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long suffering bills fan

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Posts posted by long suffering bills fan

  1. To me, this has the feel of Super bowl 25 where the Bills had the most prolific offense in the league and the Giants were a well coached team.

    Belichick was the Giants DC and he and the Big Tuna schemed a way to keep Kelly and company off the field for much of the game and reduce the number of plays they could run.


    I will be pulling for the Falcons, but my prediction is the Patriots will win their 5th Super bowl. :wallbash:

  2. Imo, the only player he needs to accommodate on that score is Taylor and perhaps his previous work with TT tells hm Taylor is capable of playing more from under center and can command his preferred scheme already. I really don't know yet. As I said previously, Roman's scheme was so dissimilar to what we see in that article about Dennison's offense and that may be the only reason we haven't seen TT display the necessary skill set to flourish in Dennison's system. I'm confident we have the other players in place on offense to do well in it already.

    I just hope the coaches find a way to continue the offense scoring ability and shore up our defense. If that is accomplished, I believe we have a real shot at the post season even with a more difficult schedule.

  3. After reading the piece about Dennison's offense and thinking about what TT has shown us in his two seasons as a starter, I see little in his game that lends itself well to that scheme. Certainly much of that can be attributed to what Roman preferred and I'm not saying TT can't necessarily adapt, it's just I haven't seen him operate in anything that looks like this offense.

    Based on what McDermott said in his opening press conference, do you think Dennison will modify his offense to fit the players we have?

  4. The average daily high temperature for the month of September is 95 degrees F.


    That should work well.


    If the atmosphere at games there is limited to the scenario you outline (tourists, something to do on the weekend, handful of visiting fans cheering) it will quickly become the worst in-game experience in the NFL with no real "home crowd."


    I.E., kind of like a Miami Dolphins game (LOL!) but worse.


    As a Las Vegas Resident since 2001, I am excited about the idea of the Raiders coming to Las Vegas. Clark County has in excess of 2,000,000 people. many have sports allegiances to other teams. But if the Raiders continue to be a winning organization, they will get local support. This town is starved for professional sports.


    As a former Western New York resident and life long bills fan, my heart does go out to the fans in Oakland and San Diego. when buffalo lost the Braves, I was crushed. Before the Pegulas purchased the Bills, I often though how I would feel if the Bills were to move to Las Vegas. I would hate that. Even though they would be my "local" tea in that scenario, They belong in Western New York,


    On a side note, The selection of Sean McDermott has our head coach is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!

  5. So it seems local media still agree that A Lynn is the leader in the clubhouse to get the job. With that said every candidate we've interviewed is available to be hired immediately with the exceprion of 1 .... Kris Richard.

    With the Bills seemingly finished with their interviews or about to be it would make sense for that decision to come down at the end of the week. So if it is indeed A. LYNN I suspect we will hear something by Friday.

    Now if nothing happens by Friday, I think itd be a strong indication that RICHARD might be the guy. Remember the Bills nor Richard can come to any agreement until rhe Seahawks are eliminated from the playoffs, and that could be a while.

    I'm actally excited about Richard so Im excited to see what unfolds this week. Im rooting for no news.

    BTW....has Richard gotten any other HC interviews this yr.?

    Your logic makes sense. I will be glad when a coach has been hired, we know if TT will be retained, and we can start looking forward to the 2017 season.


    All this conjecture and negativity is really starting to get old. Thank you for starting a positive thread.

  6. people are acting like it will be impossible to find a decent replacement, has everyone forgotten the 75% of games this year where tyrod was either below average or bad in. We found tyrod out of no where from baltimores bench but apparently even decent qbs cant be found anymore? The bills with tyrod will be stuck in mediocrity at best i for one would be willing to take some chances for even a chance to be better


    Like him or not, TT has been the best qb we have had since Bledsoe. If it is that easy to find even an average qb, why have we not done so and avoided the long list of failed qb experiments?

  7. Whaley pretending he didn't know is the ultimate slap in the face to the Bills fans. It's completely unbelievable. This guy is shameless.

    Not sure why it is a slap in the face of Bills fans. The media was trying to get him to admit to something so they would have a juicy headline to write. Whaley would not take the bait


    Now, 17 years without a playoff appearance, now that is a slap in the face and a kick in the jewels.

