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Everything posted by Celtic_soulja

  1. I see those picks much differently...We looked to have only missed on Flowers and Williams...and maybe Maybin depending on the transition...all the others have been probowl players right?...Clements was a beast just couldn't hold on to him...McKelvin no probowl but a return man, other than that stupid fumble, has been ridiculously good and a good cover guy as well...Donte is a good SS they just move him to every position but punter...Wood is a beast...Evans is a beast...McGahee, yeah we didn't need a RB, but whatever he was still a beast...Marshawn hehehehe yeah he's a beast...so I don't think we've faired badly in the draft really...just not drafting to our needs properly and not building up the true winners...THE BIG FAT MIDDLE GUYS...we need to beef the trenches up and we win...period
  2. I still like Williams on the outside...his moves and penetration has me interested in seeing him play end in a 3-4...if Castillo plays end and Seymour play end...Williams is perfect...imo anyway...Williams isnt over 320...I like the NT to be at least 340
  3. I think the Bills should seriously think about bringing in Tebow...then PASS OVER HIM ON DRAFT DAY...this guy is a great guy...I just don't see him being a really effective tool in the NFL...his speed is not all that great...his arm is not all that great...so the kid knows how to take an interview...so what...If Bradford isn't there at nine...and we all know he wont' be there by TWO...you wait till round three to take a QB and grab...whoever is left out of Pike, Snead, and Skelton...period
  4. Dwan seems like a good addition...nothing too outstanding even if he does sign...I think he'll give us depth...I still like Williams outside...that guy is sick and if we get a 350 pounder to play nose and you have williams and stroud on the Ends....please...Edwards will be watching...well if I were coaching lol...rotation...Williams/Kelsay Stroud/CODY Stroud/Edwards .....
  5. Coaches told him he can compete with Veek and Poz for the starting job inside...good deal...I like Poz and Davis inside and maybe Veek back outside...We need more edge guys...We should be moving for Porter...but a big ticket to add to the mix with Shobel and Maybin already making good money and being counted on for edge ability...but can they cover anyone ever?...we will have to wait and see...Davis is a stud and it's a great signing...the middle of our defense is getting stronger...we got the secondary settled...just the questions at NT though Stroud is capable...and the OLB's...
  6. Alright...I'm going to have to say if the Bills go with a RB that will make me punch someone out...but at this point...Im on the verge anyway...if they pick clauson I'll boo...if they pick Dan Williams I'll boo...both needs but Williams had one good season and at his size still can't push a pocket to save his life...Clauson is a bust waiting to happen...The bills need an OT at number 9 and they need to pick up Cody if he's available to them in the second round...if not, trade down and try to get Pike and later wayyyy later Linval Joseph...Linval Josesph did 39 reps at the combine...ran a 5.0 40 at 330 pounds and plays at 340...he's got attitude to match...dude is a NT that could be a force with the right mentoring (Stroud)...
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