👈👀 endlessly quotable in everyday life
  3. Michael Marcagi only has a handful of songs on an EP but is one to watch in 2024:
  4. Bills have been to 6 AFCCGs in the past 35 years. Twice as many as the Jets. Who cares?
  5. These lyrics, this entire album (A Crow Looked At Me) "Our daughter is one and a half You have been dead eleven days I got on the boat and came to the place Where the three of us were going to build our house if you had lived You died though So I came here alone with our baby and the dust of your bones..."
  6. Um no, they (we) absolutely would not do any such thing. The S-E-C conference chant is sui generis.
  7. Plus there's actually a lot of other good stuff on Peacock these days. Live a little.
  8. The text of the relevant section of the Texas penal code says "person" or "individual." Because a female is a person.
  9. Change your diaper.
  10. Huh. This sounds like you are reading more into a simple statement of fact than is actually there.
  11. 1st ever was "Hamburger: The Motion Picture" when my neighbor's older sister and her boyfriend were "babysitting" us. Truly awful movie. 1st in a theater was "Hard to Kill" to kick off my middle school Steven Seagal phase: "I'm gonna take you to the bank, Senator Trent -- to the blood bank!"
  12. To be fair, McDermott's record was 11-12 through the same number of regular-season games as Daboll has coached (10-12-1).
  13. I remember when he calmly told Petey he wrote a bad song:
  14. The question as it relates to this lawsuit is more about the NFL's obligation to investigate a complaint made by one of its employees. Clearly many posters are feeling super defensive about the "did Terry do a racism?" part of the story but that's not the heart of the matter here.
  15. Is it surprising that the top news results on a topic are all related to that topic's big news story that came out literally yesterday? I'd be surprised if fewer than 9 of 10 searches for "Terry Pegula" today were looking for anything else. His statement on the Bills official page is #3 in my google news search, for what it's worth. Sure, "the internet is forever," but online search results are constantly changing, and this story will stay relevant or fade away depending on how it plays out.
  16. This thread has so many instances of "he has an Asian wife and children so he can't be racist"/ "his daughter dated a black player so he can't be racist" that I almost wonder if you're all cribbing from the same substack or what? 🤨
  17. That jury will be acting on behalf of the government, and they will be given detailed instructions on their responsibilities by a judge. Just clarifying that due process is for real courts, not the court of public opinion, and I also know Terry Pegula and the NFL are perfectly capable of sticking up for themselves.
  18. Nah, people are absolutely free to make their own private determination as to the reliability of sources and accusations in publicly-reported stories like this one. Due process is for government, period. I'm withholding judgment on this particular case as of now, but I'm by no means bound by a "presumption of facts in [anyone's] favor."
  19. Whether any of us individually believe the alleged quote attributed to Pegula has nothing to due with legal due process.
  20. That part came from an alleged conversation directly between Trotter and Jones at the Hall of Fame game in 2020.
  21. Trotter heard the allegation from another NFL media reporter on a Zoom call in September 2020, about a conversation alleged to have taken place some time before that, probably summer 2020 considering it was in regards to Black Lives Matter.
  22. NFL owners meetings are often intended to be confidential: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/04/25/sports/nfl-owners-kaepernick.html https://www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/nfl-owners-reportedly-bashed-trump-over-anthem-agenda-in-secret-meeting-last-year/
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