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Everything posted by Celtic_soulja

  1. Yeah except the all star game in college is where they are all trying to make lasting impressions and playing for millions of dollars in the pros...and the probowl game is nothing...and nobody cares about it and it doesnt affect the players life...but other than that they are the same...DOPE
  2. That would be a fabulous pick....Campbell is a specimen...he'll be a solid player in this league for a long time I think...a lot of big studs in this draft though, we should come out looking good if we address the trenches with multiple picks
  3. Did you watch him play in the all star game???...against the best of the best?????....HORRIBLE...and the SEC is over rated
  4. Okay...do you watch the floppy duck that is a Tebow Throw????...yeah he can chuck it up...but telling me the kid has good arm strength...that's a bigger stretch than saying he is a terrible QB Edwards has a stronger arm....maybe Freddy Jackson has a stronger arm...
  5. Against top talent the guy looks slow...a slow scrambling QB??? c'mon...now he knows he has to have a decent arm to make it in the pros?????...he didn't know that before???...his throws are weak...yeah he put up numbers against some wack college defenses...but c'mon...the kid is not a good QB
  6. I like Bulaga...but I like Williams to...Cody is definitely a MUST...third I'd still go with a QB...or my boy Linval Joseph...not a WR...we don't need WR's...we need to run the ball and play defense...with the QB's we got or a young one from the draft...we are NOT going to be able to throw the ball around...so why put yet another WR on the roster...I say we go for Pike or Skelton in the fourth...draft both Cody and Joseph in the third and second...or one or the other and grab up a LB...or even another OT...something like that...until the trenches are filled with MEN drafting a skill guy is irrelevant and will not contribute while the QB is falling flat on his face or while the opposing teams are rushing for 5 yards a carry while our AWESOME reciever sits and watches from the sidelines
  7. Have you seen Pike play?...he played in the north cold weather...which is why Gailey said "here in buffalo, late in the year you need a guy that can sling it" he says drafting a guy with questionable arm strength is ridiculous and I agree...Pike I don't agree has poor arm strength...he is a steal in the later rounds...Skelton is another guy I wouldn't mind seeing... Tebow is a scrambler that has no speed...and a guy that can't even throw a football yet and is "learning" now...c'mon...we draft Tebow all we got is another Fitzy...except high paid and outspoken...bad move
  8. Learning to play QB a month before the draft is kind of ridiculous don't you think?...I sure as heck wouldn't draft a guy that didn't know how to play his position yet
  9. Whoa, lets not go overboard with the Oakland comments now...my brother is an Oakland fan, and when he starts saying we are just as bad I bring up the AFC championship of yore...we are not as bad as Oakland...because we recognize that our QB's need work...Thier owner still thinks they drafted Montana
  10. It's official.......what? I had a feeling just now...I'm like an NFL sooth sayer
  11. If they bump Levitre back to Tackle...THEY HAD BETTER DRAFT IUPATI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. I say yes...not too many 3-4's are bad against the run...I do think we need a 350 pounder in the middle though...I love Williams, but I'd rather see a Ted Washington for 1st and 2nd down for the run stuffing we need...I beleive we draft one of the three big NT's in the draft and we are possibly a top ten run defense next season...possibly meaning if Maybin can realize where he is on the field at OLB
  13. I seriously doubt teams do this...I mean they are always accused of it...but honestly these guys all around the league are trying to win...because these sideshow theories aside, THAT'S what sells tickets...they could draft a golfer with an arm growing out of his............. and that would draw a crowd, but if he isn't throwing TD's and winning football games...that crowd would disperse mighty quickly... It's not a sound marketing plan...no matter what the media is selling...you want someone who can win...if the Jags think he can win...they'll take him...if not...they won't...that's just my opinion
  14. Okay so...if we're fans we must love the plays when the Pats throw fifty touchdowns because we don't have a legitimate defensive plan?...or when running backs previously unheard of go for eighty five yards a carry???...please...this is not facism...we don't have to love the horrible aspects of the teams we love...being po'd about horrible play is PART OF BEING A FAN
