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Everything posted by robfont72

  1. I believe if anyone read the column in which Jim Kelly made that statement, he was reffering to the "AMERICAN" side of Niagara Falls, wich has plenty of land to build. I dont know where moveing to canada was ever mentioned to in that column.
  2. I definately agree with that!
  3. Anyone can be a bust smartass there no sure picks in the draft thanks for enlighting me. By the way an argument can be made that Bulaga is the best rated T in the draft. Im by no means sayin im a scout its my opinion just like u have one as stupid as your is to take a running back with no1 to block for him. whats to say hes not a bust at a position that isnt a major need. Thats the kinda thinking thats keeps an organization from winning. Thanks but no thanks Tom Modrak!
  4. I been reading all these ridiculous mock drafts and fantasies about the draft. If you want to be a champion/competative team then you build from the inside out, good/ championship type teams win the battles in the trenches. Offensive and defensive lines thats where it starts. I cant remember a quarterback winning a superbowl on his own with no offensive or defensive line help. But i do remeber teams winning superbowls without great quarterbacks beacause they dominated in the trenches. With that being said, i believe we should draft big men early. My first choice would be OT Brian Bulaga, if hes off the board by the 9th pick i think we should trade down and try to pick up and extra 3rd or 4th round pick. If we trade down then i would focus on a big DT maybe Dan Williams or Terrance Cody depending how far down we trade. In the second i would focus on OT Someone like Charles Brown or Bruce Campbell or Jared Veldheer should be available for us. If for some fortunate reasone OT brian Bulaga Falls to us at the 9th pick then i would focus on a DT like Cam Thomas in the second who can eat up space. In the third round depending on if we traded down and picked up an extra 3rd round pick then you can go in a variety of positions OLB/WR/RB/QB Guys like OLB possible OLB Jason Worilds, WR Andre Roberts, and RB Joe Mcknight. But for My money Late in the 3rd if we have two picks or with my only 3rd round pick i would like to see Buffalo pick up QB John Skelton this guy has all the physical tools needed at the nfl level and can make all the throws (read up on this guy) to me he's a better nfl prospect than Tebow, Pike, Le fefevour hes got everything you need, and with the right tootaledge from Gailey he has all the makeing of a Flacco. In the 4th round i'd like to see buffalo address DE with someone like C.J Wilson. Thats as far as my draft goes anything further than 4 rounds is really stretching it. Well i just had to vent, i'm tired of hearing all these crazy predictions and fantasy wants, im trying to be a little more realistic and build a solid core, im tired of lossing and want to build a winner the right way. Be glad to hear peoples opinion on this topic.
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