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Nix Buddy

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Everything posted by Nix Buddy

  1. Does anybody else think Kelso's sauced? He is slurring words and is regularly making non sensical statements. I hope it's nothing more serious.
  2. I heard Timmy on Cleveland radio when pettine was hired talking about the bills. he said he wasn't a fan of the bills as he wasn't from buffalo. I couldn't believe what I was hearing....send this phony out of town.
  3. I'm actually starting to hate football because of all these greedy scumbags.
  4. My cousin's father's good friend from high school is friends with Byrd's sister's father's son, and he told me that Byrd is interested in staying in Buffalo now that he heard we're getting a new stadium on the waterfront.
  5. I like this idea, it's brilliant, but I did draft Ed Wang in the 5th round so not sure what my opinion means. But you sure are purty.
  6. Anyone notice how nice Schopp is to the callers on his baseball card hobby show and what a irreverent, hostile antagonist he is most of the time from Monday through Friday. Either he really hates his day job, or he looks at baseball cards and see the cover of Penthouse magazine.
  7. the bills are still a joke, when will everybody wake up and see this and stop falling in love with the first year head coach. You all loved Greg the Disciplinarian, and Mike the Player's Coach, then Softie Dick, then Chan the Genius, its insane. In two years you'll be riding Doug the Straight Shooter out of town and drooling over someone new.
  8. I didn't think it was that complex, we have the same record after 8 games as we have for 5 out of the last 13 years. Six of the past 13 years we had a better record after 8 games. These past 13 years are talked about as the dark ages by most Bill's fans. Sorry, I don't see the reason for such happiness. I admit the defense is better, but we still lose. That's the stat that matters.
  9. I've been wondering where the Bills got this double dose kool-aid from that they have been feeding the fans. I see very little improvement compared to the last 13 years. The record is just about the same as the last 13 years, with the average margin of loss decreasing slightly. These are the stats for the past 13 years midway through the season: 2000: 4-4 Average Margin Loss (AML): 7 pts. 2001: 1-7 AML: 12.1 pts 2002: 5-3 AML: 9.6 pts 2003: 4-4 AML: 20 pts 2004: 3-5 AML: 7.2 pts 2005: 3-5 AML: 12.4 pts 2006: 3-5 AML: 13 pts 2007: 4-4 AML: 14 pts 2008: 5-3 AML: 14 pts 2009: 3-5 AML: 14.6 pts 2010: 0-8 AML: 10.3 pts 2011: 5-3 AML: 7.3 pts 2012: 3-5 AML: 19.9 pts 2013: 3-5 AML: 8.6 pts In the past 13 years the Bills have had 6 seasons with a better start record wise, 5 seasons with the same starting record, and 2 seasons that started worse. In the five seasons in which we started 3-5, the AML is 12.4 pts. This years team is allowing a little more than a field goal in less points per loss. I am having a hard time seeing the postivies that so many Bills fans are talking about.
  10. or..... Playoff Week 1 4 vs. 7 and 5 vs. 6 Playoff Week 2 1 vs. 4, 5, 6, or 7 and 2 vs. 3 Playoff Week 3 2 remaining teams Superbowl Bills vs. TBD
  11. Have you ever seen his wife? I'd be miserable SOB too if I had to go home to that after every game.
  12. The thought of Mike Schopp naked scares me
  13. what did you call up and Schop made you realize what a moron you are so you got mad? this is pathetic, why don't you call him up and face him like a man on the radio so he can destroy you
  14. Maybe Wade wanted out because he was neutered and knew the one way to get fired would be to stand up to Wilson. That way he ensures he gets paid. Wade's not as dumb as you all think., I heard he's a member of MENSA.
  15. great, now we can expect him to be in Philly in 4 years
  16. The Bills fans were the losers today. Everybody cries and whines all week after a loss of how bad they want a good team in Buffalo, and then when the team dominates and gives them what they want they leave early so they can get home 20 minutes earlier. Bills fans are not the greatest fans in the league, they are the biggest phonies in the league. How embarrassing.
  17. what are the chances that Nix tells the league that the guy can only play guard and all these GMs fall for it and don't draft him? I doubt that's why he fell. That being said, if I was a rookie football player and the GM of the team that drafted me misrepresented my abilities to get me to fall to the second round and thus decreasing the amount of money I was to earn, I'd be slightly resentful of that.
  18. We signed Superstar Billy Graham ??
  19. I think this just might be the best roster the Buffalo bills have ever had. I think this team is going to win the Super Bowl within 3 years.
  20. I couldn't agree more with the author of the article - Trent Dilfer
  21. y'all say sheet bout Davis when he's live n kickin now you want to pretend you care, hogs nuts
  22. That's great that you posted this, but this is NOT the interview I am referring to. The interview is from the Red Sox game, not the studios of WEEI. You got it all wrong.
  23. He did whine about the weather and blame bad play on it, but he started off his Buffalo comments with he was exiled to Buffalo and it was awful then went into the weather. His exiled to Buffalo comment had nothing to do with the weather, it was clear he didn't want to go from that statement. Who cares really, just thought it was interesting that Bledsoe would take shots at Buffalo all these years later at a Red Sox game. He also said how much he always liked "Tommy" and he still keeps in touch with "Tommy". The bitterness was seeping out of him.
  24. I am watching Red Sox/Ray's baseball game and Bledsoe is in announcer booth since he is being inducted into Patriots Hall of Fame this weekend. Made comments to this effect: 1. he was exiled to Buffalo and it was awful 2. said it's always snowing there and when it isn't it is raining, windy and miserable 3. playing in these conditions is no fun because a quarterback never looks good 4. he never lost in snow when playing in New England and wished he played in more snow games since he always won If he was as good in the snow as he claims he was then Buffalo should have made it to the Superbowl under his reign.
  25. Angelo Crowell and Ryan Neufield represent
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