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Everything posted by kenneuf

  1. Next year as in 2011 Sick of my emotional investment not paying off. I don't want a 4 year plan.
  2. next year in 2011
  3. 2011
  4. The base of any good team is a Quarterback.
  5. It seems like most people on the board want a left tackle to magically solve the problems on offense. So what is the plan then? Draft a Quarterback next year and expect a rookie to take us to the superbowl a la Ben R or dirty Sanchez? This team needs to win big next year. Just draft the best QB that they think can be "the guy" and make sure you get him. Jason Peters in his prime was a Great Dominating tackle for a 7-9 team. A year in a system even if he gets knocked around will be better for his development anyways. If he gets hurt too much you need another guy.
  6. Imagine the message boards screaming--we never keep our good players!! How are we supposed to win with this joke of a front office!!
  7. Well good for us just to get it over then and just draft him at nine and make sure Jacksonville moves to LA and not us. It would be a pretty slick move by Russ.
  8. At least it was well written.
  9. Here is a thought. If the Bills draft Tebow at nine it screws Jacksonville who needs Tebow more than anyone to sell tickets. Maybe this puts the final flush in their franchise. Better them than us.LA Jags has a nice sound to it. At least we would get a "football player" we can stick somewhere. TE FB QB wherever he can fit in Chan's plans. I will get out my umbrella now.
  10. Tebow- does anyone think this way? Buffalo picks Tebow in the first round. The worst that can happen is we get a great H-back or TE/FB and a special teams monster. What it also does is throw a torpedo down the throat of a struggling Jacksonville franchise. May be the final hit to cause Jacksonville to relocate instead of Buffalo. I like the Bills in Buffalo. LA Jags anyone?
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