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Everything posted by BuffaloBillsSD

  1. Last year I predicted 1-15, this year I am thinking 3-13 so maybe they will go 6-10 and prove me wrong again!
  2. I think he should play qb.
  3. I watch every Notre Dame game, and also whatever SEC games are on.
  4. Not a rookie, been coming to the wall since '03 but I forgot my username and no longer use that email, anyways. Thought you were being serious, I am probably the most pessimistic Bills fan around and K.Williams along with Stevie were the only bright spots on the team last year. I don't think he is going anywhere, and unless he starts pulling a Peters and holding out I would like to not worry about him going elsewhere.
  5. No problem, I hope you get hit by a drunk driver!
  6. If he gets some good ol cancer that will teach him!! The OP is an idiot but you are an
  7. Vegas is the only place I drink "girlie" drinks, usually I prefer a good IPA, and some crown royal but when I am in Vegas I drink the **** out of pina coladas ect...
  8. Teams that have missed the playoffs for 11 years deserve in depth coverage and love from the national media. How we have been ignored is beyond me.
  9. Some of my friends tried this at the San Diego Fair and said it was terrible.
  10. Speculation based on his lifestyle and the picture he tweeted 3 hours before the crash where he is drinking.
  11. Still remember watching the verdict while I attended St. Francis, nothing like seeing a bunch of 14/15 year olds rejoice over a "murderer" getting off.
  12. When I lived in Buffalo I encountered more drunk drivers than anywhere else I have ever lived, some of you have admitted to drinking and driving but not going 100 mph or killing someone else. First, if you have at one point drank and drove shut up you hypocrites, second his passenger knew what he was getting into. If you drink with someone all night and then get in the car with them you are just as wrong. Saying RIP to someone who you enjoyed watching isn't condoning their actions so you can calm down Dad.
  13. There is no evidence but he is better than Evans, Jasper is also a future HOF'er, and Fitz is about to overtake Branning as the best QB in the WORLD!!!
  14. I quit cold turkey last July, it was brutal but well worth it. I find that I enjoy sporting events much more when I am not rushing to the designated area to huff down a quick smoke. The only problem I have with open air stadiums banning it outright is that they can have a smoking area that does not interfere with non-smokers.
  15. 7/23 @ 4:23 am. Girl name Josephine Starr Boy name Voltron Thundercat Starr
  16. I remain skeptical about what impact he will have in the NFL but I will be more than happy to say I was wrong. Guys like Jasper are easy to root for, even more so when he takes time out to make a little girl and her Dads day.
  17. It depends on what his price is, if he wants elite money then no, but if he is reasonable then yes.
  18. I will be more than happy to eat my words if Jasper blows up. In fact I hope you bring this thread up in November when big Jasp is crushing Brady and the Sanchize. If you come to Sd for the game in Dec, and Jasper has >1 sack I will buy you several beers.
  19. I think Jasper is the first ever 7rd pick who is a guaranteed pro bowler before he even attends training camp.
  20. I called up and got $25/mo off regardless of a season. Thanks for the tip.
  21. We got Jasper so we can run Williams out of town along with Poz. We've been rebuilding for so long why stop now.
  22. Don't waste your time, some of the people on here refuse to be reasonable when it comes to assessing players or the team. Every year we are a playoff contender, all of our vets are going to make the jump to All Pros, and the only debate on our rookie class is which ones will win DROY and OROY. I enjoy laughing at these wild assumptions.
  23. I've gotten a couple foul balls by going to games but now I let the kids get them. If I had been going for 33 years and never gotten one I probably would have kept it as well. Worst incident I saw in person was at the World Baseball Classic at Petco back in '09. Mexico Vs Japan if I correctly recall. Foul ball hit towards my section, bounces on stairs in front of me, I don't move as I see a small Mexican child going for it, out of nowhere a Japanese man grabs it out of the kids grasp. The kid was balling and finally his father screamed at the ahole who stole the ball, the crowd let the guy have it but he didn't care. Biggest douche move I have ever witnessed at a sporting event and I used to have season tickets to the Bills
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