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Everything posted by Celtic_soulja

  1. Internet tough guy? Right. I've been to Jersey, for like a week. What's your point? I'm not scared of Queens but it is not a place I have lived or hang out. I've never been to Philly but I'm lookin for Carcillo to knock out a Bruin or two in the series. So I better be careful if I know what's good for me huh? Alright I'll at least pretend to be scared. Like I will pretend the Jets have a shot at winning anything this year after letting go of thier workhorse in the backfield Yeah I lift off and on, and it does plenty of good. I get JETS fans drooling over them don't I? No I don't think the Oligarchy can "handle" me. I am not really challenging them on any level, so they don't really have to do they? I'm going to do my thing in my town and it's not such a big deal that even if there was "big brother the almighty" floating around, what the hell would they care about a two bit dude like me? Be careful? Please, you're a joker.
  2. Hitler was not a known catholic. He was a darwinist loony toon. Evidence shows that he spoke as though he MAY have believed in a God in some form, but that human science superceded God. Hitler was brought up Jewish wasn't he? Also, Abraham Lincoln was NOT AN ATHIEST...YOU reallly need to do some reading. He was careful about what he said in some of his writings about the topic, but in his personal life he was VERY religious. Jefferson was anti-catholic and still very religious. Who writes an "honest" version of the bible when athiests could care less about the bible at all? gimme a break. I'll completely give you the Pope, the Catholic church has been guilty of so many criminal charges that it deserves an entirely different discussion on its own. I aswell endorse people that look at the facts and build on them. I do however believe God, virtue, philosophy, and idealism have truths and facts within them. "It is said that the Persians, in thier constitution, had public schools in which virtue was taught as a liberal art or science; and it is certainly of more consequence to a man, that he has learnt to govern his passions in spite of temptation, to be just in his dealings, to be temperate in his pleasures, to support himself with fortitude under his misfortunes, to behave with prudence in all his affairs and every circumstance of life;" Benjamin Franklin The problem now, whether caused by the Catholic church's obvious destructive actions, or the Evolutionists discreditting of creationists, is that there is no more middle ground. Once God is brought up in conversation, academics that believe they know everything, completely trash the person's credability based on the fact that he or she beleives in God. This gives everyone a dim view of virtue, philosophy, ideals, and morals. This is why our society will continue to work backwards. Who is to blame is irrelevant. The point is that we turn our backs to all freedom of thought and inspiration when we turn our minds from God, philosophy, and virtue.
  3. Straighforward yes, practical maybe, innovative? I don't think so. He's a hardazz I'll give em that.
  4. Since when do you need to know about the details to make the decisions? That's why they have committees of bean counters to seperate the bill in sections and go through it faster. This is not the first thing people in government have done this. Politics are taught this way. I personally wouldn't sign anything I haven't personally read because I wouldn't trust a committee with my brand name, but that's just me.
  5. Sorry dude. I wasn't trying to start a fight, I'm just on my period this week.
  6. It is a two party system not because only two parties are represented by our people Chef. It is a two party system because government funds only go to two parties dillweed. Read a couple books
  7. Now you're getting it. If you lost ground on merit attack the design. That is the DB Tom way.
  8. THOSE quotation marks are to indicate the lists above. Yeah, I'd recommend letting Tom do the bashing, he gets me so much more worked up. You are just making me roll my eyes hehehe
  9. Ron Paul in not a young earth creationist per se. He believes in God, but said he doesn't know the timeline pertaining to earth's creation. He didn't say, scientists have it all wrong. So lets try not to be ignorant about the guy. THAT was my point. This is why I went through the trouble of comparing believers in God and Athiests, because that is the more accurate argument. Picnic says people that believe in God are obviously "young earth creationists" so then ALLLLL the people I named must be so to. It was both a sarcastic dig on the ignorant statement and a relevant comparison of intelligence and belief system in science and politics. That's all.
