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Everything posted by Celtic_soulja

  1. Agreed about Ethanol being a bad economic idea. Biodiesel however can be made from orange peels and other biodegradable waste. I like that alot. Rejecting power contracts is that each power company of a given place has contracts. To any company without a viable changeover plan of action, you reject thier contract instead of letting them continue to run the way they are. This is more than likely outside of the realm of control of the president, but give states grants for taking the initiative the same way they did for the drinking laws and highway funds
  2. You can if you swing on Goldman's Sach
  3. Spoke too soon. I called us all morons in the post above hehehe Oh, and about the Polak comment. Just so you all know, my wife is an immigrant and I watch you bash immigrants all day long. So cry me a river Jim
  4. will you ever grasp the difference between 1830 and the new restriction of 1920 and on that make it much harder to become LEGAL? 1830 immigration laws: non-existent. Cost? Boat Ride and like five bucks. 1924 Immigration Act to control which races and how many were allowed to come into the nation. 1929 Great Depression (Random Fact but I'm sure it's not related). 1930s Emmigration numbers outbalanced Immigration numbers to the U.S. and we deported like half a million Mexicans back then. 1965: Got rid of racial quotas, increase of around 15% immigration. 1990: George Bush (The good one) Signed the Immigration act of 1990 that increased immigration 40% and set this nation up for the Boom of the nineties which is the best economy we've ever had (of course unrelated, just another random fact). Bush (The bad one) enacted security measures not meant to hurt immigration, but to protect us from terror and now more than half of the immigrants that come are doing so illegally. Good call. Cost now? around 1,000 bucks and a literacy test. Yeah, it was sooooo much harder for the immigrants in the 1830's than now. Please. We need to stop being morons about what's going on. Stop blaming the immigrants for our problems. 30 million european immigrants came to this nation before our immigration laws screwed up the natural flow of human life. 30 million in 78 years. About 350,000 per year. Almost identical to what we are absorbing now with Mexican immigrants. Because our laws are so ridiculous, and got even more ridiculous in AZ, it is messing up the social system. The proof is in the numbers. The truth is a stubborn thing right?
  5. I know I know. No appluads please. I am a modest man. I doo what I can dooo when I can do it
  6. I'm actually in central Illinois which is much more cornfields and farmers. However, I am not from here. I've lived here for about one and a half years now. I lived in Tampa for five years to. I have spent time in Texas. Mass. I move plenty.
  7. My personal opinion and what I would do as president are completely different. There is more responsibility that goes into being a president than being a poster or business guy. But I'll play along. No, I wouldn't ban drilling. I would give HUGE subsidies to GE and HUGE tax breaks or even credits to companies using our own clean technology for energy. I would give tax breaks to land developers that used clean energy technology. I would put drillers out of business the old fasion way, by subsidizing thier enemies. For the automakers, they can follow the market. That's good business. But when you get construction companies getting tax breaks for clean fuel, the demand for biodiesel would increase and the automakers, unless they are still so out of touch, should refocus. If we switch to ethenol fuel, the gas lines do not have to be completely changed over either. So cost of transition is not as large as people think. But until we can engineer it properly so that we can save money, it's not practical there yet. Biodiesel is practical and as I have said the modern diesel engines can already fire biodiesel. Again not hard to transition. Much more practical in production of biodiesel as well. Much of our energy consumption comes from the home anyhow and if we subsidized developers correctly we could change the future homes, as well as change over power plants by accepting and rejecting contracts from power companies. We could do plenty to change this nation rapidly enough to make a difference.
  8. I got statistics on linemen from other sites and they are all different. So, I guess you have to watch him play for yourself to find out. I didn't watch him, so I have to say that I don't know how good he is. He won a SB, he's a veteran, and hopefully he will play BEHIND Meredith who I am pretty high on now.