  8. FRANK REICH 2017


    I'm a DC area transplant and extremely infrequent poster here... a WNYer from the 70s and 80s who serves as the sobering voice to fellow transplanted Bills fans in my area who get caught up in the playoff scenarios year after year with unwarranted optimism. I'm the guy who says to them, "Fellas, just stop it. It's not going to happen." I would love to be optimistic about the Bills, but I've reached a point where I can't get all that fired up anymore. And I hate that! I'm getting old. I've grown weary of the annual disappointment.


    The Buffalo Bills have almost made me hate NFL football. They're not even good at being bad... they manage to get middling draft picks every year by being just good enough to miss the playoffs by a game or two.


    I've been down on pretty much every head coach since Marv, and none more so than Rex Ryan, especially after he dumped a very successful d-coordinator, then later hired his own bumbling brother (he of the reverse midas touch) to commence ruining what was once a very good defense. Good riddance, Rex. Who knew the NFL coaching ranks were nothing more than a jobs program for incompetent family members?


    I need a reason to get excited about this team again.


    Frank Reich seems to be on nobody's short list... and perhaps he doesn't deserve top-dog consideration yet. That said, given all the mediocrity that Bills fans have endured for so long, would anyone really object to the Pegulas giving one of the region's favorite guys a chance to pull off another kind of comeback?


    FRANK REICH 2017


    I feel your pain. I am 63 and have been a Bills fan since the early 60's currently living in Las Vegas. You have to stay hopeful. What else can you do?
  9. This team has 10-11 wins with Orton this season.

    Sorry for not responding sooner, I was away for awhile. Kyle Orton could not have made up for the poor defense from this year's team . When Orton played for the Bills, he had the luxury of having a top 5 defense. No comparison.

  10. Which is fine. It's not as though either of us has the ability to influence the decision anyway.

    I would encourage you to look at Taylor's numbers as relates to 3rd down conversions, 3rd down conversions on long situations, 3 and outs, and yards per attempt, however.

    Those are things he needs to work on. But without any definitive alternatives right now, I still believe TT is out best option. I do not want to go into next season with a quarterback situation like we had in 2014 the ked us to make Kyle Orton our starter.

  11. He's an inadequate passer who manages to balance out a bit of that with his legs and play-making ability. The problem is that he isn't consistent, and doesn't string together drives often enough. A massive percentage of the Bills scores were on quick strike long plays. Because of that (read short offensive possessions) it leaves the defense out on the field far too long and too often. If Tyrod is a guy who requires strong defensive performances to win consistently, he does a lousy job of setting his defense up for success. Add to that his great difficulty (read: near inability) to lead his team back from behind...

    Time to move on.

    We will agree to disagree. I do appreciate your passion.

  12. I say "someone else", because there are multiple options out there.

    Romo, Cutler, Foles all look to be available, possibly Rivers as well.

    As far as the college class goes, there are 3-5 guys I'd be interested in; but with the rare exception college QBs are a crapshoot these days because the game is so different from the pro game.

    The larger point is that we know what we have in Tyrod. And what we have isn't good enough. We need to move on until we find good enough.

    I respect your view of TT, but I don't understand it.. You keep saying he is not good enough, but he directed the 7th rated scoring offense though week 16. Isn't scoring points what it's all about?

  13. But it is hard to improve on the 7th highest scoring offense...So the solution, is "I don't have one but someone else?" I don't know how much you follow college or the pros but I don't see the guy. Deshaun Watson is a little intriguing to me because I think that he's a winner. That's kind of the point. The grass isn't always greener. TT is far from perfect but he has led the offense to a lot of points. They weren't the reason that the Bills are 7-9. If there were viable alternatives I'd be all ears but I don't see anyone even close.

    Very well stated.

  14. So what, int or lack thereof are overrated, run no big deal, and he's going to be 28 by next opening day, IMO not much improving gonna happen.




    Not hard to improve upon 31st ranked passing game.

    The ground and pound was a big reason for the low ranking in passing yardage.

  15. and yet, he is not good enough. never will be.

    Based on what???? If our defense could played better we would have been in the playoffs. You seem to be looking for a perfect qb. TT is not perfect, be he will give us what we need right now.

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