  10. If you can call Ron Paul a young earth creationist because he believes in God then I am able to call all them men "young earth creationists" IN QUOTATION MARKS THAT SHOW I AM MAKING FUN OF CALLING RON PAUL A YOUNG EARTH CREATIONIST by taking religious beliefs out of context...........oooops, better let Tom because you suck at it
  11. Yeah and only like 80% of the United States believes in God. I guess we can't be all genius athiests right? His political voice is one of greatness. He is a straight talker. I'll continue to vote for Ron Paul until someone else is as honest about the system as he is. You know who else was a ignorant "young earth creationist" Capernicus and Bacon and Kepler and Galileo and Descarte and Newton and Boyle and Faraday and Mendel and Kelvin and Planck and Einstien Where are the athiest minds of the world? Oh we have some. In the top 100 scientists in history, you have about 8% Athiest. Not bad. What about leaders? Ron Paul actually is a leader not a scientist right? Here are some of the most famous or infamous. Athiest Politicians: / Politicians that believe in God: Adolf Hitler / George Washington Karl Marx / Abraham Lincoln Nikolai Lenin / Mohandas Gandhi Joseph Stalin / Martin Luther King Jr. Mao Tse Tung / Thomas Jefferson James Madison / Harding James Monroe / Herbert Hoover Van Buren / Calvin Coolidge Zachary Taylor / George Bush John Tyler / Taft Both sides have good and bad leaders. But the good ones on the the "believe in God" side were much better than the good ones on the "athiest" side. And the bad leaders on the "athiest" side are worse than the bad ones on the "believe in God" side. So I would have to go out on a limb and say that believing in God helps you lead a nation. Considering athiests in science are not as common as people like to believe, at least not on the list of scientists that ACTUALLY made a difference, I'd have to say believing in God is not a knock on intelligence either.
  12. Yes there are. Sickening way to do business. People think it is just a general statement that the government "works backwards." But they ACTUALLY work backwards. The more you use the more you get. They keep running this way regardless of the debt they accrue. I've been on site and have seen them upgrade well pads and caps on four inch monitoring wells to ten foot pads and caps the size of manholes to inflate the costs. It is ridiculous that the government agencies get rewarded for being irresponsible. People fear privatization of services that we are used to counting on the government to provide but unless something changes in government culture it is the only viable solution.
  13. Yeah I've seen that one to. Sometimes the country is ridiculous. Seriously, how far will the people let them push us?
  14. The problem with the benefits and costs analysis is they don't calculate the true cost and they don't calculate the true benefit. Sad. This could end up worse than anyone could imagine. This nation's leaders can be real sickening sometimes. "who were the ones that we kept in charge? Killers, thieves, and lawyers! God's away, God's away, God's away on business" Tom Waits
  15. That'll teach him for huggin a Democrat. How could you destroy the integrity of the Republican Party by getting Democrat cooties. Ewwwwwwwwwww And supporting the stimulus package???? how COULD you???? I see supporting the bail out for bankers that Bush and co. wanted, but Crist just don't get it. You can't support massive amounts of money going nowhere unless a Republican president is asking for it. Charlie Charlie Charlie shame on you. I still like Rubio though, dude is on point!
  16. Depending on how just the Federal Court judge is, it might not be time for me to present until 2013 for cripes sakes. I can't put up with these cramps that long.
  17. Okay I never said heavy water moderates nuclear reactions, I said it is used as a moderator. You're right I missed the detail in reading YOUR posts. You snuck in nuclear reaction, but did so challenging its use as a moderator. It moderates the nuetrons not the actual reaction. Graphite is used to absorb the heat FROM the reaction oooooh, I guess I should have been more clear because you couldn't understand what I was saying in laymen terms. Because BS Tom is FAR from a laymen right? Gimme a break bro, I was never trying to pass myself off as a Nuclear Reaction Physicist. All the hell I was trying to do was challenge your IGNORANT remark about there being NO WAY to make Nuclear Power more efficient. You just seem to want to drag in your BOATLOAD of unfallible expertise to validate yourself for some reason. Overcompensating for something maybe. Again, I will try to make this as simple as possible so you can again over analyze the post and rip me because of my MISPELLING lol One, Magox asked what I would do as president to offer viable solutions for the energy crisis so that we wouldn't have to spill 20 million gallons of oil into the gulf coast again. Which couldn't have come at a worse time or place, JUNE 1ST ISSSSSSSS HURRICANE SEASON. Which is less than a month away correct? When they are saying it could take longer than three months just to STOP the leak itself makes it halfway THROUGH hurricane season before the leak is stopped. Not to mention they will probably see four or more hurricane seasons before the clean up is finished. So my solutions were tax credits and subsidies for companies that go with alternative green american technology for power. Construction companies and land developers would get these subsidies to build new structures with green technology and use biodiesel equipment for the work. Rejecting local power companies' contracts if they do not provide a plan to change over to a more efficient alternative energy production plan through state credits. This method has been applied to attaching highway money to states in exchange for states raising the legal drinking age to 21. Also I named Biodiesel as a much more viable long term solution THAN Ethanol. I only named Ethanol at all to name it as a solution that would take us off oil faster, but ALSO stated it is not a practical solution for a variety of reasons. Although your friends at Goldman Sachs think differently. I know your knowledge is even more great than Goldman Sachs as well though, so I give you a pass in bashing Ethanol so hard. Then I added that I would give more money to Nuclear Reactor Research to help with making Nuclear fuel more efficient. Just like in my broad statement of my CDC plans, you think that I must know everything about everything to do this. I do not need to know how to design a biodiesel engine to say I like biodiesel as an alternative. I don't need to know how to manufacture biodiesel to say that I think that should be the fuel of the future. I do not need to know how to estimate land to give subsidies to land developers. I do not need to know how to build a house to give tax credits to construction companies that build efficient homes. I do not need to be a Nuclear Reaction Physicist to push more money into the industry to make advances in society. And I sure don't need to know how to be a Wall St. Physicist to figure out you're an A hole for trying to make yourself out to be better than me by analyzing my posts like it was anything more than my ideas for solutions if I was placed in a job I would never want in the first place. If you have general knowledge of many things you can see the big picture without actually being an expert in every field. That is why you have people around you. Unless you are DB Tom you can't master everything. If you did you would spend all your time posting about your complete devine wisdom, researching, and eating donuts instead of actually doing something to solve actual problems.