  9. It wasn't any easier in 1830 than it was post 1940 to get into the nation legally either was it? Jumping through hoops. Don't you mean talkin to the guy at Ellis Island? Please. Apples to Oranges Jim. On top of it would have been mighty hard to swim an ocean, and the records kept in 1830 don't compare to the records kept here now. 1.9 million households still speak Polish in the home. That's 180 years later. How about giving Hispanics a few more decades in thier quest to justify themselves to Polak in Alaska
  10. I don't. It's not two dollars more expensive either. Do I need to give you link to prove it? It's more to the tune of 50 cents. I spend 50 cents more because I care about where they make thier products, what they do to negatively impact American production, and how they negatively impact both the environment and the communities in which they operate. I like the deal I get spending the extra 50 cents.
  11. So Mr. Marketing Genius Magox. Let me ask you this. Does it matter WHO you present it to? Would you design an across the board presentation the same for say a financial whiz chic in her twenties and a cocky old school machine democrat? Would you design the presentation the same for a young political wet behind the ears liberal reformer and a real estate mogul? You may be able to school me in the ways of Goldman Sachs' wonderful history of building our country into the financial powerhouse, or as I call it a financial miscarriage, it is today. But try to hold off on attacking my presentation design. I know exactly what I am doing when it comes to presentations. 93% close rating 85% product rating 3% market saturation for the entire company, 32% saturation in my district. I was promoted to district in two months and after two and a half years I was up for regional but walked away. Why was I so good? Simple. I designed my presentations to my audience. It's not rocket science. Again, until I know the players I will be presenting TO, I will not go through the trouble of designing my presentation. I will highlight areas of my ideas in the presentation based upon WHICH votes I will need to sway. I know politics and I know presentations. I know marketing well enough to know that you design your presentation AFTER you know who you are presenting to. As I have said in previous posts, things are hanging in the balance and until I know which groups get represented on the CC I will not complete my presentation design. So Yes, Yes, Yes, I am taking the proper action right now.
  12. Who cares about WalMart, I hope they lose just because they make crap and flood our nation with subpar products.
  13. Good post. You are right, crossing an ocean is not exactly hopping a fence. My argument is just that we absorbed plenty of European immigrants that do actually compete with the Latin immigration we are absorbing now. Assimilation takes time. Like you said 1G immigrants rarely completely assimilate into our nation. Personally I think the Hispanic immigration has assimilated quickly. They already have political leadership, workers unions, and power much faster than many other immigrant groups that came. Since we are a culture of power, I think they have assimilated so well it is pissing off some of the "natives". I champion the immigrant because I see them no differently than any other immigrants that came here and helped make this nation what it is today.
  14. You guys ought to be ashamed of yourselves. Seriously, are you guys f*cking joking??? really???... Yeah because drug dealers that shoot cops are all undocumented mexicans. And all undocumented mexicans are surely drug dealers. You guys are a joke. 231 officers died in AZ 995 officers died in IL So far this year AZ is tied with Wisconsin, Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Indiana, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, etc. you get the picture For all of these vigilante immigrants that are pouring into our borders and offing Police officers, raping children, and whistling at people's wives, they dont hold a candle to our native drug dealers and gangsters in other states that AREN'T bordering THE CRAZY Mexican border. This story makes national headlines because of the immigration law hotbed AZ is right now. Otherwise it would be just another drug dealer popping cops. Business as usual in America. Now, on the other hand. somewhere between 400-600 hundred immigrants die crossing the border into AZ annually. So lets not be completely ignorant about what is going on. If ALL OF MEXICO SOLD DRUGS...THEY WOULDN'T COME HERE BECAUSE THEY'D ALREADY HAVE THE MONEY THEY NEED...you guys are ignorant and ridiculous...completely. I can't even believe how moronic some of the people here are.
  15. Oh, and just for the record as far as assimilation goes. There are still 1.9 million homes that still speak Polish in the home. The wave came over 140 years ago. How long does it take to assimilate?
  16. EXCUSE ME???? wow, that is completely ignorant of history. hehehehehe I will respond anyway. Listen up, maybe you'll learn something. Polish arrived at a rate of about 74,000 per year during the big Polish migration wave...that was crossing an ocean, not a fence. Irish arrived at a rate of 200,000 per year during the famine and then it averages out to about 60,000 per year over the next forty years....again an ocean not a fence Mexicans is about 250-300,000 per year. Slight advantage, but c'mon, they hop a fence not an ocean. And the Irish/Polish were in the same group of decades. With the famine in 1845 and the Russian persecution of Poles between 1830 and 1860. So say what you want but it's nearly identical in numbers when you add them up with all of Europe "dumping thier trash" into the U.S. like you guys are talking about Mexico.
