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Pecos Bills

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Everything posted by Pecos Bills

  1. New album today from this cool dude Lubalin: Previously notable for internet shorts like "She Stole My Broccoli Casserole Recipe" and "I Just Need Butter" 🤣
  2. Never heard this song from the Doobies… sounds like early CS&N, really cool!
  3. The Armstrong Air & Space Museum in Neil Armstrong's hometown of Wapakoneta OH is a fun little museum for the family: it's free with an Ohio History Connection membership. https://www.armstrongmuseum.org/
  4. Also in Memphis, the National Civil Rights Museum is very powerful. And of course, Graceland is worth seeing at least once in life.
  5. Sword in the Stone (1963) and Robin Hood (1973) are my all time favorite Disney animated movies, and Big Hero 6 is my favorite since I've had kids.
  6. That also lines up pretty well with Gen Z hitting the roads--that is, if they decide to drive at all.
  7. This young dude Mk.gee was on SNL last weekend, really interesting musician with a unique style on guitar:
  8. So you say I’ve wasted my life away Well I got a beach home up in Buffalo
  9. Let's go to the videotape! Merriam-Webster's: slang, often offensive American Heritage: Often Offensive Slang Collins: offensive slang Wiktionary: slang, derogatory, offensive (The offensiveness of this term and of spastic differs throughout the Anglosphere. In the UK, Ireland, Canada and Australia, it is highly offensive. The term is more casually used in the U.S., but is still offensive to some disabled people) Cambridge American: informal offensive (an extremely offensive word for a stupid person, or a person who behaves or moves in a strange or uncontrolled way. an extremely offensive word for a person who has cerebral palsy) OED: slang. offensive (usually derogatory or depreciative) (In British use typically derogatory and always closely associated with the meaning in sense 3, and as a result considered highly offensive to people with disabilities. In North American use typically mildly depreciative and not considered highly offensive before the 21st century. Dictionary.com: (The slang use of spastic (or spaz ) to mean “clumsy” is perceived as insulting to people who are affected with muscular spasms.)
  10. Just because you guys aren't aware of the term's negative impact to people even here in America, doesn't mean it isn't offensive to anyone: I certainly am aware that people have been perturbed by the term (there's articles from way back in 2006 about Tiger Woods apologizing for using it about himself). A person going into a national broadcasting role should know how words are going to be perceived by the public broadly. Even as just slang, it sounds dumb and unprofessional coming from a #1 broadcasting team. On a related note, enjoy this classic SNL sketch, "Geek, Dweeb, or Spazz" https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xhl09y
  11. Whether posters here are offended or not, it's just another indicator that Brady jumped into national broadcasting completely unprepared for the reality of the job.
  12. MJ Lenderman
  13. Amazing catch by Taron! What a game
  14. Even the flags against NJ make me mad at this point… but I’ll allow it.
  15. Flag flag flag flag flag, unbelievable
  16. Right call or not, of course these idiots muff the announcement. But it did look like Rodgers tried to hold onto that ball.
  17. These refs just can’t help themselves at this point, sheesh, now icing Bass?
  18. So this is a pretty crazy game all around
  19. Officials even throwing flags during commercials wtf
  20. Half ass makeup call by completely incompetent refs… but I’ll allow it.
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