  18. I know I am amusing. I will just continue to "ignorantly" believe the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission and MIT. I know you know more than they do DB Tom. I am sorry for questioning your all knowing BS heheheh. Will Windes says that as the grade of graphite increases with technology the nuclear power industry will be both safer and more efficient. He OBVIOUSLY doesn't know DB Tom, world famous Wall Street Physicist who maintains that graphite will not/cannot absorb anything because he has done the graphite 9 iron in bathtub test. Tom, you have to call INL and talk with them about the AGC project they are wasting money on dude. They really believe the graphite capsules can absorb the radiation. I don't know if everyone there believes that horse hockey but if you can you need to talk to Mike Wall the one reporting it. I think you could turn the Nuclear Power Industry on its ear if you break the news that thier use of graphite fuel rods to absorb the energy is not going to work (thought it had been done like this for years now) hehehe Just like heavy water is not a moderator, contrary to what the USNRC says. I know I should have studied physics in my academic career because I want to be involved in local government. And I believe you forgot plenty DB, what is sad is thinking you remember anything hehehe Bottom line, whether I am explaining it all sullied up or not. You say you cannot advance the Nuclear Reactor technology anymore than it already is. That statement alone gives me a pass completely because you are claiming to be an all knowing physicist that HAPPENS to work on Wall Street, because Nuclear Reactor Physics JUST DOESN'T PAY ENOUGH heheheheeheheheheh Every major scientist ACTUALLY IN THE FIELD is talking about advances being made. You're a moron to even TRY to say there can't be. There are TONS of advances to be made. We don't even have to CHANGE the laws of physics like you say we do. MORON.
  19. Yeah I am kind of new here. I am learning how full of it DB Tom can be when he wants to be.
  20. heheheheeheeheehehhe yeah graphite doesn't absorb nuetrons buddy http://reade.com/eastern-region-(usa)/10040 Heavy water is an excellent moderator and thus permits the use of unenriched uranium as a fuel. Heavy water is an excellent moderator and thus permits the use of unenriched uranium as a fuel. Heavy water is an excellent moderator and thus permits the use of unenriched uranium as a fuel. Heavy water is an excellent moderator and thus permits the use of unenriched uranium as a fuel. Just a quote I didn't want you to miss. Link = http://www.nrc.gov/reading-rm/basic-ref/gl...ed-reactor.html The mass separation method relies on ejecting a stream of Uranium atoms through a very strong magnetic field. The mass differences causes the U-235, the lighter atoms to deflect into a collecting tray. Though slow and also more energy intensive than gas diffusion, this process produces the least nuclear waste. Just pointing out enriched Uranium is lighter and creates less waste than the Plutonium counterpart U 234 you mentioned. http://ocw.mit.edu/ans7870/STS/STS.069/f02...g/plutonium.pdf quote comes from this essay written by some shmoe from MIT. Don't worry DB Tom, you're way more credible. When did you stop studying Nuclear Physics? 1950? I TOLD you things change over time bud. Get a clue. And again, I will let you know when you start using your brain
  21. That's EXACTLY what I told a radio DJ. He starting spewing a bunch of Beck/Ventura facts to me trying to "prove" that there is a conspiracy. I said "look, the evidence shows plenty of things that could be construed as them wanting to have control over EVER DAMN THING. But they aren't smart enough to pull it off, and even if they were they are not strong enough to kick my azz and that means they can't truly control me." heheehehe
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