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Everything posted by BuffaloBillsSD

  1. I have gotten it for $170 and $180 the past two seasons, it isn't difficult and I know no one else in my household is paying the difference since I have the only account and I pay the bill.
  2. Would you like to meet some SEALs and ask them if they shoot unarmed people that asleep? In other words shut your mouth if you do not know what you are talking about.
  3. As a Marine with several SEALs as friends I highly doubt we will see this footage. SEAL Team 6 is the most elite and beyond classified.
  4. I am in with a large contingent of my hometown friends from all around the country. We would be interested in buying tickets with the group and doing a bus trip to and from either PB Ale House or Gaslamp Tavern. I live across from Qualcomm so if anyone has any questions don't hesitate to PM me.
  5. I loved this guy before the video but wow is he a beast. Not enamored with Williams but Dareus makes up for it. Thanks for the post!
  6. @KC- Loss Oak- Win Pats- Loss @Cinci-Win Philly-Loss @NYG-Loss Wash-Loss NYJ-Loss @Dallas-Loss @Miami-Loss @NYJ -Loss Tenn-Loss @SD-Loss Miami-Win Denver-Loss @NE-Loss 3-13, better than the 1-15 I predicted last year.
  7. Cam Newton Cameron Heyward Demarcus Love
  8. It would be nice if Verizon would allow a true Android phone to come out or at least cut down on the bloatware that you have to root to get rid of. I don't mind sense that much but motoblur is crap.
  9. The Bionic looks great, I have another upgrade in July so I may pick one up if it isn't locked down too bad, I like the freedom of HTC. I had a Droid X from August-March it was a great phone but the I wanted to get in on the unlimited 4g before it goes to tiered, which is rumored to be whenever the iPhone 5 comes out.
  10. Play flash, open source operating system,768 ram, upgradeable onboard memory, and I can change my own battery. Also it can run on Verizons true 4g network, I understand that this isn't a selling point to anyone in a non 4g area but I am in one so it makes a difference. Apple was the first but they are no longer the best. I remember when iPhone users couldn't get pictures over text message, my feature phone was doing it before the iPhone.
  11. Hey Fanboy thanks for all that useless knowledge! I've had the Thunderbolt since launch and it has been great. If I were you I would only look at the iPhone 5 if it is equipped to run on the LTE network. It comes down to preference, some people want the ease of the dumb smart phone and others want to have a true smart phone.
  12. Or you could make your own forum where you make the rules on what is posted and where, the labor negotiations are a part of football for better or worse. If you don't like it then don't click the post, problem solved.
  13. You understand that it is just a game, it is entertainment, if their labor strife is causing unrest in your life then maybe you should step back and reevaluate your priorities. Also saying that people are stupid because they don't share your views is idiotic. How does anyone else spending money on football influence your life? Get a clue solider.
  14. Sorry I couldn't respond I was busy with enjoying my free class thanks to the GiBill. My family has money and I did attend college before joining. I screwed it up and instead of having my parents bail me out I joined the USMC. Thank god they took a jackass like me and made me a man. Then they gave me a free education. Thank You AMERICA !
  15. We have different pov, but at least we agree to respect those in uniform. The way he was treated sickens me.
  16. I wish people like you and those college punks would do this to a squad of Marines instead of hiding behind the internet or disrespecting a hero.
  17. It's a video of war, isn't that political by nature?
  18. People who have never experienced war firsthand are usually the ones who don't understand why the military does what it does. Only 7% have served so that leaves 93% of our population who have no idea what they are talking about.
  19. When I was a kid to spite my older brother I chose the Bengals. Not my greatest decision but at least they haven't gone head to head in the playoffs or knocked the other one out of contention.
  20. Welcome to heaven! What part of SD are you moving to? The Bills fans meet at Ale House in Pacific Beach. Any questions on the area pm me.
  21. They can only sell next seasons ticket, if they choose the future game package then they have to use it themselves. This is complete BS, if I had spent all the money and time that these people had put into going to the Super Bowl only to find out they didn't have my seat I would have lost it. THEY KNEW FOR MONTHS HOW MANY SEATS THEY SOLD!!!!!!!! How is this point lost on some of you, the NFL willfully committed fraud on over 400 people. I hope the Dallas court hit's them with the 3x's multiplier on this case and the plaintiffs end up with 15 million to split.
  22. You will need to purchase a code if you bought the games used, if purchased new it is included in the instruction manual.
  23. I paid 300 for Sunday Ticket and Center Ice which is a great value. The NFL is selling a product, if you don't want to pay then stop crying.
  24. In the time he took to type that response he could have looked it up. The OP referenced the site it originated on and imo that is enough. I don't respect lazy people.
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