  15. Nice...Good for him...He was a beast for the saints...
  16. A Defensive End in a 3-4 is not usually a Bruce Smith...they are usually just small defensive tackles...so sixty tackles and one or two sacks is a solid 3-4 end...you want sacks in the nines and tens you look to your OLB's in that style of defense
  17. Actually Veek is posting about he's excited to have another Florida boy in the LB core...so I doubt that's going down the way you say it is... Veek was a monster in NY when they Blitzed him...he's a beast and in a 3-4 he could play outside and be just as effective as any other OLB...he's a OLB to begin with and has great pass rushing ability...I don't see why everyone is hating on this guy...I think moving him to inside pigeon holes his ability to get after QB's...ask Brady about that ;0)...he'll thrive in a 3-4...especially now that we can have Poz and Davis inside...then we only have one OLB to worry about with Maybin stepping up and performing hopefully...Shobel if he comes back as well...so...I don't know why everyone is counting Mitchell out...he's a boss hog...he's a beast...he's a dog...he's a goon...he's a goblin...
  18. It should have been Incognito...but we let that fat face walk away...I personally like Stroud or Veek...
  19. We have no shot at Bradford so why spend a pick on a QB before the third round?...no use...Clauson, even if he's there at nine would anger me...he isn't worth it right now...we have to fix the trenches first...and if we don't we still can't properly analyze the play of the QB's we DO have...I still think Trent Edwards can make something of himself...maybe I'm alone in that, but his completion percentage and statistics are not all that bad...he's nearly mirroring the yardage and completion percentage of Joe Montana...the problem is we have not had tackles to protect him and now he's gun shy...which could end his career, but he could make a come back...with the horrible line we had...we should have not been throwing the ball more than fifteen times...we have two backs that are 1000 yard backs, one of which was averaging close to five yards a carry, yet he only averaged like twelve carries a game...poor game planning and a terrible line made our already mediocre QB's look worse...games are won in the trenches...and with a running style offense a few new tackles...Edwards might surprise some people............................again
  20. Yeah I think with adding Davis and Edwards we have done alot for a day...We get a fat blob in the middle and our Defense looks more than respectable...the offense is a mess, but as long as we run 40 times a game we got a shot to do some damage...get another couple tackles and see how it goes I guess...GO BILLS
  21. Yeah but that's kind of my point...Freeney is faster...but in a 3-4 you want a power style...I just like the sounds of a three down line that is over a 1000 pounds heheheheh...they don't need to be as pure pass rushers at the LDE role in the 3-4...but I get your point...just drooling to see every lineman starting over 3 bills after we had the smallest weakest defense in the league...you wanna stop the run????? heheheheh...leave the pass rushing to the OLB's :0)
  22. Please...Lynch got caught with a legit gun, just in the wrong place...he's still a nasty RB....Whitner is a great SS...you're smokin...our secondary has not been the problem over the past decade...not even slightly...our front seven have been garbage...as in 7 yards per carry and no sacks outside of Shobel...you can't cover forever...and if Whitner is so horrible...why do they put him at corner, FS, SS...all over the place?...he's only been in the league four years...FOUR YEARS AND HAS EXPERIENCE PLAYING EVERY POSITION IN THE SECONDARY...please...no he isn't going to give you eight picks like byrd, but he gets a few and mixes that with tackles aplenty...you're insane if you think Donte Whitner isn't a player... Then you have Leodis...he hasn't been on the field enough to judge his corner skills fine...but he's a playmaker and we've seen that... Drafting poorly has been a problem..but not drafting poor players...drafting the wrong positions...and Where is the great travis Henry now???? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm you're quick to bash Lynch and then say we shouldn't have drafted a Henry replacement...yeah...good judge of character pal oh and lets not forget the sixteen fumbles a year part of Travis Henry's illustrious career here in Buffalo.......yeah no problem there, we're used to the turnovers right?...please...gimme a break
  23. Castillo only got an inch or two on Williams...and Williams is the same height as another Defensive end you might know.........DWIGHT FREENEY...Williams is more than capable...
  24. Sounds about right...the front office guys are saying that the dropoff between the top three guys and the rest is HUGE...meaning they are probably not interested in the guys I like Pike and Skelton...but whatever...there are plenty of big fat hogs to grab I still like Edwards at qb anyway...one of the few...but I do...he should only have to pass fifteen times a game anyway with Lynch and Jackson...well if we had a decent and intelligent OC
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