  17. How does being against oil for economic reasons make me...what am I liberal for that statement or conservative? Because I want to create jobs and money through technology? And it is bad to take money out of the middle east at this moment in time why? Oh, well at least we will be producing something worthwhile again. I'm sorry if I am too right wing for being so probusiness. And if I am too liberal for the statement my retort is: Is it a bad thing I want to create a cleaner environment? Using cleaner fuels? I don't see how these are bad things to do. Cap and Trade, now that's b*llshit
  18. The Polish struggle I know nothing about do I? The religious persecution? The ghettoes they used to occupy? The descrimination they faced from the "patriots" of those days? I do know a bit. And I'm not talking about the stupid Polish jokes. I am talking about real immigrant struggles. What boggles MY mind, is that why was it okay for others to do it to YOUR family when they came? I am just as disgusted with it now, as I am when I read about it back then. I am not a reverse racist, contrary to your opinion of me. The Irish, the Polish, the Jewish, the German, the Asian, the Hispanic immigrants all have faced very similar battles to establish themselves. I disagree that the Polish completely assimilated into American culture. They reshaped plenty in thier own neighborhoods. Which is why the natives back then descriminated and put them through hell. Many churches lasted into the early 60s still speaking gospel in thier native languages. Polish neighborhoods were nothing like Italian neighborhoods. South Boston is still nothing like Harlem or Miami. People do not 100 percent assimilate. America is strong because we ARE a plethora of cultures that learn to work together. The learning to work together takes long because of ignorant people that are always pointing the finger at "the new guys" for the nation's problems. Right now the "new guys" happen to be Hispanic. I don't think it was right then, I don't think it is right now. Sorry if that makes me an A wipe. I think your great grandmother would say differently. The only real different stories are from the Native Americans and the African Americans. Both had no choice in what happened to them. The Native Americans were welcoming and got shanked for it. The Africans got scooped up and brought. So both of those struggles are the only truly different kind of social struggles than the many immigrant groups that have been beat down upon arrival.
  19. I won't argue with you there. I will bust up the goons that are part of the Tea Party, but I do not bash what they stand for pertaining to small government. Actually that has kind of been my point for the past three days. Magox, DC, and pretty much everyone have been attacking the misspellings I post instead of getting the concepts and main ideas. I totally agree that the ideas and what the Tea Baggers stand for makes plenty of sense. They are being dragged through the mud by the media and it is ridiculous. That being said, I am on a message board. They are publicly representing a political movement. Someone needs to make sure they get a tad more careful about things. Scooping up the truthers and Alex Jones into your movement is bad for the image as well. They get even more scrutiny because now these conspiracy theory dudes are shooting up the Pentagon and people that watch the local news just pass all of it off as the Tea Baggers because they are standing next to one another. It's wrong, but it's the way things are. If you disagree you know nothing about politics. Then whining about having the riot control police there at a rally after some have actually showed up to rallies with RIFLES? What do you really expect. I do not think the Tea Party Movement is wrong, I just think they need to be a tad more cautious with how they are being seen on public TV. Some of it can't be helped, but some of it is completely ignorant and counter productive to the real conservative movement. Throwing dollars at a sick dude. Bringing your rifles to a political speech, shooting at the pentagon. These are just ignorant moves that hurt the real movement.
  20. It is funny, silly and cute when white immigrants do it. It is sickening and disgusting when "tinted" skin people do it though. I understand.
  21. Alright then Magox, please tell us what the prices are for oil in those nations? Of course our oil is cheaper than Venezuela. They use so much more technology to drill and they have much higher safety standards. I KNOW thier drillers get paid more than ours do. Ohhhhhhhh, that's right, overhead is meaningless in the case of crude. Stain on me.
  22. I already do that for them. Haven't you seen the wonderful spelling at thier rallies?
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