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Everything posted by BuffaloBillsSD

  1. Sorry meant to tell Jim in A that he would eventually notice the smell of smokers. Congrats on the 10+ years though.
  2. Jim, wait until you smell a smoker after you have quit for awhile.
  3. I would like another cigarette but I know what it took to quit so it is easy to say no.
  4. Jim I started smoking when I was 14 and quit when I was 29. My girl nagged me so I decided to get serious after many failed attempts. I worked out every morning/early afternoon for about 60 minutes then a run at night when I would get the cravings, I also cut out drinking any alcohol for the first two weeks. I am now 16 months tobacco free, I routinely hang out with smokers and never get the urge. Good luck, I know this will not be easy but it is worth it.
  5. JIA- If a team gets it at the 40 then 1 first down puts them in FG range which is why I use inside the 40. I don't think a defense should be penalized for giving up 1 first down.
  6. Total points allowed-(TD after INT, fumble returned for TD, kick/punt return TD, and TD's allowed after a turnover inside the 40)
  7. You must be an absolute joy to hang out with, do you scream at the kids to get off your lawn as well?
  8. Buffalo Bill I have been scouring the San Diego news sites for info but I have yet to find his name and therefor cannot get any more info. I just hope that it worked out for the best and that the other three are doing well also. Thank you all for the kind words and I am glad that there are so many others who helped that day. I will keep looking for any more information and I will be sure to post it.
  9. +1, that would let the boxers know exactly what they need to do to win.
  10. Thanks everyone, I couldn't sleep last night and my back is hurting but I couldn't live with myself if I had kept driving. After all the thanks I got on Veterans Day it would have been a slap in the face to all those people. Hoping to get some good news today and will post an update if I hear anything.
  11. My link As my friends and I drove today we witnessed a truck hydroplane, then overcompensate, and flip as it exited the freeway. I immediately pulled over and sprinted to the scene as my friends called 911. What I saw cannot be described, I saw a child screaming and grabbed him to get him away from the gruesome scene, I thought the man was dead. A off duty paramedic took vitals and the man I thought was dead was still alive so attempted to lift the truck, at first it was 8 of us but soon it grew to about 15 and we finally flipped it back over to free the man. He may live or he may die but please pray for him. I regained some faith in humanity today because so many others stopped to help and each one was needed, the truck weighed about 5900 lbs stock and there were no more than 15 of us pushing it over, I just want him to pull through. I am still struggling and tomorrows game pales in comparison.
  12. Hahaha no Chef Jim I am an older than traditional college student. My previous job was in the military where you cannot miss work.
  13. Never missed work but I missed class the day after the Bills beat the Pats.
  14. We all wish the players would sit at home studying the playbook and watching tape but that is not realistic.
  15. At least Stevie is embracing the nightlife instead of hiding in his house hating Buffalo.
  16. I find it humorous that anyone from Buffalo could get upset at a man for MAYBE having a hangover.
  17. Thanks to all my brothers and sisters in the Military and to the ones still fighting, come home safe. USMC 2005-2009
  18. One night makes a career, thanks for the expert analysis.
  19. Thank you for spending the time to say what I wanted to.
  20. HAHAHAHAHAHA, this would be like a Chargers fan saying Fitz is overrated because he was terrible against the Jets. Get a clue you idiot!
  21. Left in '05, always thought I would be back when my enlistment was finished but I met a girl and I don't know if I will ever move back. Still love to visit, there is nothing like The Ralph or F'N Arena.
  22. You're wrong, it is weeks 11-15 and week 17. The only flex is moving a 1pm or 4pm to 8pm Sunday (all times EST). Games are not moved from 1pm to 4pm or vice versa.
  23. Lets google that for San Jose Bills Fan
  24. Let me google that for you
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